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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Surely some one has already done a US vs China computer game. I know of at least 2 Taiwan invasion with US involvement board games. I don't think China had any response to those, nor am I aware of any big controversy regarding Black Sea.
  2. Yes we all know it's gone, and as I understand it, it's not coming back, but is there any plan in the works to release all the file to CMMODS/Scenario depot? Thanks
  3. Do I recall correctly that flavor objects do not provide cover?
  4. Remember it's easier to ask for forgiveness than receive permission so just post something Mike.
  5. A Romanian joke: Once upon a time an old Romanian man found an old bottle while taking a walk. Opening the bottle a genie emerged . Naturally the genie granted the man three wishes. "For my first wish", said the old man, " I wish for the Chinese Army to invaded Romania." "It shall be done," said the genie. "For my second wish" , said the old man, " I wish for the Chinese Army to invaded Romania." "It shall be done," said the genie. "For my third wish" , said the old man, " I wish for the Chinese Army to invaded Romania." "It shall be done," said the genie. A large smile appeared on the old man's face. "Tell me" said the genie, why did you wish for the Chinese Army to invade Romania three times? The old man replied. "For the Chinese Army to invade Romania three times, it must cross Russia five times! "
  6. The was a CMBO scenario where you had to get your convoy of trucks and jeeps through a town with roadblocks and a light smattering of German troops before the whole town was hit by a heavy artillery barrage.
  7. Anyway, I checked Wikipedia. I suppose I should have done that to begin with. No such thing as a AAV7 mortar carrier.
  8. I heard some one shot at Steve in the woods thinking he was Bigfoot.
  9. I'm surprised no one has beat me to it. Start it out with something with the 10th Mtn Division in the snow would be fitting for the Season don't you think?
  10. Just a suggestion-I don't have the talent to do it myself- but any one interested in making a Kurdish forces mod for the Turks to go after, or as possible Western Allies in the standard setting? Thanks
  11. Just curious if any one knows the background on why the Germans are the odd Army out on a lighter mortar? Thanks
  12. Yes your assumption is correct, I do own all the CMSF 1 titles, and yes I do indeed want all of CMSF 2 titles and I can afford the $35, but I don't know if I'll even have time to download and install everything until after the New Year. But anyway you've answered the question in that you say Steve had not indicated the discounts were for only a limited time. I'm looking forward to playing the campaigns again. It seems there have been some new surprises added so it won't just be a replay of the old campaigns with shinier toys.
  13. Thanks for the upgrades at a terrific price. Just wondering if there's a time limit? Thanks
  14. Maybe I'm a heretic but I prefer game families to be centered on a subject and to have that subject "fleshed out' as much as possible with what happened historically rather than enable a "sandbox mode" of stuff from other theaters and timeframes. I know CMSF and Black Sea are not historical but they do have a subject of a certain time or place. I'm not a 100% stickler to this rule as I enjoy what modders have done with various games and I think accommodating modders to some extent can be valuable, but with adding Black Sea vehicles, where does one draw the line as to what to add? I'd just rather see more c.2008 material if anything.
  15. Yeah, I remember those Blue spies when I played the scenario in CMSF I. I also recall the trick from a mission in the Brit Campaign iirc. I guess I was hoping a scenario mod tag was being used.
  16. I understand these mods are for current day scenarios but how appropriate would they be for the 2008 Turkish Army? I know few would know the difference.
  17. Mike, do I assume correctly these are not simply Red Marines you added in the editor but fighters/combatants with Marine uniforms on?
  18. @Dougphresh Imagine it this way. They used all the new kit they had in Afghanistan and when Syria blew up the old kit had to be used. But as Lt Smash indicated it would be a good mod subject.
  19. Can you elaborate on what you mean by Cossacks in the game and how they might differ significantly in a game with no cavalry?
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