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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. That beer company should be apologizing for its beer.
  2. So if I interpret this thread correctly, in CMSF2 US and possibly UK forces will get the Raven drone which is recon only and it will be rare.
  3. Yes, more content down the line would be super awesome, but of course once it's out SF2 will have to wait it's turn for all the other Families.
  4. I'm not sure of this but would the possibility of actual Syrian AA (as opposed to small arms fire) make it risky to use in the setting posited by CMSF?
  5. No I never went to sniper school, so I don't really know, and maybe it's me, but snipers don't seem to operate in the game the way I understand snipers work in wartime. I don't generally have them shoot at specific targets, but they're often spotted and become casualties soon after firing for a bit unless I hide them or stop them from firing by giving them tiny target arcs. What tactics do you for your snipers or point me to another thread where this has been discussed before please? I understand their use may differ from game to game.
  6. Transporter, I know you're joking but they could have also used these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M270_Multiple_Launch_Rocket_System Which like B-52's are not in CMSF2 (I think, they were not in Shock Force 1).
  7. Also hasn't it been established now that dinosaurs had feathers?
  8. Anyone know if the window slats are just eye candy or do they provide additional concealment?
  9. Ha, every one knows lizard men are much smarter than that and have already taken over the world with hardly any one knowing it!
  10. He did, I read it. I still wonder how feasible it would have been to manufacture AK-47s and ammo with 1860's tech despite having a model to reverse engineer? Not that I over worry about such things when reading Sci-Fi. You did have Time travelling Pro-apartheid South Africans after all.
  11. That was what I seemed to remember having read previously too. In the video for example, the troops in the trenches appear to have much of their upper torso exposed at times. I recall though something about the behind the scenes calculations giving them more cover. Someone please correct me if that's wrong.
  12. Found the thread. In it, it seems you indicate the 92nd also used the Johnson but perhaps you were referring to the FSSF
  13. Someone once mentioned the 92nd had unique weapons. If so has there been any mention if this aspect will be covered in Rome to Victory?
  14. I may be totally wrong but I think just leaving fire outside as it is but having buildings with bigger flames that don't spread might be easier to code. Such a half way measure may not satisfy every one but as long as you have the ability to catch fire to buildings that didn't start the scenario on fire with flame weapons most players would be satisfied I would think.
  15. Strangely enough I'm curious to see what you've done with the spies.
  16. Yeah I'm late to the party in quoting this but South Africa in CMSF2? Do you mean CM:Fortress Italy?
  17. Yes I'm quoting myself because I'm still curious if I'm remembering this correctly?
  18. Ah, okay. I thought you were saying if a war broke out in some way relative to the CMBS scenario, USMC participation would in reality be unlikely. My bad.
  19. Why do you say that about not seeing a USMC module? I'm not saying your wrong. I myself don't see an amphibious landing fitting in any where, but sea-lifting a Marine division to, say Odessa, might be quicker than sea-lifting an US Army Heavy division, but then I know next to nothing about current Navy sea-lift capacity. The Navy however might prefer to lift their own boys and lobby to do so. Educate me in my ignorance though please.
  20. To me, the reaction to the video so far is the best example since the time Battlefront posted the screenshot of a Tiger tank before CMBN as to why we don't get more updates.
  21. I'm sure you understood I was joking. That said, as Mord asked, are they bring a second, second programmer on board?
  22. I think Sburkes post confirms what Mord had found.
  23. Mike, any other mods up your sleeve besides the Turks? You don't have to tell us what exactly, just that there might be more.
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