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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Only one way to do it right and that is firing into the next room before moving in. Where the fire comes from does not matter, but if you don't suppress before charging in, then expect the worst. When doing suppressing fire. yes quick is the best command to use right after the fire is lifted.
  2. This sounds like a great concept for putting in a scenario. I would love to see a few scenarios where the Americans get their heads handed to them. I get tired of people thinking they are so powerful. I feel there is some real fragile concepts as to how they rely too much on certain aspects of what they are expecting to do in combat. (Like if they somehow lost control of the sky. It is not pretty. )
  3. Back to the orig. issue of this thread. just read in the paper today that the A-10 will not be phased totally out til 2019. So you can start the campaigning to get them in the game. I am sure they will be adding the US Marines to the game, so that would be a good time to add the A-10 and make you all happy. Plus with how well the Russian planes in the game are using their 30 mm , sure lets get the A-10 in there. Who cares if they are missile bait.
  4. AGS - best way to stop them. Just keep sending troops for them to kill til they run out of Ammo. It works every time.
  5. I would think the crew of the armored vehicle would be the ones protesting. Think about it, enemy air in the area. They are looking to get out of sight if possible. Not sit there and let a guy fire a missile that creates the perfect line to them and indicates target here blow it up. Now if there is no place for cover and concealment. Sure joe, go ahead and fire. We might be dead in a few seconds anyway.
  6. oK Here is the posted results from the Russian side. Now after playing both sides. I will agree with you that the Russian side is harder to play. It is hard to get any type of firepower advantage, so it required my flanking units moving on the city to get up close and personal to clear the enemy out of the buildings. Well, as you can see from my stats, that did not happen without losing many troops The Tunguska was what hurt me the most, I somehow managed to lose 19 troops to the thing. I loved it when it was on my side, hated it when I had to fight against it. The thing came out of nowhere and slaughter a couple of units I had as a base of fire on my side of the map in the leading buildings. Then when I tried getting some AT weapons on it, it spotted first and did them in. Then my flanking units were clearing buildings on the left flank and managed to get to high and were spotted and shot also. and finally a few troops died while they ran to get it attention while a RPG team came in from the other flank to do it in. The Tunguska reaction times are so quick, it is just hard to get a shot off on them. I love it.
  7. keep in mind that the waypoint might not have line of sight. But it works just the same way as if you were targeting from your present location. The path line will let you know if there is line of sight from the w.p. location.
  8. that was part of what made the game so great. I thought I was sitting pretty also at the end and was starting to think about pushing back when the Russian air came also. With only one unit that can do anything against the air (which mine did nothing), it was a bitter few minutes as their air ripped apart any units that might be useful in any type of counter attack.
  9. Sometimes I have seen tanks override the covered arch, but I think that is after the crews AI takes over the commands which normally does not happen until something hits them, which in CMBS is not a good thing to have happen. I am also not sure using the face command is a good decision also. Once a tank starts rotating the hull, it slows down its ability to react and fire as quickly. I stopped using that when I lost duels to the fact that the hull would rotate, making the turret have to readjust. But that was in WWII stuff, IN CMBS I really do not know how much it would impact it. The best approach is if you have to move into position, have your hull and Turret in the correct position when you expose yourself. make the move fast and get into position as quickly as possible and hope to get firing as soon as possible. If the hull is going to be in a poor position, then it is maybe a good time to use shoot and scoot tactics , so that you are not easy prey for the return fire.. Of course much of this stuff really works much better in the WWII stuff. IN CMBS, THE REACTIONS TIMES ARE SO QUICK. Most of it is useless. I am finding the best tactics for is to position yourselve to spot first. Spotting first is what matters. That normally means, you are sitting and waiting on them to move into sight. And if you are the one moving, then you better make sure you are moving enough stuff into sight at once that you overwelm the target with firepower. Because it will be seldom you get the first shot off.
  10. Covered arcs will bite you at some point, just a weakness in the game system really. I know very well to never limit my tanks attack options with making small cover arcs. (never want a enemy to pop up outside of it} BUT TO GET YOUR TURRET TO TURN AND FACE A KNOWN DANGER IT IS ALL YOU HAVE. SO MAKE THEM 180 DEGRESS AND TRY NOT TO CUT OUT ANY POSSIBLE LOCATION YOU WANT TO BE ABLE TO DEFEND FROM. Anyway, there will come a time you use it, a enemy tank will show up just outside of it and your unit will sit there and not react at all because that is how the command works. It just will happen.
  11. That is exactly the point really. I recall the Threads on that Movie also and all the comments that people were making that was slamming the Movie. And that is really a good Movie, but of course it has its realistic flaws. But you have it, its that attitude that they need to prove that they are more intelligent than the movie. Its like beating up a child in a fight and thinking you are tough. Movies are easy targets no matter how well they are made. I Know I just hate child beaters - and that is how I feel about posters that attack movies ( they fall into about the same category).
  12. Now that is the stuff I like to read, that's for posting.
  13. Yes, I did not look to see who designed it, but I will agree with the statement that the AI was given great battle plans. I was very impressed also with how the AI was playing. But it is the designer that makes that happen. Not the program
  14. Actually, it was a hotseat game, so I can inform you that the Russian drones did pick up info, before I moved. and then as you mentioned, when I did move he did get some hard spots.
  15. Yes, I had the same thing, I was surprised to see the sniper take out a armor unit. But it did a good job at it. Actually, I was terrible with my javelins. I did not get any kills with them. what saved the day for me was my tank. It was the king pin in stopping the Russian attack. And for its reward, some Russian air blew it away in the later moments of the battle
  16. I never really have a favorite side. I pretty much like any units and any equipment of any country . Being that it is the first time we have had a chance to play with anything that represents the Russians best stuff. I am finding my focus there as I try to figure out the best ways to use these forces.
  17. Well I learned real quick how far away they portray the Apache's, because I could watch the missile, see a hit explosion, then moments later a ground explosion as to where the chopper hits the ground.
  18. Beating the AI is not Bragging, losing to it is a shame that cannot be lifted for generations of your family. The only brag that is of any worth is when you beat a real good opponent and you have done from the side with the disadvantage. (That is when you know you have really done something )
  19. Oh, that all is fine if you have it. But I knew it was out there, I was being overrun and time was running out. So I used them , they did some damage and they were shot out of the sky. Plus the sams came from the other half of the map from where my air was focused. Hard to protect them when you are on the wrong end of things.
  20. Wego, for me I like RT but I am finding the game action so quick and done with before I can get over there to view it I am using Wego , because I would be totally clueless without it. Plus Wego, is running so fast anymore, it does not slow down my game playing time.
  21. Now, I never said anything about it being a great film. But with all the comments from the forum , I did not waste any effort to see it until it came out on disk. And for me, I found it interesting as to what they were trying to tell in a story (you know, movies are just story telling. No one ever said stories have to portray real life perfectly.) As for Brad Pitt firing a .50 cal without even looking where he's firing at and blowing the heads of a two-man German LMG... Nah no rebuttal - but once again what have you been watching - because I notice that crap in almost every movie or TV show. I just love to look at the end of the barrel and see it moving or giggling around all over the place but the person they are portraying using it is a marksman. While in my head I am thinking, they be lucky to hit a elephant at 10 yards with how much that weapon is moving. I love trying to take movie scenes and placing them in this game and see what the game results would be. Now we know it is not very close generally. ( but you know what. I have managed to get a few to somewhat work from different movies with setting parameters just right and I think I can get one or two from this movie also.)
  22. Well, 2 Apache's in the game for me found that they did not last long vs a well equipped enemy. So, between a A-10 and a Apache. Which would realistically have a better chance vs a Sam ? Now my two choppers did manage to make a few attacks in and did dodge a few Missiles. but they did not fire more than 5 missiles to get the job done (so that is my first game experience with them)
  23. I would say if that battle is played H2H. It might turn out to be a excellent challenge. Yah, I did not do all that well, I lost my armor without taking out much. So my infantry had to do the dirty work. The Tunguska was my only armor that made it to the end and it also was a killing machine - 21 kills and one BTR. Against a real opponent I would have been in real trouble with how they pushed my flank.
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