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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I absolutely love (and prefer) the new ones but the old ones were nice too. Bobblehead never entered my mind.
  2. More CMX2 screen shots soon? Steve hinted at them.
  3. Mike that's how I remember it too. Though as you say, we can only say how it appeared to us here on the outside.
  4. Are there any scenarios that have the flail tank? Thanks
  5. I don't think any CMX2 has them or perhaps even needs them. One exception might be SS license plates but that's rather trivial. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45142651 P.S. I don't want to reopen the debate on what Germany should or should not be censoring. I only wanted to report the rules have changed.
  6. I'm not familiar with what a 32 AI group is exactly.
  7. I think it's on the long wish list Steve keeps but where exactly no one but Steve and Charles knows. Any one have a educated guess (as opposed to a wish) what the next new major feature will be?
  8. There used to be a few books Battlefront sold on their website.
  9. I was doing some surfing and in this supposed Syrian war wouldn't the MLVW be in common use?
  10. In the past at one point, you indicated that all your sales were better than projected. I hope that's the case again.
  11. Possum groging. Mord's right. Possums/Opossums, what have you, are like 99.9 % immune to rabies. They think it might have to do with a lower body temperature than other mammals.
  12. So shouldn't the initial heading on the TO&E for the US in the base game be SBCT, not IBCT then? And one additional question if I may: What does the term "placeholder" mean regarding the HBCT ? Thanks
  13. I'm a little confused in that in the TO&E section now the non-heavy US formations are also called IBCT. Is that the right nomenclature?
  14. IIRC the US light infantry battalion (which I think airborne units had the same organization) was introduced with the British module and simply call the IBCT. Was that right? Will it still be in the British module (along with the US truck apparently).
  15. Russia? Strategically, I couldn't see them get involved in a conflict based on the original "dirty bomb" causus belli but hey, it's a fictional war, so I guess anything goes.
  16. I would think not even Steve and Charles are looking that far ahead yet. They still have the following announce products to release after CMSF 2. CMFI: Rome to Victory CMRT: Battle for Berlin (my title not theirs) CMBS :USMC (again my title not theirs) CMFB: Commonwealth (ditto) There have also been indications but no promises to release a CMFI Elite forces pack and a CMFB late war module. Maybe around the time they get working on the CMFB:Commonwealth they'll decide. Note that's just my thoughts. I have no inside info.
  17. I may be wrong, but Iirc that was because preordering the physical copy got one the download as well and the early notice. Of course it always took only 5 minutes before someone who got the early notice to post on the forums the game was available for download to everyone .
  18. Doug, was that because Bisons would withstand IED's better?
  19. Nah, parties at Burke's have bottled beer only and it's the good stuff. I do have to smile at myself though at the fact the game isn't even released and here I am wanting even MORE CONTENT! It's a completest thing I guess.
  20. I'm not expecting new trucks for each of the non-US NATO nations, but does anyone know the type of general purpose trucks these nations used c. 2008? Thanks!
  21. I don't think a module that covered all the families would be possible, or at least not practical. Nice screenshots Sgt S. I am led to wonder now if we will get more flavor objects than were in the original SF.
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