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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. I have had other games from small independent devs do the same thing. With CM the game reverts to integrated card every time it is updated. I have now set my "global setting" to always go for the Nvidia card.
  2. Here is an interesting article discussing if the identified mutations to the virus make up new strains or not and if they have different characteristics when it comes to transmission rate, lethality etc. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/05/coronavirus-strains-transmissible/611239/
  3. I use a so called Roller Mouse which is awesome once getting used to it. It centers in front of the keyboard so much less strain on shoulders, neck and elbow. They are vey expensive but worth every penny.
  4. We here in Sweden had a report yesterday that they suspect we could have had a case as early as late November, so community spread could have started much much earlier than any could have anticipated or reacted to. Then we have a week of from school in the end of February when a lot of people go skiing in the Alps (France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria) and that's when a lot of cross-infection occured, they came home and started to spread even more. Not all felt sick. And with incubation time and all, it was another couple of weeks before things became worrying and then too much time was already lost. Pretty soon the realization was that containment would be near impossible despite efforts of contact tracing. I have heard, but not sure if it is confirmed, that the strain on the US west coast is not as deadly as the one (European) on the east coast. Not that surprising that NY got hit so very hard as most air travel from Europe goes there or through there. One slim hope, not a solution at all, is that the virus will mutate into something less deadly. After all, from the virus' standpoint (not that it is really something living), being deadly is a failure as it needs a host to survive and over time the strain of the virus that will be most spread is less of a threat. Then we have the problem of multi-resistant bacteria, but that's another can of worms...
  5. Edit to above: this hypothesis explains why stroke might be a cause of death even in young seemingly healthy individuals.
  6. I have followed a great Youtube channel by a doctor who work in a US ICU with frontline pulmonary work. He tries to observe and explain using both old and new science. His conclusion (so far) is that the lungs are the gateway but that the main problem might be in the cardio- vascular system resulting in body wide "oxidative stress". Main critical factor seems to be: obesity, diabetes, history of clotting/thrombosis and high blood pressure. There are other illnesses where oxidative stress is already a problem and then is exacerbated by Covid-19. He gives some guidance to what treatments might work and what you can do yourself to prevent problems as far as possible if you might be in a vulnerable group. For those inclined to dip their feet into the science (he explains very well) see these: https://youtu.be/22Bn8jsGI54 https://youtu.be/Aj2vB_VITXQ https://youtu.be/gzx8LH4Fjic
  7. Steve, you might already know this if you study Sweden closely but others might not. One reason for our approach to the pandemic is not only by design, but one of necessity. Freedom of moving around may not be restricted in peacetime by law which is part of our constitution. So a declaration of a state of emergency would still not result in people being arrested for violating it. So they use strong recommendations in the hope that people will follow them. Most do. Some don't. And sure, mistakes have been made, primarily a failure to protect nursing homes and long term care facilities. In a way I think it is almost futile to compare countries in the search for "who has handled the crisis the best" or "which strategy works best". I one wants to isolate that factor/variable, there are a myriad of other factors/variables that differentiate countries from each other, and that are dynamic over time - that comparisons are never on equal terms. Furthermore, looking at daily new cases is simply a factor of how much testing is done. We lag behind and has so far mostly tested within the health care sector. In my mind the best way to measure what is going on is to compare number of daily deaths with the seasonal average, like in the WaPo article linked above in an earlier post. In Sweden the public number of deaths are (as far as possible) both in-hospital and out of hospital deaths, something many countries/regions don't. We try to validate the estimated number of Covid-19 related deaths in this fashion and it is pretty accurate. But in the end, the final evaluation of how countries have dealt with this will probably have to wait for a couple of years. And even as tragic as number of deaths are, there a many adverse effects of the pandemic that will take a heavy toll on us all. My biggest fear now is that health care workers can't go on working in these conditions much longer and start to burn out, get depressed, suffer PTSD and such. And when the health care system fails I sure hope there is a vaccine to save us.
  8. Here you go: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/
  9. They don't do their list from any kind of metrics or broad studies, just a subjective view from whay they've played/seen. I seriously doubt that they now about Gary Grigsby. Wargames to them are mostly FPS, RTS or flight sims. You can probably find LA Noir for a bargain price. It is good but I felt that they didn't use the city enough like GTA does.
  10. I bet a lot of people was like "Combat Whaaaat"? The channel has never mentioned CM before or games like Graviteam Tactics and so on. Nice way to make a first impression Hey, they even pictured CM Touch It would be interesting to see if there is a spike in sales in the near future. I like that they said that the series encompasses both WWII and several modern era settings. Should appeal to more people then.
  11. I follow a gamers Youtube channel called Gameranx and they have 5.7 million subscribers. They put up a top 10 most historically accurate games list and it was pretty much the usual suspects, big games and so on. As I was watching it I was cursing to myself why these channels never do wargames in a serious fashion, but guess what? Wait for it .... ... and yeah, 5.7 million people might get exposed to a REAL game series
  12. Ruin city sky box? Yay for rubbled walls +1
  13. @Freyr Oakenshield I agree completely with above statement. The game series has been the bargain of my life. And if you, like me, take a dive into the editor and start to make scenarios or just test stuff, then there are hundreds and hundreds of hours of additional value.
  14. Thanks man, really appreciate the mods! I like that vehicle too - nothing beats the "thumping" of AA guns
  15. On the other hand, you knew that they were only two broken guys, maybe the AI suspected something else? But I tend to agree, it uses arty more as a reflex than careful planning and doesn't cancel barrages that obviously won't do much damage.
  16. I thought space lobsters where the sworn enemy of the brand spanking new US Space Force.
  17. The closest I have is II Batallion from Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 9 commanded by Major Siegfried Taubert. Maybe the Stoumont battle in the Peiper campaign can provide some answers too?
  18. It should be an easy test in the editor for someone who feels up to it. Just plop down a company of pixeltruppen and drop a huge WP mission on them and count the casualties.
  19. The WP cloud is grey while smoke is white. At least in R2V and stock textures.
  20. I don't think I have ever seen it cause any casualties other than when the mortar round lands right on the pixeltruppen, like being killed by the shell itself rather than the WP.
  21. Maybe not a bug but an engine/model restriction, but the Beretta M38 should eject cartridges to the left and not to the right. Not exactly a game breaker
  22. So the faust 60 has a sight for 80m Is it possible to extend max range and get hits in game?
  23. Tanks can do that IRL but in CM they get immobilized on rocky ground in very dry conditions.
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