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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. And I can split off a bazooka team and have it with an armored covered arc hunt enemy armor while the other two teams in my squad keep it's accompanying infantry pinned in CMx2. So having a less capable game is a feature to you? You are so full of it.... Wiggum.
  2. lol yeah right There is a liar here, but it ain't me. Wiggum
  3. It is interesting that you promote AP games which have no infantry even close to comparable to CMx2 and yet complain about CMx2.... How come AP gets a pass on that? Could it be that you are just trolling... again. Wiggum.
  4. you'd think, but apparently not playing the game isn't enough to keep him off the forum for the game. That in itself is rather odd.
  5. Yeah you'd rather post it in my profile. Quaint. Go away troll/stalker.
  6. No, no it isn't. It is just the same old same old from you. When are you going to introduce a new complaint, you are killing my immersion spamming the thread with your over sized ego. It takes guts to take a step forward and do something new. Make that your New Year's resolution cause the old you is simply repetitive and boring. Next year I want to hear the "sunshine" Wiggum! You can still be critical, but once in a while even by accident there must be something you like - throw us a bone already! And Merry Christmas!
  7. no luck, no file. We'll let your troops go back to their homes for Christmas.
  8. what play style are you using and is it player versus player via IP? Just curious, I always play either against the AI or PBEM.
  9. Might be better to talk with the helpdesk. I can get significantly more than that with no lag on all the titles.
  10. I'll bet you save that turn for repeated viewing LOL nice work. It isn't often someone comes off an engagement with Bil without more pain. Almost as good as Ken's Paras chasing that Italian tank with a demo charge in CMFI Okay maybe better. 3 Hellcats?!! very nice
  11. Keep in mind BF does everything now with a single installer so even a "scenario/campaign only" release has to meet the licensing and installer criteria. It isn't anywhere near the same as user made scenarios. I think you are correct about the whole pre-order aspect, but I don't really know for sure.
  12. No the main problem is these aren't attempts at criticism. That is just the smokescreen. Again a statement that there have been no fundamental changes since 2007? Really, you think that is at all valid? Sorry, gonna call it bulls**t. It is simply trying to provoke a reaction and then when it gets it the hands go in the air and the cry "oh poor me, look at what those meanie BF "nobility" (translation fanboy) are saying. I am so oppressed. Hmm sounds like a segue for a Python skit. All the obsfucation is to no avail. We know the behavior and we know the players. It doesn't change, we aren't fooled and we aren't sympathetic tell it it to someone else, maybe with a new audience you can actually fool someone
  13. Sure let's talk about bad behavior - Wiggum earned himself a time out which eventually Steve (in his deluded nice guy way of thinking is gonna mean Wiggum might have learned something - kidding Steve, I know you knew better). So what is one of Wiggum's first actions on coming back? Keep in mind he and I aren't friends and if it were up to me his ban would be permanent and he pretty much knows that. So I get this. (see pic below - couldn't get it to insert here) So what do you call this - his behavior on the thread hasn't changed so in my eyes he is simply taunting here. This is Wiggum. All you guys protestations of innocence are a pile of bulls**t. This is not and has never been about criticizing the game. That is the smoke screen put out by a few guys who just get off on trashing BF products for whatever that does for them. Plenty of people here criticize aspects of the game. Everybody here wants something different and we'd probably all never agree on a priority list. Those critiques though are based in making the game better incrementally. Wiggum says there has been no fundamental changes since 2007..wtf? That is about the most blatantly inane comment he's made (and that is really saying something). Any player who is truly interested in the product could count off a dozen major changes in a heartbeat. Hell there have been so many CMSF game play is hard to adapt to when you go back. Your ticket on the martyr train is not valid . This forum would be better off without him. Your continued defense reveals quite a bit about your character as well.
  14. Umm, what? That actually didn't make any sense. Could you elaborate please?
  15. You sir have apparently no sense of humor. the joke which you don't apparently get is in reference to the tenacity of those who pushed so hard for getting tank riders them having them dismissed. Lighten up and stop trying to jump the martyr train.
  16. Saying it is unnecessarily cumbersome implies knowing more than you do about what is capable in the engine. There are some features I'd like in the editor for sure, but there are very few games that have an editor as flexible as CM has. I have done multiple maps on that scale and yeah I have a few things I'd like to be able to do differently, but I know of none comparable. Start putting chicken coops in farms over a 25 km square map and tell me that is it an engine issue as to why it takes so long. Do I need to know? absolutely not. But we have grogs on helmets, uniform straps, weapons, etc etc But if you think there AREN'T people who want to know how many cookies, who baked them and whether they crumble based on movement speed then you seriously don't know this community. The information about formations and weapons is not as widespread as you appear to think and there are lots of contradictory sources. I have not been a participant in those discussions (I am far too ignorant) but I have observed them and simply put you are wrong. I am very impressed by the amount of research that goes into those ToEs and while it doesn't carry as much importance to me I absolutely do appreciate the level of detail they strive for and appreciate that when I set up a unit it is as close as BF can come to representing the actual formation for the period. It is kind of the point after all right? What you think isn't really relevant. Fact of the matter is increased mobility of units because they can now hitch rides on vehicles does substantially alter game play on larger maps. I'll just assume you missed all those discussions, but there have been many. The work to make that available for the game is time consuming as all the US vehicles that have that capability added have to be touched and checked. This is a player requested item and work was done to incorporate it into CMFB - you'd think you'd be able to make a concession here as this clearly is new work done by BF for the Allied forces in CMFB. The fact that you can't shows your bias. As to that injury - are you certain it wasn't a secret proponent of tank riders on the western front who did that? Sounds suspicious.
  17. Okay let's address the 3 answers because it is a slow week at work, I already checked the news and @GeorgeMC has already provided a translation.. 1 -Doing maps in CM is far less cumbersome than that other game you like to promote because- you can actually do maps - Arma on the other hand is a completely different game so please, as you are so fond of saying, stay on topic. BF has made some major strides for map making and far from being cumbersome, it actually works pretty well. a 5x5 km map is a lot of space. Be nice if you simply commented on topics you were actually familiar with. 2 - Oh really so then the ToEs should simply be something you can just pop open a book and they will all be there eh? Again stick to what you know as you are obviously poorly informed. 3 - Ha I am surprised one of the people that was so ardently pushing BF for tank riders hasn't stepped in. Obviously you haven't listened to their viewpoint on how it affects gameplay - oh that's right you don't actually care what anyone else thinks. Really wiggum, you have nothing better to do? You obviously don't like the game despite all your protestations. You really don't have anything better to do with your time?
  18. ahh I see. In the US we would call her the "designated driver".
  19. I think that requires a translation.
  20. again it would be nice if folks stopped making complete misstatements. Did you pay attention to some of the screenshots? Are you absolutely sure there are no improvements? You might want to look again. Are they earth shattering, maybe not but an expectation that there will somehow be massive updates is unrealistic. The thing is we all want to see improvements, though we differ on what improvements are important to us. The thing that is so disconcerting on this thread is the commentary on what is or isn't in the game before it is either released or even a full description put out by Chris. It seems more like certain folks decide in advance to simply trash the release even before they know what is in it.
  21. No you don't HAVE to spend anything. J Bennet was just stating what is important to him. The fact that it includes new material that is hard to come by makes it worthwhile to him. How come his opinion isn't just as valid when it comes to what he places importance on? As it is yes there is more, you well know that. You already have some idea of what CMFB includes and yes for you that may not be enough to warrant $55. Fair enough, but no one is making you buy it. What is tragedy is the level of hyperbole going on. We all have a general idea what we can expect in a new release. This many years into it you'd think we could have a different discussion when a new release is coming instead of the "sky is falling, how could they make me buy this" threads that invariably come up. Try doing a 5x5 km map in detail with flavor items based on a period overlay of some of the iconic battles of the period. This will be by far the best release yet for that sort of thing. For some folks that level of labor is what they want to buy. Is that a feature? Not in the strictest sense of what we usually refer to in software terms. Is it an item that represents a lot of labor time that many players really appreciate having? Absolutely. (on the other hand the overlay is an actual new feature that CMSF never had). Then there are the meticulously researched ToEs, some folks, myself included are nowhere near versed in that level of detail and I am amazed at the depth of knowledge of some of the contributors to that aspect. Does that have no value? Then there is the continual cry for tank riders in the Western front . I guess we are all so jaded now having them on the Eastern Front that it no longer matters- and yet that also meant a lot of labor for BF.. God help me I am partly drawn to this community because I figure the pursuit of historical information would make them more open minded and appreciative of the finer details. Damn was I ever wrong.
  22. Start with the help desk, but as previously mentioned the package now is simply a full installer and your license will activate everything you purchased. Save that installer somewhere else. If you have to re-download it again you'll be kicking yourself. Personally I haven't had any issues downloading but it does take time.
  23. It would make more sense. CMBN is pretty wrapped up and CMFB starts after. Also housing and terrain is more of the CMFI model/ the invasion launched form there etc etc. Would be nice to see that included. Though to be honest once they do the next module, the only major ToE addition would be the airborne unit to do the landing itself.
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