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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I hope you are going to have a donate button.
  2. Well I certainly don't want to throw more work your guy's way. I was just curious if the link to I think it's CMMODs 2 would still be alive somewhere. Perhaps GAJ wants to retire it. If so I'm grateful for him keeping it alive this long.
  3. Thanks to GAJ, Bootie and Erwin, but I wanted to ask will there be a link still to the CMX 1 mods somewhere?
  4. Well the Black Sea "Lore" has a period of rising tensions for a period of months with the War starting in June 2017 (not 2018 like I posted earlier). That would allow more units to be made combat ready. Any US forces would need preparation as well. The Lore has NATO moving units into Eastern Poland before the shooting starts. Interestingly the Lore has a USMC landing near Odessa to save the City. In another thread some one commented NATO ships approaching the Northern Black Sea would be sitting ducks. I'm not qualified to comment on the political acceptance of Germany contributing to the NATO force, but also in another thread some one mentioned the British public was against sending troops to Iraq for the most part but Tony Blair sent them anyway.
  5. Well let's turn this back to Combat Mission. How much of a force could Germany send to Ukraine in Black Sea's 2018 conflict. Second question is how much would they? One division plus some quick reaction troops? More? Less?
  6. IIRC you see the First Sgt showing in the element in the UI if the CO becomes a casualty, right?
  7. Some one was wishing for the Israelis for Shock Force 2 in the Black Sea forums. I mentioned the French were more likely but I see now that is based on a 10 year old post. Anyway I didn't want to keep the discussion going in the Black Sea forums so I'm posting here. Please note that the last thing Battlefront has said is there are currently no plans for a further Shock Force 2 module.
  8. If, and it is a BIG IF, any other army is added to Shock Force in a module, Steve had mentioned it would be the French. If you want to discuss it more we should take it to the Shock Force forums where if you really want me to I will find the posts. Oh and I'm surprised no one has made the Gavin reference yet.
  9. Yes I'm practicing necromancy by bringing this thread back from the dead, but I hope folks will forgive me, since it's been a while, if I ask if at least vehicle numbering etc decals might be a thing in the not too distant future for the engine. Thanks
  10. It's been over 40 years since I've been in the US Army where I was in the Fire Direction Center of a self propelled heavy artillery battery. The Battery Commander and XO had their owns jeeps. Each gun had it's own tracked ammo carrier. There were also two trucks assigned to carry ammo back and forth to any supply dump. Vehicle maintenance had two trucks, plus there was a chow truck and two "Gamma Goat" six wheel vehicles, one for the commo people and one as a back up FDC and operations center. Medics were a battalion level asset and rarely moved with us on maneuvers. The battalion also had one heavy and one light armor recovery vehicles. Occasionally a radio/teletype Gama Goat (commonly called a Rat Rig) from the battalion level moved with us. There was an entire Service Battery (mostly maintenance) along with the HQ Battery. Every unit in the Artillery was called a battery even if it had no artillery pieces. In a Tank or Armored Infantry Battalion both then and now I'm sure there would be many more armor recovery vehicles. Any one want to share what vehicles modern companies now have beside the combat vehicles which we can just look at Shock Force or Black Sea editors to see? No need to limit this to just the US Army or exactly modern day. Thanks. PS No I have no need for these support vehicles to be in the game. I'm just curious.
  11. Battlefront games are really good at getting exact TO&E. Since a M113 model was already in the game I wonder why this HQ vehicle was left out? I'm not expecting every element (maintenance and chow trucks etc and of course Medics) but this M113 seems like it would be part of the combat element .
  12. If I may for a moment hi-jack the thread, does any one have a hunch as to if we may ever see Schwimmwagens and Seeps? I can see Battlefront not wanting to add them as they would be used ahistorically. Of course jeeps and Kubelwagens are already used ahistorically for recon of death.
  13. Kohlenklau is back too. It's as if folks are thawing out from the big freeze.
  14. Zb1, yes too pixelated. I'm using an older version of Paint Shop Pro. Ivan's tip is getting me what I needed but thanks.
  15. Ian, I was getting images from here, but I am going to try Ivan's method. I didn't know one could size up the original Battlefront image and still use it. I've taught myself entirely by trial and error. Thanks to you both https://www.google.com/search?q=british+army+flag+patch&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjThfuk27LgAhWNGXwKHYZPAsMQ_AUIDygC&biw=1920&bih=938 PS, I meant to put this in the mods folder and slipped up, sorry.
  16. I'm working on a British uniform mod with patches. I've found several images of subdued British flag patches used on combat uniforms but when I resize them to fit on the uniform bmp they all turn out to be inadequate resolution. I am setting the pixels per inch to as high as possible before resizing but it doesn't seem to help. Thanks
  17. The IBCT and US Army LMTV truck were indeed part of the British forces module.
  18. @Combatintman In 2008 was the 16th Air Assault still using the older patch?
  19. I thought some of you may be interested in this recent post about board wargames on Boardgame Geek by a board wargame publisher: "The audience for wargames is not declining. Has been growing for years. GMT print runs are up, yes I mean for wargames. Compass is increasing it print runs and releasing a ton of product. Legion Wargames is up. My company Revolution Games is up. Hollandspiele is doing great. Everyone I talk to in the business is selling more then ever. We are both releasing more games and selling more per title. The market in Europe continues to grow, have you seen all the great Hexasim games, and China is booming for wargames. There may be another downturn at some time in the future but the reality is right now you have all this product because there is a market for it."
  20. If any one is ambitious and wants to enhance this mod set further (sorry I don't have the time right now) here is a link to the CMMODs CMBB site where someone had posted a set of Spanish voice files as part of mod set for the Spanish Blue division. I think I still have notes as to what each voice file said what for CMx1 if any one wants to give it a go and doesn't speak Spanish. http://cmx1mods.greenasjade.net/mods?by_downloads=true&game_type=3&page=71
  21. Sgt S, I assume one would need paramilitary to go into those vehicles which would be an addition to your request, right ?
  22. Just checked Boardgame Geek, yes Descent on Crete was a 1978 SPI game using the same system as Highway to the Reich (Market-Garden)
  23. In what fashion is it used as a support vehicle?
  24. If CMSF Canadians can have Leopard 1s, I think it's reasonable for T-80s for Russia. IIRC I think the Canadians would even have had to pull their 155mm self propelled artillery out of storage for their use in the Shock Force war, but a Canadian Army officer playtester talked Steve into it. Of course everyone likes the Canadians and are willing to humor them except maybe the Danes because of those islands they squabble over. P.S. Almost forgot the Chinese are rather perturbed at Canada right now of course.
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