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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. This doesn't explain why if it is such a game changer why aren't we using it 70 years later. ASLVet's point stands as a pretty sharp argument that there is more than just a little "smoke" in those quotes. Ha see what I did there?
  2. ha maybe not, but was in direct response to sublime above. We had a pbem of Breaking the Panzers going.
  3. That is a bit odd. I suspect that may be largely by making the same mistake I made my first attempt - not reading the briefing. The initial assault by the Germans is critical. You need to get established on the beginning objectives to allow your follow on forces to concentrate on the next layers of the defense. Failure to do so makes it much harder for your follow on forces to get into position. You only get so much smoke. Overall I felt I had more than enough forces to do the job and plenty of time. The German left flank is also critical. By pushing down that flank you dislocate the allied defense and eventually create an avenue for German armor to move down without going through the choke point at the 5 sided field. Personally I think the German margin of error is greater assuming the initial objectives are achieved. I think you did as well as the allies can do at preventing that, but the cost was so high as to make the later phases of the fight really difficult for the allies. If the allies lose too much infantry in the initial fight, the German reinforcements just overwhelm the survivors. Once I am home and can respond to the last turn you'll have a better idea I have a couple infantry companies still breaking down on you The second one may get in late as it has a long way to travel, but it is coming I am real curious to see the actual allied force now that we are done as my impressions are all based on only partial knowledge of what it consists of.
  4. people already complain about the download size of CMBN. Try downloading CMFI, CMBN and CMRT all at once knowing it represents only a portion of what would be needed. Whether financially it would work or load, just downloading it becomes an excessive requirement.
  5. In all fairness, Baneman did pick a heavy infantry force on a map not really friendly to that force. Even if Bil had gone with more infantry supplemented by artillery, Baneman would be in trouble. It is just way too open and his force is mostly on foot. Bil could probably have gotten away with a couple M36s for long range AT defense, a couple Shermans as infantry support and some dug in infantry with onboard mortars. Baneman really needs firepower and mobility neither of which he has in significant numbers. Even if he concentrates his force now, Bil could chew it up pretty good. In fact concentrating it could hurt in that it would give Bil more flanking opportunity. I really sympathize with Baneman. This is going to be ugly and in reality, he'd be pulling back in the face of a superior armored force... But that wouldn't make for a very fun beta AAR.
  6. Heh, it'll become a very expensive short lived pillbox. And Baneman will gnash his teeth over the choices doing a beta AAR foist on you.
  7. It is also possible it wasn't simoly your standard hand grenade. There are other items that I think fall under the displayed action sequence that are actual anti tank weapons. The whole aspect of close assaulting armor is somewhat abstracted. Once you get within a certain distance infantry vs armor combat is more simulated. The only actual action you will see appears to be grenades. Oops just saw that is what Myles said. . . Never mind
  8. I think all of that is possible to some extent. The editor can create some very interesting formations if you take the time. You can even mix and match blue/red forces. The primary issue I feel with doing SOF force missions is the tactical AI doesn't really work that well with it. I have some ideas on paper for a Russian Spetznatz campaign. Making it work in a scenario while still letting the player have control over the details is tricky they are small unit actions so flexibility is limited There is at least one mission created recently for CMSF that was a hostage rescue mission and very well done. I have tinkered with a Black Hawk Down scenario, but the main issue I ran into was having variable crash locations for the Black Hawks. I wanted some replay capability and really wanted that option. As it is I probably wouldn't try it until CMSFx2 if BF actually does redo that family.
  9. agreed, Russian infantry especially can put out a tremendous amount of firepower initially. Those RPGs can ruin your whole day.
  10. and personally I think it makes the best city maps. The independent buildings are perfect for dense urban conditions.
  11. Tell your guys with the shreks it is time to earn their pay. If your armor can't attack, then these guys need to force the issue. What kind of distance is it from the crest of the hill to suspected location of the enemy?
  12. true, but I rarely take into account what the jerks will do with something. That is an issue I think Steve and company havre to worry about more. I refuse to even put passwords on my pbem games. If I need to worry about a password, I need a different opponent.
  13. wait, what?? would it be possible to elaborate on what it is you are thinking to include? This sounds like it has a lot of potential, but in rereading this thread I guess I am missing a post somewhere. More than likely. I am already suffering from jet lag and was woken at some ungodly hour by some howling feral cat this morning. My personal hope is to simply take a current bts save file of a game , open it in the editor, correct whatever it is we want to and the save as a btt. Someone could then use that saved order of battle and import it into a new scenario or just reuse that existing scenario and map. That would go a long way towards facilitating a human player driven operations layer for a campaign.
  14. Gawd it was bad not hearing from you (well not really, but occasionally I like to try taking that politeness thing for a drive), but now we can't shut you the hell up. Is there an off switch? How about a bat? Those nurses must have been good.
  15. yeah this is probably my #1 as well. It would really facilitate user run campaigns.
  16. On behalf of all the brainless sheep here I'd say that was a well deserved baaaaan. man the looney bin is just emptying out for the holidays.
  17. I would also love to see a campaign system, but considering the difficulties others are already having with that animal it seems that in terms of financial health, it was a good decision on BF's part. Knowing one's limits is a good thing. As much as I'd love to see a campaign system, I am afraid the cost of attempting it would have been no more Battlefront. They simply don't have the depth in programming staff to do this. I suspect in their eyes just getting CMx2 launched and financially producing has been enough of an uphill fight.
  18. Yeah and the other point was this was a thread about infantry tactics. The constant flip flop of what is a "shortcoming" in CM compared to the overall lack of control over infantry in that series was just one more example of his real agenda. Pointing out that disconnect was just part of showing what his real motivations were and none of it was about contributing to the original OP. While I don't entirely agree with Sonar's original post, there is some merit in it. Even Steve has said he wants to add some capabilities to the game. For example having an AT team be able to manage around corners without having to run into the middle of the street to fire. Those types of behavior though are I expect difficult to pull off and have issues when it come to the AI handling them. It weights the game even more heavily to the human player. That is always a constraint to some degree in the game. BF has stated that most of the community is single payer only. Spending that kind of effort for a limited spectrum of the community is not typically for them going to be at the top of the priority list. Where they draw the line is a difficult item. There are most certainly capabilities the player has that the AI just won't use - smoke for example. At a minimum Sonar is at least posting honestly as a player who simply wants more, not as a detractor who just wants to create turmoil. Well enough of Wiggum. Good riddance, time to move on to some genuine discussions.
  19. excellent go for it. It'll be one step closer to banning
  20. Interesting you would say so. A lot of others however are still wondering why you changed your forum name and for those who weren't aware you Wiggum are one and the same it documents your behavior.
  21. inept is more like it. Now his profile comment just shows his new identity. Is he really so ashamed of the old? I know I would be.
  22. no, no you don't. You don't even play it according to your posts. As much as you lie though it is hard to tell whether you actually do play or not.
  23. LOL i can handle it and the fact I won't be bothered for even $4 shows what I think of it. Nothing against those guys, I really do wish them all the luck and success in the world. There is room in this industry for more than one tactical game company. I just prefer the decisions BF has made over the ones they have made. My choice as a consumer. And I don't go over there spamming their forum with all the things I want that are in CM. That to me is the behavior of a troll and would be disrespectful of them as a developer and to their gaming community. If I wanted their features, I'd play their game. I however want CM features so I play this game. That is called adult behavior. You just play at being a troll. Wiggum. And why exactly did you change your forum name? It isn't like it doesn't show. All the folks who ignore your posts still show up as ignored, and your cute little Christmas message now show as coming from your new name as do your previous posts. If you meant to fool anyone you failed miserably. But I would think you'd be used to that.
  24. pshaw. go away. AP has features built in BECAUSE IT CAN"T do what CM does. That doesn't make it better, it makes it different. And for most folks who want to be able to actually do combat maneuvers versus the AI simulating them - CM is the game to go. And it does PBEM as well . ohh yeah that little feature is lacking in your favorite game. how sad. Wiggum
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