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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Yeah, I was going to venture out of BF to find opponents, but not really interested in looking beyond here.
  2. Yes, 30 Sec Turns would be nice, but as you mentioned, unplayable in the long haul...At that point you minus well play Real-Time with pauses...60 sec Turns is the way to go for sure (thou, I could see 30 sec turns in Modern, but still). I try to Move & Engage (using pauses, etc) the second half of turn, so at beginning of turn I can more easily move out of danger if need be...However, trying to Move & Engage right at the beginning of turn makes for a long time of possible unpredictability's that I may not like.
  3. Now, Now, Erwin, be careful not to derail this thread
  4. Nah...This is Engine 4, and no need for Big HE to realistically reduce buildings and occupants...Just need to use Small Arms or have small HE rounds fall anywhere on the Map to make sure the Building Occupants flee in quick manner Whatever happened when it realistically took several minutes or hours to take a Block of buildings...From an excerpt from "Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan"..."According to myth, the Earth was created in six days (then, v3). Now, watch out! Here comes Genesis! (v4) We'll do it for you in six minutes!
  5. Yes, and this pretty well sums it up...As a niche idea, I also like the 'Each Player' is tasked with a Platoon size Unit', and a Good Concept if you have a Group of Players. Thou, I'm also looking at different methods of C&C using some Miniature Rules...One such rules basically have Platoons as a the basic Maneuver Element and are in a Box Formation/Zone of Control, if you will, and these Elements are tasked to complete an Attack/Probe/etc within that Box/Zone of Control (depending on the initial General Orders of that Company/Battalion). If a CO/Batt wants to change a Maneuver Elements general Orders or Approach, then Orders are issued with appropriate Delays etc...Thou, by the time any new Orders are issued most Scenarios are already over by then. Anyways, this would work with anything that is Company plus in size against the AI or Player who will also adhere...Anything smaller like a Platoon is already assumed to be on Small Map to complete it's given Order. Some players should also keep in mind that there is also 'Bill H' and 'Perciles', and have their own C&C House Rules concept in use. Joe
  6. Yeap, and exactly as, Steve, mentioned...It will be Counter-Intuitive, and even more Micro-Management would be needed.
  7. If you mean Pinned in an Arbitrary sense, and since the MG is far away, then I would use 'Quick' (in hopes CM gives a slight Moral boost for using 'Quick' vs 'Fast') to the House...However, if you mean 'Pinned' in CM terms, then it would be hard to move at all until recovered. Joe
  8. Small WEGO Scenario/QB's for me... Umm, Pauses ?...Oh, Never mind, your one of those players !
  9. Sounds Good to me :-) Since we are on the subject...What other WWII Titles (could care less about Modern much) do you own and willing to play PBEM ?
  10. Sounds Good, and can use another PBEM Opponent, if this interests you :-) I generally play up to Reinforced Company (Tiny, Small) QB Meetings, with certain 'House Rules' to be discussed, and can return files a few times a week.
  11. Yeah, in contrast...There was a Schrek 100 yards in front of my AC and it shot 3x w/o being spotted...AC didn't even fall back after the 1st or 2nd Schrek rounds (2nd shot exploded right in front of AC), but instead got hit on third. I would have expected the AC (in Good Order) to at least have backed away after the 1st or 2nd Round.
  12. Yes, all those games are at v4.0 and fully patched, etc.
  13. Oh, and I for one totally agree....In RL, you may have a couple soldiers firing pop shots for a few seconds into a forming Smoke/Dust screen, but wont have whole units be given firing orders into it for your stated reasons above (thou, a person giving a Smoke Screen also has way to much info as the enemy that's going to be screened by it). So, I'm actually Ok with keeping it now, or going back to original... Thou, there is another option, if Game Engine allows it (and not to much work)...If there is a way to have units already firing (when a Smoke/Dust forms) to continue for another Action-Cycle or so before stopping...Kind of like we see now with friendly troops firing pop shots at enemy Icons for a few seconds, but player doesn't see any enemy troops.
  14. Ahh...We at least now know...You don't use Area-Fire/Recon by Fire in CM "DO YOU WANT TO PLAY A GAME"... Ok, on a less serious note...I tend to agree with your overall assessment, but still prefer at least the return option of Area-Firing before a Smoke Screen fully develops.
  15. Oh, and I already know your reliable (along with one other, but haven't heard back from him in awhile)...Would be nice to have one Opponent per WWII Title, but may just settle for a couple Opponents total. I also don't feel like venturing out to the other Club Forums for Opponents, and will just post here.
  16. Yeah, I also noticed this change in 4.0 and said to myself; "Well, this sucks", and I can no longer attempt Area-Fire before the Smoke envelopes...Realistically, the option to Area-Fire through Smoke, or as it's forming should be available, even if accuracy is largely reduced (as it should be). As MOS has stated, you can now just walk your way up an objective using your own Smoke Screen w/o being harassed...I too miss the Work-Around :-( Joe
  17. Volksgrenadiers; These are the Formations created when the 44' Germans finally went into Full-Time War Production...These are mainly men ages roughly 30-40 yrs old. Volkssturm; These are the End-of-War Units formed purely in defense of the Fatherland...These are men over the above age, and Teens.
  18. Yeah, you should be relatively safe at that range, but for some reason Battlefront still thinks this range is point blank , and your HT's become Bullet Magnets.
  19. Welcome Back, Mord !...Keep Modding at your Heart's Content :-) Joe
  20. It would be great for me If CM had a WEGO System with Auto Pauses to give Passive Sub-Orders (evade, adjust an Action-Spot, Hide, etc) every 15 or 30 seconds (quarter or mid-turn increments for issuing Passive Sub-Orders feels better then say 10 seconds or whenever you feel like it). If you don't want to issue orders during that Auto Pause, then click continue. Basically, this would be a combination of WEGO & RT...Thou, I can only amagine how hard this would Code or Implement, especially a PBEM.
  21. Did you just say, "These aren't the Droids your looking for...Move along"...Your Good Para, real Good !
  22. This Thread has motivated me to look at some Miniature Rules from back in the day, and incorporate them for CMx2... Im going to start playtesting a couple systems that I will adapt against the AI...One system is called WRG (Wargames Research Group) WWII Miniature Rules and other is Scotty Bowden's Stars & Bars a Civil War Miniatures Rules. For the adaptaion of the Stars & Bars system Platoons will be the Manuever element and in Block Formation (not literally per-say), and dice are throw to determine if each Platoon gets to move or change orders that turn (ofcourse, beginning of game orders are automagic) with different % if PHQ, CHQ, BHQ is within Command Range. The various orders are Attack, Defense, Probe, and Reserve. Joe
  23. Hmm, Nevermind...This is better suited for the Combat Mission: General Discussion Topic.
  24. Looking for a couple reliable CMx2 players for FI and RT (already have couple players for FB & BN) to play Small, Meeting, QB's.
  25. Another thing I hope BF is looking into (and already discussed on the forum) is the ROF change of some Automatic Rifles & LMG's (B.A.R, Bren, etc) where these Weapons are firing single rounds starting at around the 175 or so meter range. This while other LMG's like the MG-34, etc seem to maintain their pre Engine 4 Upgrade ROF. As it stands, the MG-34,42, for example is even more dominant now in the Engine 4 Upgrade. Now, I did mention in one of the discussions that I don't mind having these Magazine Armed units like B.A.R, Bren, Assault Rifles, etc start firing single rounds starting at around the 250 meter range (medium range across the board), and keep their 2-4, round bursts under that range.
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