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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Do the Pixeltruppen all fall asleep walking through the poppy fields?
  2. Alright it's all settled then. We'll see the Poles in CMBS by about 2025. But seriously, I think you'd also need the Germans in a NATO module . The Germans, of course, were brutal to the Ukrainians in WWII in typical stupid Nazi fashion after many there welcomed them at first, but in this fictional war I'm sure Ukraine would have no objections to German help.
  3. Michael, I believe, sees where I'm coming from. Poland is larger than any nearby neighbor of Ukraine and has much at stake as to what happens there. Plus Poland really doesn't like Russia of course. @Derkommissar I believe you're right about the Lore.
  4. I can do the Rangers too, but are there any Ranger scenarios to use them in?
  5. Multi-National Division Southeast: I came across this today. I couldn't find any details on it's composition. This division is not to be confused with an Allied unit of the same name that operated in Iraq https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_125356.htm?selectedLocale=en
  6. One more question (at least for now ), I don't see division patches on the tanker uniform in the graphic file or in the game. Is that how it is in reality?
  7. Image file type. I was thinking specifically if you could just take the bmp files from one game and put it in the other to get a instant mod. Actually I'll try it myself soon. It may be a case of vehicle by vehicle depending on how much change occurred between the vehicles assuming the BFC 3d models incorporated those changes.
  8. Anyway, never mind I see after looking closer a US flag is already on that shoulder. One can suppose it was directed all US troops use the flag patch rather than any combat patch. They're going into combat again after all.
  9. There's also this miniature battles game: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3565/mordheim-city-damned
  10. Hamlet was about a murder in Denmark let us not forget, and yes 1000 years ago everyone feared the Danes.
  11. IIRC the USMC does not use division or otherwise shoulder patches. Please let me know the standard for the combat uniforms of other counties if you have that info. Thanks
  12. Hi, sorry, I guess they're not wraps but some sort of velcro patch as in this picture. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=pJojDTr3&id=21DE8C5ABA1A72BB100FEC46E3575DB6ED5FEA09&thid=OIP.pJojDTr3x5DLX-NR-vgxiQHaEB&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fstatic.politico.com%2fe8%2fcf%2f836c66d24939a82627864af9ba05%2f180126-bridade-la-army-1160.jpg&exph=629&expw=1160&q=us+army+afghanistan&simid=608042216662370459&selectedIndex=16&ajaxhist=0
  13. Regarding Division Combat patches, I don't want to discourage the effort, but I recall seeing pictures of US flag "upper sleeve wraps" if you know what I mean. Were those common? Would they be common in this hypothetical Syrian war?
  14. Here's one suggestion if folks don't mind me promoting my own work.
  15. He does say Marines for a first module. I would be very surprised if there weren't a second module with other NATO forces. IMHO Poland seems like a natural choice for one of the armies.
  16. Was there ever any mention by Steve about irregulars also being in the first module or was that just speculation by us fans?
  17. With Captain Miller's permission I'm going to take a crack at putting division patches on the stock game US Army uniforms using his patch graphics as a starting point. He has enlightened me that the patches should be a grey and black as opposed to green and black. I'll let him explain the uniform/camo pattern naming conventions if he wishes.
  18. Re. the combat patches, of course another issue would be there'd be no way to prevent privates having them while the squad leader does not if you have more than one uniform choice since the engine would assign them randomly.
  19. Well that is good news and interesting information. Thanks.
  20. Let's suppose this British Unit joined the USMC units in their bridgehead on the Mediterranean in Battlefront's 2008 Syrian invasion. Any one know how much modding of uniforms and personal gear would be needed to represent them? What weapons (small arms and vehicles) would be different from standard British infantry? Thanks
  21. One cool thing is the patches you've created match the Order of Battle I created years ago for Battlefront's 2008 Syrian invasion. I think I researched what units were in Iraq in 2008.
  22. Hi, I don't know the Army OOB any more but is there any particular reason for your choice of these 5 divisions? Just curious.
  23. Sgt S. What would be your take for the UK Government's willingness to contribute significant ground forces in this proposed Black Sea war (which is, as you say, quite flexible in how you imagine it)? My own opinion is there would be a bit of war weariness after being the only other major Western contributor in Iraq.
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