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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Played two of the recommended scenarios vs the AI, here is my report TWC No Better Place to DIE I found this one boring playing as the Germans on Elite. The only thing interesting was using the Pz35R's To get any effective use was a interesting task, so I enjoyed that. But the defense was not that much of a challenge for Single player game and I found moving up the right flank along the rail road tracks not really defended. SO that made the victory too easy. If that had been defended it might have made for a good challenge because forces moving up along the river were having a hard time. But I just held them in check and exploited the right flank. VP Char a Char Alike I found this one a excellent battle playing as the German on elite ( And was glad I was not playing h2h or it might have been a loss) Well designed map good placement of forces. Time set for the right amount as to length So the toys to play with were the Pz35R's, 3 of them, ( So I was familiar with them now - so played them well) 2- Flammpanzer Char B-2 ( the toys I was excited to finally get to use in a Scenario) 1- Spw U304(f) (ok, just a halftrack - but lets get it into the fight just to get some action on it) really should be used to help move the heavy MG's up when the time is needed. OK, without trying to give too much detail I will just say this battle turned into a fight where the tanks were going to make or break the outcome. My infantry took a beating, even though they were still there in the end helping me clear the Rail Station, they would not have been able to do it by themselves. They were a broken bunch of troops, running away often, along with the morale issues they were just shot up and not much of a fighting force by the end. So the Armor became the focus. Now a few epic Movie moments Losing a PZ35 to a mine after 3 other tanks had past the location, then having one Char B-2 left that needed to pass and deciding to try and pass the same location and also getting nailed by a mine. (ouch that hurts) Beginning the assault on the Rail Station and just managed to get a foothold into town with infantry in 3 buildings and I start moving the tanks into support and I watch a single American trooper run out in the street behind a Pz35 with Germans all around him, he hits the deck, lead flying at him from all directions. He throws a Demo Charge, it hits the back deck killing the tank. He watches his success , then a deadly round finally finds the mark , it was the last thing he saw. With only two tanks now to help clear the town, one being a Char B-2 Flame, he becomes my only real tool to dislodge and Kill American troopers. And a excellent job he does. But this is street fighting, and getting tanks in place to see and fire is risky. Sure enough, the moment happens. Facing down one of the small streets, a American bazooka man pops out of no where aiming right at the Char. (intermission happens- get the next wego turn programmed- movie starts. deadly shot, rounds on target, no chance to respond. Hits my tank and does Nothing. (you heard it baby, NOTHING) OK, that was cool. them Char Tanks do have some thick steel, just like I read about. Early War tank surviving late war munitions hit. Just Awesome A American paratrooper with a bazooka holding up my assault all by himself, located where my armor could not help and he manages to kill 5 of my troops within other Buildings he targets. The end score said I won, but the Stats show how maybe I really did not. Americans had over 100 dead or wounded. I had over 80 in the same state. Lost two tanks and one immobile. My one Char accounted for 30 enemy dead, My remaining Pz35R had 19 and one other tank had 10. So the Armor as a total had close to 70 of the plus 100 losses given to the Enemy. (My Infantry Company commander was hung for his actions within battle - in front of his French Girlfriends eyes)
  2. AND WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD NOT DO THAT. Lets see, I have a model right here I can adjust and it might take 20 hours, No it is much better to start from scratch and spend 200 hours on it. Way to show us all how intelligent you are. No one is going to create anything from scratch when they can make adjustments to previous work that can be reused. What world do you come from
  3. Arma - I sure have And plenty other main line games. And if you really want team work, there is ways to find a few guys to work with you so that you can go in and slaughter all the independent fools running around as a clown force. But until the game allows one life and one life only, and when you die you get electric shock treatments for the next month 24 times daily and you pay $1000.00 for being killed in the game. Then and only then will people maybe act a little more like they do when their own real freaken life is in danger. These are games the mimic life, they are illusions of what is real, but they do not bring you the real life experience or if somehow they did. No body would want to use them. Because they provide entertainment, the real life stuff is not much of that at all.
  4. The Revolution will never come!!! I always like the attitudes people post about where this game should be and why is it not there. Well in your terms, for a Revolution, you need a Army. If you have not noticed, BF is a fire team, I don't think they have made it to squad status yet, well maybe. But platoon size is not looking to ever happen. hard to win a Revolution with only a Squad. All they are doing is trying to stay alive with the fire fight of keeping their business going.
  5. infantry grouping together and no formation options are real issues, I will not disagree with that. But your armor showing its ass to the enemy, Sorry to tell you, that is all your problem. Not game pathing issues. CM is actually one of the few games I never have issues with pathing when it comes to armor movement. I must have played hundreds apon hundreds of hours and cannot think of one issue. The only time I see a problem is when I try going through woods and I do not anticipate the allowable path the tank can take correctly. Woods can be challenging to keep the facing correct. But that is decision issue in taking the risk to move through thick woods.
  6. I understand what you are saying and I do get it. CMX2 has brought me to a new level of addiction with it also. It is the best thing out there to let you feel you are watching a actual battle and are able to watch the many little events that create the actual whole of the one large event. And yes, there is times I am drawn into the micro events as to what might happen next in one small event that will not make or break the battle as a whole at all. But I am caught in wanting to know what the outcome for that one unit will be. As for other games bringing me that. No, games like ARMA do not, the reason is, first person shooters do not feel or act realistic at all. the players are all doing their own thing and there is no concept of death being bad, so constant stupid moves are made because there is no fear of dying. The whole environment really has no feeling as to it being something you would see in real life. So, maybe better graphics, and better looking small events. But the feel of the whole battle has nothing to do with reality in most games. CM is about the only thing that trys for that, and in truth it lacks many things also. But for me it is close enough that I get the feeling of a actual fight taking place.
  7. Too funny and too true. But I must be in the mind set of them generals, because in game use of them is great, I love those Bradley's.
  8. How old I am and how little I know about modern weapons. My last day in the service was 1987, So much of the stuff within the game did not even exist then. So it has been a great learning experience to have the game give me a chance to learn what is out there presently. Not so hard to for me to figure out how to use it on the battlefield. As long as I am killing and winning battles with the stuff, My lack of knowledge is not all that bad.
  9. Well, since you are on here, I have a question for you. Why always with your own site Is there no way to get involved with BF and help them make their site more user friendly like what you have done in the past at the scenario depot. I keep hearing they want to make improvements, but that is not their focus. Why would they not use your services if offered
  10. I am so touched, I have brought you to say such deep thought provoking words as to life. I am a little sad that I must die as part of it. I had been going through life so far thinking I was Peter Pan, But the Mirror is telling me that is all a lie within my head. But again, I do not think death brings a end to things, so I see nothing as wasted or of no value, because I believe everything we do has a eternal impact on us. So even more reason to do things in behalf of others and to give something of yourself to your fellow man
  11. This is a very true statement, if you are looking to please the masses. This is where more focus should be set. But as been mentioned in many statements, most everyone actually is designing for their own interest, not for what others want. So most designers are not into this. On another thread I bring up the point that designers should be rewarded with a small cash incentive for downloaded scenarios. I really think a charge of 50 cents for a downloaded scenario should occur. I think money motivates, even if it is just a small amount. All I know, if I could make a few hundred dollars for each small scenario I create. I think I would find the time to do all the extra work to get it to a state that makes it a quality work to submit to others for general use.
  12. Oh, don't get mad at him, The funny thing is. Pretty much everyone posting appears to have tried designing. So his rant goes out to no one really.
  13. I have to agree it helps you open your mind to learning new things. CMFI managed to get me to study the Italian's much more than I ever had. They were like one army I just never even wanted to focus on because I just felt they were so under classed as a threat. Between CMFI and a few other war games. I have learned a lot. CMAK was the best for that in the old system. Learned a Ton about early British stuff in that game
  14. And the funny thing is, who would not pay 50 cents? BF could take 10 cents and 40 cents for the designer. That would provide BF the motivation for setting it up. Those that really get into design would have some added motivation and I think it would increase others interest to give it a try also.
  15. I am not trying to start a Flame war. I just think expectations of what users should do is a little unrealistic. If you want to improve the designer experience, it would be much better to get designers and those interested in design to somehow function more together and to be a group involved community. As I said, the meaningful comments will only matter from your peers, those that also design. I thick the best complement I ever received was from a designer that wanted me to provide a scenario for his masters tournament, then only to see many players complain about it before they even started to play it. But those that stayed in the tournament, many mentioned it was one of the best scenarios, they ever played. I few thought it was crap, because they were bit by a concept or two within its design. All I know, I made a battle worthy of talented players. But , you will never get what you are looking for with the present concepts of what you are wishing for. It really comes down to if you are a person that likes doing it and if you are willing to put the extra effort in to give some type of enjoyment to others. With the added work it takes in CMX2, It appears many of us are not that motivated to give to others. Myself included.
  16. Well, since you cannot play against the Americans' ( Ok, really) Then , I think it is a "Must Have" for you. So that you will finally learn what it feels like to play with a other countries units.
  17. Well, it also shows your lack of community knowledge. I agree that it is not a great indicator, or is it meaning something other than what it is. But I might have published around 20 to 25 scenarios back in the CMX1 days. It sure is funny that the better scenarios magically were downloaded at least twice as much as the ones that did not fair so well. Why. Well, I will let you flex your thinking for just a second. Clubs and groups my friend. Like you mentioned, people will download anything that might interest them. But liking it is something else. But when they like it, they tell their friends and others that play, they then download it and the impact is started. Thus it became clear that if I had a scenario that was pulling large number of downloads, word of mouth was causing the extra interest. So you can think it is nonsense, but I know what I am saying is truth. Also, once you start making some good scenarios, you also get fans, they will track down every thing you have made and download it. At the scenario depot it was easy to see this with the data you could look at. I also really must agree with many of the comments about feed back not being all that useful in truth. As the designer, you still have to be the master of your creation and feedback can be a slight indicator as to what information is needed. I found that the only useful input was from other designers who would share their views as to how to approach things. The average player comments were in general , not of much value. It was good to hear that they liked something, but on the other hand, they could be over critical. and in truth. neither really indicated all the time how good or bad the scenario was.
  18. Wow Jon, NOW THAT SOMETHING. That is a Ton of work, no matter how well you know the scenario editor program. I am sure glad to hear you are doing it though. You might want to be the guy that should be pushing for a tiny fee for downloaded scenarios, You sure have provided lots in the past out of your own kindness. Thanks for the efforts, it is a under rewarded gift you give to us all.
  19. Anyway, playing my own created scenarios is not satisfying for myself. Removing the Blind aspect of this game as to what you are up against removes too much of the enjoyment for me.
  20. Well, I like to dabble in making scenarios also. But I have not made any effort to release anything since getting into the CMX2 series of the game. Just personal stuff, not very refined. But with how its going, I think maybe a new motivation is needed to get those with the talents to create more scenarios. Like money (it always work). I always thought it would be cool to have someway of getting a small payment for downloads of any scenario you have made available. Even if it was 1/2 a dollar. With all the downloads of scenarios I furnished for CMX1, I would have at least pocketed $500 or so. I don't know, for me, that would be just enough reward to make the effort to tweek my work and make it quality and release it for others to enjoy. I would need no feedback, if they keep buying my work, I know it must be worth the effort.
  21. Really, is that all there is. One for sure and another I should be able to track down. With all the request for these things you would think there would be special motivation to create scenarios using them. I just played a battle last night that had Greyhounds, 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8, PzIII's and Wirbelwind's. It was one of the funniest games I have played in a long while just for the fact of the interesting match ups and how they were going to play out. I had one duel between a Wirbelwind's & 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8, which neither could destroy the other. I think the one reason for that was the M8 rounds kept hitting the hull of the other tank, I kept wanting to see what would happen when it hit the gun shield, never did. Ran out of Ammo first
  22. Thanks, that was a good way of getting it to me. As for going and finding scenarios on my own, it still is a terrible site as to pulling new scenarios out of the files. The search aid is almost worthless. Normally I just start at the front and look through every file and look at the date it was added to the sight.
  23. OK, it has been awhile since this pack has come out. I still do not think I have played a scenario using any of these machines. Can someone tell me of some scenarios that have been created that are worth playing where I get to use these toys.
  24. I believe you can find the legal terms under the licensing agreement.
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