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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Wow so that is what they have been calling me when I visit the UK office, bastards! And then making me eat those back bacon sandwiches...... I have to say I liked this one better - sure you never took 3 months off to go to Thailand? Chopper A middle class male who fits most, if not all of the following criteria. Not to be confused with a rah. He has floppy shoulder length, usually blond hair. He visited South East Asia for his gap year, but he doesnt call it a gap year he calls it "travelling". What he actually means is he got ****faced with other choppers for 3 months, all the time posing with the the poor local children for a host of Facebook profile pictures. He is paid through university by his family and finds it strange that not everyone gets the same deal. His year round attire is a pastel coloured polo shirt, three quarter length beige shorts and flip flops. He drives a Mini. After finishing his degree in Business Studies or Management he will get a job working for his dad's company. He has a tattoo on his arm (often from his "travels") that he considers to be meaningful. It shows his creative side. It says "TWAT" in Vietnamese. Look at that guy at the bar, he's a complete chopper. Fredo: I just got back from Thailand. It was amazing, the people there have it so hard. I helped them build a hospital while I was there. Davey: Mate, you are such a chopper. Fredo: Do you like my new tattoo? It's my girlfriend's name in Hindi. Davey: Mate, you are a complete and utter chopper.
  2. Well shift8 nice post and utterly convincing. Seriously. I used a fictional what if, but this carries a lot more weight and makes the point better, thanks.
  3. I won't kick in yet because I think I will wait to see if anyone else kicks in. It doesn't reach it's goal Vindication may be the wrong word so much as creating a self fulfilling prophecy. You can argue that what you foresaw was how things turned out, or you could say your decision forced the result. Well maybe not just "yours" but a shared attitude. I am not trying to make this into a negative rant or critique. Look I get that folks are picky about where they put their money. It is your right and it is the smart thing to do. However the terms and expectations being bandied around are mostly based on being mis informed with where the game is at, what the process is and what this particular KS campaign is/was. That failure to prep the community is certainly the primary responsibility of those who kicked off the campaign and they have rightly taken ownership and are regrouping. Still the lack of effort within the community to even discuss what it is and instead simply decided ahh I'll sit back and wait...instead of actively looking for answers, posting questions to Matt, pushing that team to provide the answers that may or may not have gotten folks to get off the fence. Well we own that. My point if I can ever make it clear is yes there is a certain risk involved- it is an investment. At some point each of us individually has to decide for ourselves what kind of risk we are willing to assume and there are questions that need to be answered before we can decide. What is the product, is it something I am even remotely interested in. Who is doing it, do I trust them to make it happen How is the project going, does it seem to me that they are organized enough to deliver. How much do I feel I can comfortably risk right now. For me watching their progress and knowing what it is they are trying to do, i felt yes I am willing to commit X dollars that I can comfortably afford to lose and not sweat it. The goal was 32k. Let's just assume we are talking the same as a CM upgrade- $10. That is only 3200 of us. Are there not 3200 of us that would be willing to toss $10 to get this off the ground? I guess that is what unnerves me. There doesn't seem to be. It really makes me appreciate the tight rope BF walks in the effort they put into their games and keeping their goals clear and profitable. We really are a very fickle community. Perhaps the campaign aspect really does have a very limited base, a small subset of a small niche community. It makes me more skeptical, but I'll still take the risk as the end goal is something I very much want to see.
  4. Game came out last year and is considered "so old". Man that feels so depressing to hear as I get closer to retirement. Listen youngster, get off my lawn dangnabbit! As soon as I get my teeth back in I'll tell you what expensive is, why back in my day.......
  5. A tank comes around a bend. Ahead up on a slope is a hedgerow, ideal position for a shrek. There is no existing information at all the position is occupied. There is no c2 information required, it is a decision by the TC that this is a very likely ambush location So where does this fit into a more dispersed area fire result? Why should the tank suffer a penalty for making a judgement call on a very specific spot?
  6. I think this reflects a lack of understanding of the development process. The first thing you t Need to do is to know what to code. That takes far more than a weekend. I have no idea how you assessed being able to develop the basic design in a weekend. Limiting the KS campaign till after discussions with BF also ignores the targeted community is larger than the CM community. There is a very particular piece we want to see, but that can't be the total focus. Again I think you need to delve a little more into this before commenting as your understanding of what they are doing and the different phases is incorrect. That honestly is I think part of what they have done wrong in the marketing of this. The information is there, but the announcement could have been a lot clearer. As it is it seems to be a moot discussion. The KS campaign has been cancelled for now.
  7. Just the nature of the war gaming community. Interest level in the Italian theater is smaller. NW Europe seems to have the biggest sales and interest. The eastern front has a smaller sales base but a more dedicated community. Italy trails both.
  8. Poor judgement? And how did you reach that conclusion? Have you been involved with the discussions? Have you spoken with Matt? Look I'll admit I think the "marketing" aspect of this has lacked direction and a real plan, but then we aren't talking about the actual sale of the game yet. What Matt and company have come up with is the basic design. They now need to take those concepts and program a game. Once they have at least an alpha version they can speak with BF about what kind of an interface CM has for them to tie into to actually build the game we all want, one that allows the import and export of the data to move from/to CM/CO. First and foremost Matt has been clear that the game will export and import data in a format that will ease design of a CM battle and provide a map overlay. None of the games you listed accomplish that. Command OP's isn't even a multi player game. So again, are we willing to take a chance on a team that has been meeting for months on this project and did have discussions with BF or not. If it shows poor judgement on my part to make a commitment to these guys to prove they are not just blowing time on something that has no potential sales so be it, it is my money to put where my mouth is. So far all I hear from the doubting Thomas crowd is conjecture on how they think the announcement and KS campaign was not done well. Okay yeah, so if that little issue is enough for you to not commit, fine. If I were Matt's team though that would tell me all I need to know. It is bad enough hearing all the griping here over a $10 upgrade. I am heartily sick of how cheap this community can be about paying programming teams for their labor. Yes cheap. Look if you want, there is. CO group where you can actually see the design discussion items. There is even an option to get a copy of the beta IF you commit a pledge of enough. But if you are looking for aspects of the game to be further along before you are willing to say "I'll back that" then you may never get anything at all. I am fully prepared that this effort may fail, but I am not investing my house. I threw in money that amounts to buying a game or two. I have bought plenty of games that turn out to be lemons, at least with this one I know the game will at a minimum be the best op layer tool out there. If it fails, well at least I helped give it a try.
  9. you have a better option on the table or just willing to accept having none?
  10. sorry Childress, not really interested in participating in that discussion. The implications to me are to legitimize a political expression and justification (at least within US politics) that I utterly abhor. Hope you don't mind, but that discussion would get the thread locked and wasn't anything about the initial post anyway (as much as I get anything about the initial post).
  11. What are you smoking Mikey? He's talking area fire by ground units not arty. Don't bogart that joint my friend....
  12. you know guys, this is it. A lot of folks have expressed interest in an op layer to go with the game. Nothing worthwhile comes for free. If folks are on the fence about committing any cash until you see something more - well you may never see anything more if you don't show there is some kind of community interest. There are two weeks left in the kickstarter campaign. So far only 42 people have actually pledged anything to show the scope of interest. If something doesn't change two things will come out of this. 1- CO will fail as financially there doesn't seem to be enough interest to pay for it. These guys aren't a game company with a big hunk of starting capital. It is a group of people like us who have shown a willingness to take the time and effort to make what we have all been talking about for years. They need financial support to make it happen - that means us. 2- BF will note how little financial commitment there is from the community and be very wary of committing their resources. The next time someone comes along and wants to give it a go, BF will remember that the financial base for this seems to be about 42 people and they will promptly kick it to the curb and say no way. It is up to us. This is the best chance we have to get an op layer game that could potentially be integrated into CM - scratch that - This is the ONLY chance. I'd hope there are more than 42 of us who want it.
  13. LOL a lurking modder... interesting specimen - welcome to the hive.
  14. Nope, your lawyer is too good. Hey ********** didn't bring up ethno masochism. Still not quite sure what the point of this thread is, but if you want it to stay open, just point it in that direction. Hitler, Stalin, Castro, ethno masochism are all not really what you were getting at I hope, why let it go down that road?
  15. For QBs, yes Mark Ezra does all those. For any other map, yes but specific to the scenario and I doubt those maps are as easy to move as you have to delete the forces on map etc. As to CMFI, not sure how building and terrain differences would impact. CMRT was the game immediately preceding CMBS and generally has a lot of the same terrain/building stuff with different textures. I am impressed with what Stagler was able to accomplish, but am not sure that CMFI is going to have the same result with a conversion. And as you can see it takes more than just copying into the folder.
  16. ethno masochism... ahh okay now I get it. You know I'll bet the Germans get tired of apologizing for the Holocaust too. What should we call that - National Masochism? Fascism Masochism? hmm I'm sure we can come up with something. Ann Coulter can probably help, this sounds right up her alley.
  17. well they have this problem with getting lost and CM doesn't simulate breadcrumbs... BF fix or do sumfink!!!
  18. In retrospect it seemed inevitable that US and Russian troops would confront each other in Syria.... A US platoon patrol in the mountainous Turkish/Syrian border. Just a map I am playing around with based on the discussion initiated by the OP. It has a ways to go, but trying to come up with something that could be interesting.
  19. Hey Odin, just saw this - I have a similar problem. The source of it is my company PC and some of the enforced settings they have on it. It has resulted in my work and home IPs getting blocked. It took me a bit to realize that was the source. Now I just avoid using the work PC to access the forum, instead I use my iPad which does not cause any issues. Now back to watching your video!
  20. just downloaded, looking forward to checking it out, thanks Ghostrider3/3
  21. well they are welcome to harvest me as the design of CO makes it an ideal tool for an op layer even if it never gets linked into CM. Consider it a targeted ad campaign focused on a group that has very much desired this product for years. Ahh but that I were independently wealthy.....
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