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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. It's also that you may think your in the exact position (or the TD), but can be off by less then a meter (and as players can't tell), and that pixel difference can mean the difference of LOS/LOF... This might be the same situation as a Vehicle a hundred meters deep in the woods, and think it's safe from outside LOS (or would be in RL), but the game mechanics was able to find a pixel LOS, and was able to get LOF for one shot.
  2. Ok, so you are saying in just 15 minutes both Friendly Battalion HQs know where the German Armor is...I mean, WOW !..That is pretty Freaking quick. This means, both Battalion HQ's can technically act, literally, against that Armor Threat on turn 16...WOW !..I say. In my mind, I always think of a CM Turn as equally 2 minutes of RL, and still, that would mean only 30 minutes before your Battalions HQ's can react. Well, at least CM does have a C&C system in place...That counts for something.
  3. Thanks again for this C&C (Redux)... Ops, I probably posted too soon as you might have more posts to come. Joe
  4. There were a couple WWII Miniature Gaming Rules that I remembered using WEGO...However, must rules used an Initiative System with, Player 1 Move, Player 2 Opp Fire, Player 2 Move, Player 1 Opp Fire, with Arty somewhere in the middle. Anyways, nice to meet another MIC :-)..Thou, I live in the U.S. Joe
  5. Yes, this is a Known issue for Arty against Troops in buildings & Foxhole/Entrenchments, and hope BF is looking into it.
  6. That's what it seems, and both players would need to use said Mods. *Side Note...Wish CM had an 'Crouch Animation'. I Think this would apply to troops that use the 'Quick' or 'Evade' Commands, while 'Run' would still use the 'Stand' Animation...This might also help in reducing casualties a little. Actually, the exact Animation is not as important to me as would giving a slightly better 'Saviings Roll', if you will, for 'Crouched' troops advancing.
  7. On top of that, 'Rockin Harry', has several different Animation Mods (not sure how many are online) to slightly help reduce casualties...He originally owned CMBN when he made these Mods, but said they should work for all WWII Titles (Players will need to Test these Mods on each Game Title to see how well they work).
  8. Your actual Animation Stance (which is one factor) will determine on how you will become a Casualty...Rockin Harry, essentially changed the Animation Code (which, anyone can do by carefully manipulating the 'Strings').
  9. Not that it's directly related, but you can use 'Rockin Harry's' Medic Mod...It will make the Medic 'Prone' while giving Aid (less chance of Medic being a Casualty). Joe
  10. I think, Aragorn, is (ok, was) pulling your chains, folks...
  11. Yes, you will notice the B.A.R & Bren taking Single-Shots after around 150-175 meters...
  12. Hmm, Just noticed on another 'Thread' that 'Fatigued' Troops don't loose firing accuracy either...So, has BF allowed Super Troopers in CM, where 'Fatigued' and or 'Cold' Troops fire without Penalty. Thou, to make-up for it, it's also possible that troops in CM 'Cower' or have longer Acquire Times in above conditions, instead of loss of fire accuracy.
  13. I also wonder if CM realistically portrays fighting in Hot/Cold Conditions, and not just in Visibility, but in Combat...ex. Cold troops tend to shoot a little less often at range. Joe
  14. Yeah, and hope BF fixes the Single Round issue for both Bren & BAR in next Patch...I like to, either, see single rounds being fired past 250 meters (outside moderate range), or simply return to pre v4 when firing about 2-3 rounds per burst, but maybe at a little longer intervals.
  15. Well, I always advocated for less Small Arms firing per Action-Cycle and or more reactionary cover/better Savings Roll's (more cower for self-preservation=less firing per Action-Cycle) for Inf, HT/Armor Gunners, etc...One Minute of Intense Combat in CM (what some call a Mad-Minute) should maybe take twice that long. I've tried everything from reducing/increasing the Moral/Leadership ratings to using 'Poor' equipment, etc, but it only helped a little in giving me the desired Realistic Tactical Effects I'm looking for. Of course, and in saying the above User1K, in CMFB having Germans with more Auto Weapons then U.S. at the Squad Level (especially against U.S. Armored Inf) doesn't help much either, and you will end-up with U.S. Troops taking more cover and ultimately loosing more casualties...So, unless you get the Germs in an Ambush, you will be hard pressed. Joe
  16. Thanks for posting, Josey Wales, and looking forward to watching this and many other of your Great AAR's... Joe
  17. If I were to make a guess, they released it to soon, and didn't take into account for some things like what Factor X might do to Factor Y, along with Proper Play testing, etc,...Thou, BF is generally good at taking care of these things before a release...But, who knows.
  18. Spock: "He is intelligent, but not experienced...His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking"...Kirk: "Tee Minus 500 meters"
  19. I believe, Steve, was referring to the old New Zealand Military Contract years ago for CMx1...
  20. I mean it's good that you did, but he already based his info on the standard Strategy (Hearts of Iron), Tactical (Close Combat), and RT Games meant for the mass Market, and not a niche game like CM.
  21. I Think you should inform him about this on his Youtube Video...See what comes of it.
  22. Hey, at least Combat Mission is around 50% more realistic compared to most other similar games on the Market...
  23. Nah !..If you start doing that, then you minus well have all Units be giving that capability.
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