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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Man. I forgot all about this thread. Boy how time flies. I just don't have the time to go back and play something again, but if I did. This would be a good place to start. I am working on CMBS campaigns at the moment, played the Ukrainian one and the Russian one and now in mission three of the US one. (Just to show how long it takes me to get through them with the time I have to invest) I know I have hardly touched the campaigns in the Russian front - so at my pace, I never run out of new scenario's or battles to play. But it would be fun to play this one again, since I still feel it was the best fight I have ever had vs. the AI
  2. I love the Tunguska . It is a ugly machine (so it is not about its looks) it lacks needed armor. (Too easy to kill if you can get a shot on it) But from the very first time I ever used one, which was as I recall, used to take out a sniper in the top floor of a building and I watched as it basically sawed the floor of the building away in 30 seconds. (thinking to myself, now there is some firepower) I never have not enjoyed seeing it control a fight with its only good asset (Firepower) How can you not love that power.
  3. It is a glitch that can happen. but playing a ton of games since CMBN came out and I have only ever had it happen once to me where I had a halftrack get stuck inside a house. Managed to drive in but useless there after I also had a AT gun get stuck in a wall once also. ( I similar glitch) As for reporting it , you can. But I doubt anything would be done about it, since this bug has always been there but is rare, so likely too much effort for what would be hard to fix.
  4. Well, see, this is where I wonder. Because if it is me. I am wanting to take on the Bradley with 3 bmp's , not one. So how does it work out then. Does 3 BMP's manage to kill the Bradley and on a average how many BMP's are lost. Now if the game gets that right , then I'm not too concerned. because in general that is the only way you should be approaching it. Because in a one to one duel. No matter what system the BMP uses first. It likely is going to be dead no matter what. But none of this takes away from the fact as to if it is selecting the best choice as to what to fire first. And tweeking actions to help a unit is not going to happen if that is not what it is judged to do in real life. They do try to get it right, not to try and build something that plays balanced for the sake of play.
  5. The only thing interesting with this whole complaint is what weapon should the BMP3 use first when engaging a Bradley. Or carry it on to any other duel in the game when there is a multiple choice as to which weapon to use. For sure the AI should be programmed to select the most deadly choice. I would think BF has tried to program that choice. What is needed here is to run some test that shows what is the best weapon to use to get results with the BMP3 vs Bradley duel. (And if it can be shown to be more affective in using the 30MM then I would think BF would make the adjustment.)
  6. Well, there is a definite difference between black sea and the WW2 titles. But tactics are tactics and they do work in both environments. The firepower just makes the modern setting just much less likely to get a turn around in a fire fight if you start on the weak end of one. Being that I am a lover of WW2 stuff, I did not think I would like BS as much. Well I have fooled myself because BS is now my favorite game and it is because of the infantry battles. I am using weapons I know, the grunts have stuff that can handle any enemy unit and getting the job done is such a challenge unless you do it in a correct manor. Because being spotted for infantry is as deadly as it is for tanks. So you better either have great concealed movement of firepower being used to make sure the enemy cannot fire or you will be finding dead friendly units quickly. Anyway I am finding small unit tactics the most interesting part of BS (and I am finding maneuver to be even more important and more of it happening in the modern setting . So for me the modern battlefield has become more interesting to play (Something I would have never expected). But which ever way you go you will be happy. So pick what interest you the most and you will be good (Out of the different games, I would suspect that CMFI has the least amount of followers. But I am sure you will be able to find people to play if that is what you want to do.
  7. Gamey, whatever. The truth is, that dot does not always tell the truth either. So you still likely need to look at the location from a ground level view and decide if it is worth trying. A examples of what I mean. In a present battle the dot informed me the unit would not be able to look down a street that I wanted them to once I moved them behind the low wall that gave me a view to do just that. So I moved the unit there anyway. Guess what, once they were behind the wall, some of the unit could see down the street. Why did I know that. first my eyes told me it was a location with good line of sight. Second, the dot judges from the center of the action hex to the center of the other. once my men fanned out along the wall. the ones on the right side had the view because they could see the needed location whereas the ones on the left could not. That is stuff that you can only learn by playing the game and paying attention to how it works. So playing well with the use of good tactics will do you the most good. But playing the game with the mechanics of how it works and learning its ins and outs is also important. It has nothing to do with tactics, but playing well requires it and it is the second most important skill to learn. And no matter what . You will find at times there is locations that for all logical sence should give you the view you want and they will not. (just learn to live with it) And there is times unit will spot and see through woods that they should never be able to (but again you will have to accept it because that is how the game works) The good news is these type of spotting issues are few and far between. And once you have seen them a few times, it does not bother you as much. Its just the limitations of what they can do.
  8. I think you have answered your own questions. Ok, so you won that battle. so you are learning. Good But you say you notice that you are not really winning the fire fight with overwhelming firepower. if you were, your men would not be getting pinned. So all I am saying is don't waste playing all your battles until your skill level is good. because playing scenario's the first time is the only time to enjoy a truly crafted scenario. After that much of the fog of war is lost forever. So playing them again is a place to work on your skills. So you pointed out you still need to learn when and how will your men spot and shoot. So replay battles until you have a understanding and skill to make that work. (One thing you can do is learn to check locations you are moving troops to, is to click on the dot where they will be located and check the line of sight from there before ever moving there - that is a skill most beginners do not understand) And that skill will help with your other task. That is engaging in firefights with overwhelming firepower. Any fire fight you get into should have the goal to be a one sided affair. You should not get into a fight where you are only exchanging fire. Either, you better have more troops that you can bring in and position to engage the enemy to get the upper hand or you should be disengaging. These things should be easy to control on offense. Learn to scout when moving into new terrain so that your main forces do not get ambushed, just expect maybe a scout unit here or there getting hit. On defense, it is much harder to develop skills to win engagements when you have less troops than your enemy. But skills to do it include learning to have light front lines that can withdrawal. Setting up kill zones with a major portion of your force where you see the enemy moving into that you can temporarily overwhelm. Having a reserve unit that is able to move into any needed area to help balance a bad situation or take advantage of a weakness in the enemies attack. And it goes on and on and on. Buying the game does not make you a tactician. Its just a tool to craft them skills. And this is the best game out there to learn them skills that reflect real life tactics. So enjoy. As many say, doing real life tactics is the best way to be good at this game. So any source teaching them skills will help you.
  9. Well, lets get them Russians to use the thing so some real data can be found out about this new tank. The only thing that matters is information need to be leaked so that BF can get it modeled and placed in the game. What good is a new super tank unless we can use it in the game. Does not Russia know trying to keep it a secret is useless (They are only hurting us, the Wargamer) I am sure the US knows everything about it at the upper levels
  10. yes, keep playing that same battle until you can smear the enemy units in it. No need to move on until you do it because you have not learned the mechanics of the game if you keep losing badly. when you are able to win in that battle, then you can go on and get a better experience trying other battles and at least you know it is now your choices messing you up. Not the inability to put in basic commands correctly to get the game to work.
  11. Sorry, But I just have to comment on these two statements. First, if you cannot take the heat when other Forum members inform you that your comments or thoughts are not going to be acted on by BF because they have seen and understood the path BF is taking because of the many post they have read over the years. Then who is the dumb one for not listening, disappear then, because BF is set on the path they want, not yours. (I recall my own post back when CMFI first came out and I was not liking how the Italian squads were being allowed to split, boy did I get blasted, even from BF themselves, But once both opinions have been stated and the reason whys explained. It was time to be adult enough to see their understanding and drop my viewpoint because it is not my product, it is theirs and they can do with it what they will. And imagine, with time I grew to appreciate their view point) Statement two - BF still making money on their product, and Snowball, well, for some reason they disappeared, I wonder why. maybe that advertising did not help make sales for them and they did not make enough profit. Thus gone, as with so many others who try their luck at making wargames. Anyway just two statements that were not helping your cause in my book
  12. Yah, there is only one problem to my concept. I think I would have to adjust my cost of living Budget. It does not look promising with the $10 a day income I could possible make becoming AI. It appears I might have to keep my present Job. (sooo Sad)
  13. If you all are so willing to pay for smart AI. I can solve your problem. You can call me AI, send your checks directly to me and I will quite my job and will be available for your services each and every day. I promise you to provide a high level of play and you will have complete control over any battle and situation you would like to play. I even promise to never speak a word so that you have that true AI feeling of not having to deal with another Human being.
  14. This is how I am using them in the game and it makes them the best weapon to kill M!'s (with aps) Actually it is not hard at all and easy to keep your units safe. first have both units out of line of sight, but have the smoke placing unit positioned to lay smoke in open area that you want the Kriz to move behind. yes the smoke only last about two minutes. but your smoke placing unit can fire additional smoke. So you order it to fire smoke before the other drifts off. I actually like a couple of BMP's or such for each unit so that I know for sure I have smoke to give them a chance to sit in the open for awhile. Of course this might not work well if conditions don't allow for smoke to last that long, Once a Kriz has taken any fire or has a morale issue, they are about worthless. I find they will not sit and lock on the enemy, the AI will override on them and they seek cover. They will not sit behind the smoke screen. It is like they do not understand the enemy cannot see them. So, no they are not able to do what they might be able to do in real life. But provide them smoke and place them in a commanding point of view location. and they can put a hurt on any unit in the game. What more do you need. If they did fix the code for a full hull down position, the M1's likely would have the ability to blow away the exposed equipment anyway. Just give them smoke and they are awesome
  15. I hope you all understand that most of the scenario's made are from players. Not the designers. Now they might be on the beta tester group for the most part, but these guys are not getting paid for their work. I think there is a additional reason we are not seeing more scenarios being added at the pace we once did that no one is thinking about. Yes CMx2 take longer to make and they require more skills to do one correctly - with that said, it has removed some of us having the time to create them. But the reason I want to point out is, I think those people that are still doing it and are creating good scenarios have mostly all been snatched up to help provide stuff for the new releases. So they do not have time to sit and create stuff for already released products. So you can all wish for BF to kick out more scenarios, but with the demand for new games, equipment and other time periods to be portrayed, which BF has done a good job of increasing the amount of work they are pushing out to us. We will not be seeing much more added to existing titles until some of us users start sitting down and becoming scenario designers ourselves and start posting our work. That is how most of the good scenarios designers started out, we just need to get a new group of guys willing to do it for CMx2 products. I found I did not create scenarios back in the CMX1 days until I ran out of stuff to play that was out there. Then I found I really enjoyed creating battles I wanted to see instead of just relying on someone else's interest. At some point I started releasing them for others to use once I felt good about the level of detail I was placing in them. I create stuff in the CMX2 games also (but nothing to a level of detail for releasing as a proper scenario , but I just have not found the need to create much anymore since I have not even managed to keep up with playing all the stuff that is available presently. But it sounds like to me, there is plenty of you that have played and replayed every thing available. - its time to dive in and learn to support the hobby and create scenarios yourself.
  16. Not a perfect game system. But I rather see it punish players for having units behind each other, than what the game did before they allowed it to do that back in the CmX1 days. (there was some non- relistictactics tactics back then.)
  17. WhO SAID THE TANK IS IN MOTION. They are just firing from them. The photo shown sure is a unit standing still. When did motion become a requirement.
  18. Really, if you struggling winning the AI. Then you really do need to rethink the tactics you are playing with. Because the AI really is not different than it has been in all the other games. It is hard to say what your problems might be without actually watching you play.. I disagree with the fact that slowing down your game play is the answer, I see that comment a lot. I find CMBS actually requires faster moving and decisions if you are playing a good opponent. Gaining firepower advantages need to done more quickly than ever before because the amount of fire power units can produce will win a battle very quickly.. So you do not want to be on the wrong end of that, so being slow will lead to that problem. I think the problem most people have is understanding how to move troops. You need forward scouting units that risk their life to find what is out there. Stop trying to keep them alive, the best thing you can do for them is make sure they have covering fire. Then at least you can kill anything they expose and maybe if you have enough covering units. they might live to see a few more minutes in combat. learning this trick is the best offensive tool. On defense, the best tool is learning how to have reserve units that can be moved into place once you know what the enemy is trying to do. Do not pin all your units on the defensive front line. That is a good way to lose. Just two tips I see a major portion of players not do correctly. SO maybe two areas for you to work on also.
  19. Seek professional help. I bet your problem goes beyond the game perfectionism can be cured.
  20. Spread and run, take cover and concealment anyway you can. That is about all you can do. Or continue on with your task and see what happens. ( i just did that in a campaign mission) figuring I see many friendlies burning shortly. Only lost one or two friendlies. But was really glad to see the enemy air hit one of their own dug in units and dislog it for me. It was so kind of them to help me out in a area I did not have the forces to do it for myself.
  21. I like to set up test battles when I come up on something like this and run a few to see how the results show. It sounds like you have enough info to make a test run first. Of course it is only worth the effort if I am playing h2h. Why risk two units if i do not know the odds. ( if you get waxed more than 50 % of the test runs. You might start looking for other options Now if its verse the AI, go for it, I like to gamble vs it. ( It does not talk back when I screw up)
  22. They are also picking up many new customers. Maybe they are not showing up in this forum but there is actually many signing in. Just go look at all the new members (which you can do very easy now with the new forum program)
  23. It would need to be a new game, but It would be interesting to get some other players in the mix and that could be a possible area to go.
  24. Ever since BF had made CMBO I have been requesting basically this game with modern forces pitted against each other . CMSF did not do it for me and I lost interest, I wanted US vs Russia and you can throw in the rest of Nato for fun. But the two top dogs is where it was at. Needless to say, it has been everything I could hope for. The battles and tactics can be great. Modern warfare is very mobile and I am really enjoying that. I cannot get enough of it. I have a major addition. You right in that they will likely build the models for cmbs in about the same add on order as the did with shock force. Personally. I would like to see them branch out to something new since I am enjoying this so much. China is becoming a major world power and the equipment in their military is also impressive. maybe it is time to create a whole new area of conflict with china as the combatant.
  25. Oh, it really does come down to money. How many times in the last 20 years have you heard of the concept of getting rid of tanks and preform the same functions with lighter , faster machines, more mobile. Why waste money on tanks that are so costly. They keep trying, I guess it is just a good thing that they fail so bad when testing their new doctrines that we have been saved the fate of watching them disarm our country of M-1's. (which really makes total sence- not- since the only real wars we fought with actual battle lines in the last 60 years and won were influenced by our armour units.) Yes, I can sleep easy at night with that kind of logic being used by those who are making the decisions - I always like to think of the line " The Enemy from Within" I think that will be line used when and if the US ever falls from grace. Who destroyed Rome , The Roman's did
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