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Everything posted by sburke

  1. We have a sensor hooked up to you womble, we know what you are thinking. And yes I did catch that, mind your manners.
  2. Too quiet on this thread. It is time to return to the story of Lt Romaniecki As Dawn begins to tint the sky the Al Aksa Bde commander Al Hakim roams the streets of Ramadi. The battle that tripped off several hours before has completely wrecked his plans. This was supposed to start with a pre arranged ambush to lead the Americans into a kill sack. Now half his IEDS are useless and he is forced to communicate with his men on foot with the Americans killing the cell network, fitting for one who is trying to turn the clock back to a medieval time. To add to his misery, the battle is far from the kill zone. He is decidedly unhappy about advancing on the Americans with no intel. At that very moment a Spigot team from another insurgent unit is unleashing a missile on Lt Romaniecki's position from atop the watertower. Their cries of Allahu Akbar and excitement at what they expect is a devastating hit is brief. Lt Romaniecki watches in disbelief as the missile roars over Cpt Heverly's head narrowly missing the XO's asst then going beneath the Stryker to explode harmlessly against a wall. American return fire eliminates most of the Spigot team. A Company continues to prepare for the coming assault. It is time to take the war to the enemy. Trailer for an upcoming battle - unfortunately I hit the road tomorrow for a two week stint.
  3. I suppose now you may retract that statement and instead thank my liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House, long may he reign.
  4. pics and a map! pics and a map! We aren't huddled around the radio listening to commercials for an Ovaltine magic decoder ring!!!
  5. yes isn't it. I wasn't trying to be subtle. Perhaps you aren't getting the full image of the avatar. the reason for the doodyhead is later however. That was a wonderful addition from panzermike, artist extraordinaire. He can get you one if you'd like.
  6. yeah and who cares to see reputations points? They are kind of silly anyway.
  7. I agree, you can't see the doody on my doody cap!
  8. Curious that this is not the first time you have come to the defense of the pro Russian position once an argument begins asking why it has to be political but you don't make the complaint when the pro Russian position starts the politics. Steve used a well cited well known recent example of how soldiers react in combat, the subject of the discussion He actually complimented the GRU troops on their response as being the correct one. The reaction from the pro Russian position was to complain about the GRU example citing it as western propaganda.Steve made a laughing stock of that with actual informationthe pro Russian poster complained about why it has to be turned political and then you backed him up.I am sorry if our Russian friends on this forum are so overly sensitive that anything that even smells of criticizing Russia has to immediately be responded to but you can't have it both ways. If you don't want it to become political, don't make it political. By the way Vladimir, I did mean to pm you about beer recommendations, but real life stuff has kept me pre occupied... and I am sorely low on my beer intake lately....which reminds me, I have some in the fridge....
  9. Ahh youth. Won't be too long before you get that same effect in 3 months
  10. umm last time we went down this road... well it wasn't good. IBTL!
  11. why you lucky lucky bastard, what I wouldn't have given for a cricket carcass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5i1cJIwE7M
  12. the problem with firing at a contact icon is that the icon may be a sound contact that is nowhere near actual position. If you fire, you give away your position and likely hit nothing but dead ground. At night this could very possibly mean having a dead tank for nothing. For example - Night mission - I get a sound contact, I fire. I hit dead ground. Meanwhile by firing I have given away my exact position and the enemy tank now hits me. What did I gain by that capability..... bad option. You don't want to fire a tank round unless you have a definite target OR you have a very good reason like you know whatever you are firing at isn't gonna hit back. This is part of the nature of recon by fire as well. The AI is already a sucker for that. You take one unit, open fire and have the rest of your units waiting to pound whatever is stupid enough to fall for it. Imagine now you get one really fast recon vehicle. You run it by an area you expect the enemy to be while having your heavier units just waiting to get an actual spot. You race your light unit parallel to the enemy. They get a bunch of sound contacts and open fire. - gamey.
  13. Achilles!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OFWOzENwX3M"]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OFWOzENwX3M
  14. Reading a book right now on the Korean War "last stand of Fox Company" It is a Marine unit during the Chosin reservoir battles. The reactions of human beings, even highly trained and motivated units is not easily categorized. There were instances of incredible bravery, embarrassing levels of cowardice and everything in between. I think CM does a good job of reflecting those variations. I have not been in combat, but have been in other very high stress situations that were life threatening. It is to be honest a very strange experience. I can't even say I would necessarily react the same way every time much less understand how others would react. Some of the situations I have been in were very immediate reaction type situations. Others were ones I walked into with my eyes wide open as they say. I'll take the first over the second any day
  15. if they were true warriors they would go off and hunt one now.
  16. you finally manage to kill one Panther and suddenly you are all bossy.
  17. you guys really should have done this in the Peng thread
  18. Combat Mission is Battlefront's. SC is Fury Software etc etc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlefront.com wiki could use an update.
  19. Welcome aboard. I understand there is a technique for this, but I can't say I have tried it. Perhaps others can chime in who have but the evade button in the command panel (top of the panel with arrows going to the compass points) can help you in these situations.
  20. but not much splodey stuff. we want splodey stuff.
  21. poo poo - Poo poo is defined as to dismiss an idea or suggestion. An example of poo poo is when someone invites coworkers to a bar but another person says the idea is no good. Buy me a beer, I promise to shut up....until it is empty.
  22. belay that. You want to know how to do screenshots? Sergei had the best instructions yet. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/96193-how-to-take-a-screenshot-edit-it-and-post-it/
  23. meh, the American people aren't gonna send that message. We have a lot of issues, but we aren't that dumb. Yes he is making a splash in the Republican party, in the process he is dooming it to obscurity. America is a melting pot, it has historically been our strength even if that process of melting has been painful at times. Diversity is a good thing. The GOP is painting itself into a smaller and smaller electorate every year and just when you think they have a clue...along comes the Donald to undermine all the attempts to reform the party to something other than the old angry white men's club. Interesting article on Clapper, thanks db_zero
  24. umm I didn't bring up Crimea until AFTER you took it personally. It helps to keep things in order of sequence if you are going to start talking cause and effect. You make declaration that Russian economy can easily swing assets A position is put forward that is not the case and that it is actually difficult for Russia to divert assets and to even manage the existing assets to meet stated goals you poo poo that as if there is no corruption it is pointed out to you a major corruption scandal in your own area you get upset and reverse the order of events and totally ignore the content You want to stick to just a discussion of the equipment itself, fine do that. But stop the sweeping declarations of how Russia will manage it's armaments program and just post pics. WTF do I care, I don't particularly enjoy discussing this with someone who constantly dances around stuff he brings up either. Your "basic math" by the way is flawed. Ignoring financial consequences, access to resources, supply chain issues and just basic murphy's law facts of life means everything is always coming up roses in the land of Rus. So how is that bridge coming across the Kerch strait? It is just a matter of moving finances around right... until they disappear. Perhaps that article is just a little too close to home.
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