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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Thanks You can always give me a (up green arrow) I have very low esteem and I am trying hard to get my score up, ( When I first saw them I did not even understand what they were, I clicked on them wondering what the heck are they for)
  2. I normally do not mind when Steve put people in their place. But I must agree, this is not the time to do it. No matter how they act. Even if the comments are out of line. Yes , I am sure you will likely make sure not to do it this way again. But the fact is. It was released and no matter the logical reasons. Downloading the game for many has been a frustrating event. So let them vent. But I also can see that when the next game is ready, and its just before the week-end . BF will say screw it. Don't release the game til next week and we know its up and installed on all the servers in the cloud system (or whatever IT magic it takes to get it right) I sure know I don't understand it all and how it works. Anyway fantastic product and worth every cent. ( and everyone will get it soon, so chill, its not like it will be out of style to play the thing a week from now)
  3. [post=][/post I can see someone will need to teach me how to link to my image files. (but this was the results - but the Russians did better than the score indicates. They did manage to push down the one flank all the way to the back of town. They made a pretty good fight of it.) Anyway, just finished this Scenario vs the AI and am eating it up. H2H is going to be amazing. My two new favorite Weapons, The Tunguska (Man the Americans should design something similar.) and the AGS grenade launchers. They are a blast , if you can get good use out of them also.
  4. All the negativity. You guys really suck. You almost wrecked the movie for me before I even watched it. Yes, does the scenes play out like they would in real life. Heavens No. But really, do they in any movie. Really, Maybe Band of Brothers, since they were trying to mimic the real stories. But, let me think, what other movie has focused on Tank warfare and gave you so much camera time on Armour and tried to delve into the mindset of the crew and so forth. (actually there has been a few). None even close to as good as this. Just two comments about the final scene which is easy to insult, since you all want to. There is comments about how impossible it would be for the germans to be so stupid about coming up on the crossroads like they did. All I will say here is do some more reading. I have read actual accounts at the Battle of the Bulge of just as stupid stuff. There was plenty of incompetent small unit leaders by this point in the war. Now if you want to complain, by April 45, I would say it would be almost impossible to even find a German unit like that, that was anything of a coordinated fighting unit. The second comment about the fact they would never have stayed and fought. Again I will disagree, it is in the realm of possible happening. There is many studies that show how soldiers at some point somewhat give up on the fact that they will make it alive through a conflict and will do things that endanger themselves because of their present mental state. And normally it is for the saving of someone elses life. Which if you recall they were to stop the germans from getting into their rear area troops, which would be a blood bath. Very likely, no. But have men sacrificed their life's for others before . We all know the answer.
  5. They were using them. Nothing ever fell on target, a few close calls. But not a single hit. Plus, once the Russian units were putting heat on a spot. I bugged out - Best spots always have a exit plan
  6. Hey, give him a break, he did not know. But if you are going to grumble. Throw a little BF's way. They opened it up way too soon for everyone. The server was bad with just the pre-order folks, add everyone else all on the same day and they made a mess of it.
  7. But they had grenade launchers and a few scoped rifles of their own. So it was a interesting start to all the toys we have to play with. (I have been waiting a long time for a game like this.)
  8. I had the 3 teams covering a rail line that had cut a wide opening through the woods. The Russians had to cross that to move onto a objective. There were Drones for both sides to aid in finding and locating the enemy. The fire fight started by allowing the scouts to cross uninterrupted and then the teams opened up when the had two fire teams somewhat visiable as the main body started to cross. The Russians then countered by trying to set up a base of fire along the tracks and then once they had recovered. tried moving units to flank the snipers through their woods on their right flank. So , no this was not set up to be a slaughter feast for the snipers, but it turned into one. The Russians just could not put any accurate fire on them until the flanking unit closed the distance to a few of the units.
  9. Well that was a good start to seeing how the new game is playing. Played it Hot seat and the Snipers were deadly. The fire fight started somewhere between 300 and 400 meters. 6 American snipers with 6 others vs an recon platoon . When it was done 19 downed Russians to the loss of 2 Snipers. Best Sniper Team had 12. I can hear the debates coming , are they too good or not good enough. (I can see testing in the near future to see some stats.) For sure they are not the sharp shooter we had in WWII (A world of difference)
  10. I had a little problem, nothing major. It did take 2 1/2 Hrs. So I must be a lucky one. Sorry guys , already created my first little battle and played.
  11. Oh, my heart is torn, I just cannot do both at the same time. What were you thinking BF (Man do you need the money for some bets your placing)
  12. Now, that is pretty gamey, I never came across that one before. (You have been hanging around the wrong sort of guys)
  13. No, she would not. But I have managed to get her to not complain anymore that I spend time playing them. (She finially learned than when Papa is happy, everyone is happy. Of course it includes making sure Mom is even more happy so that Papa can even have a chance at being happy.)
  14. Time for a chill pill, maybe the spotting did not make sence for you as to how you expect it to be. And maybe the game is not perfect. But no one is stopping you from changing the settings, and the game does allow that. SO change it, to a lighter condition and your units will spot just like you expect them to. So stop dishing the game Anyone who has been in the outdoors enough should know that on certain nights and conditions, yes you cannot see hardly anything, and yes your eyes really do play tricks on you when it is that dark. (Now maybe the game settings dont make sence for that condition, but then again maybe it does.) Your basically playing at night and I know from learning the hard way (hazy really affects the visuals in the game more than you miight think.) My question is, How often in real life has any of you seen it hazy after dark unless you live in air polluted city???
  15. No, in the past it normally has been about a day. It just depends on BF. Whenever they feel like flipping the switch. Only once do I recall it being under 24 hours
  16. by tomorrow, it will be out for anyone.
  17. Boy, was that close. i thought it was not looking good to get it this week
  18. Well, someone is going to post every time. I just crack up that people get mad that someone does. like it really changes anything. I just wish i was home so I could start downloading
  19. They still can but it is a little harder to understand at times. You can click on any unit and see their chain of command, so if the light is green on any higher HQ, they are influencing them. You can also click on the HQ icon and see who he is influencing. But they really only will take over and influence units if the lower chain HQ command has been eliminated or is out of control. So whichever unit is the first unit lit on the chain of command, is the one that is impacting the unit presently the most. Yes , I know this likely was not very clear as to explaining it.
  20. For in game snipers, it can be hard to get them in situations where they can really use their strength. Killing enemy units at range. But I can still remember the one battle I had a Brit sniper team, both men had scoped rifles and they had the enemy advancing in their sector in pretty open ground. I somehow managed to keep pulling them back just at the right time, just bugging out before enemy arty or mortars hit. Anyway, at the end of the game they had a total of 22 kills. I did lose one of the two guys at their last location, since it was their final location and an areas to hold. No more pulling back. But it is the one and only time I recall getting any type of amazing numbers out of a sniper. Defensive placement should not be hard to find, The trick is to find locations that can aid in giving them a advantage. In game Snipers can get kills out to about 400 meters, after that they get rare at 500. But you really don't want them at distances where normal rifles can place accurate fire on them. So I like to find locations where they are about 350-400 meters if possible. On offence, I like to have them somewhat trailing my lead platoons. I let the platoons find and scout out the enemy. I use the snipers by pulling them up to the front lines after I know of enemy locations that need cleared. If my trooper have the enemy pinned. I just pull them up to what I think is the best place to get killing shots on the enemy unit. if the enemy unit is holding its own and stopping my offensive, then I look to bring the snipers in and hopefully at a range where I can maybe get a killing shot that can swing the battle. Hopefully at the distances I mentioned before. That is just a few basics as to using them.
  21. the 10 or 2 referance is refering to a clock, with 12 being straight ahead. If you turn the tank to about that on the clock you have the front armot at that 30 degree off center slope, and the side is at 60 degrees If the enemy does hit the side armor, because it is at 60 degrees, the chance for deflecting the round is very high. (A good thing). Plus in the game it works really well in that the tanks always shoot for center mass. So if you think that through, you can do a pretty good job of getting your tank in a off-center position but still keep the odds high for the rounds to hit the front armor.
  22. Well, I ran a few test just to see if Running Panthers against IS 2 is a bad thing from the front. I found at 1400 Metes that it was a pretty even duel front on front as long as I made sure the Panthers hulls were at 10 or 2 position at the start. So running 5 on 5 open terrain I was able to win with the panthers. At first I had both sides straight on to each other and the panthers were being penetrated with every hit, where as the IS-2 were able to deflect shots. Then running both sides at the 10 or 2 position the panthers were then able to deflect some Russian shots also, IS-2's did not seem to improve much with the facing change. So at that point it became a toss up as to who would win the duel. So no not a elaperate test to see what is the perfect range to engage at or anything like that. But it was enough for me to prove panthers are fine as long as you use them correctly. ( they are a tank that really requires good hull positioning to have any real defences and the gun is adaquate vs. even the Russian heavies at reasonable ranges. So I would risk it in a frontal attack if I had no other options, At least out to that Distance
  23. It looked like navel fire if I had to make a guess. There were a few scenarios that had it in and it was fun as all heck to call in. Back in the old CMx1 days, I made a scenario where basically you had to stop a German armored assault with navel fire. Represented some battle that I read that was in Italy like a day or two after the Americans had landed. It was fun and possible
  24. Now that was somewhat funny ( I hope that point value was equal, would hate to think you might be cheating)
  25. I recall trucks and such doing the same thing. I remember running some scouts to the enemy side of the board in a jeep. I parked the jeep behind a hedge and sent them scouting. My opponent went to great lengths to get them scouts, but the jeep was close to a main road and it fed me info throughout the battle as to units he was moving down that road. (Now I remember it being pointed out but I do not recall if that has been fixed or if the game still functions like that) It seemed silly being able to find out info from a abandoned jeep
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