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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Hey LLF, Don't mind him to much as we get aittle frustrated at times with v4.0...Your a Good long standing member here, and way back during the Talon Soft 'East & West Front' days...Now, Matrix Games, John Tillers 'Campaign Series'.
  2. NO, No, no...SMG's are already deadly enough at short range...But, I digress :-)
  3. I accidentally stumbled upon this, so called, 'Black Sea' Thread (I only play WWII) when I read the Topic, and thought it's probably related to the v4 issue that many are having as a whole. Yes, this is, ofcourse, true for Meetngs or Attack/Defense...It doesn't matter. Now, the problem is that a Scenario (QB, designed Scenario, etc) is now taking about half the time to accomplish then it did pre v4 and in an unrealistic way... So, picture this in v4; Troops have been dug in for Days, or just a few hours...Whatever....now a Mortar Battery is called down on the Defenders Company position, and your troops start to run to rear cover...Attacker uses the 'Rinse & Repeat' procedure (and inflicting many enemy casualties), and then finally moves his troops in for to take objectives for the win (might have to engage in some small arms here and there). Now, picture the above in v3; Troops have been Entrenched for Days, or just Dug in for a few hours...Whatever....now a Mortar Battery is called down on your Company position, but this time your troops are steadfast, and has only taken a few casualties with some suppression/Pinned/Shaken,etc, etc...The Attacker advances, but now his Infantry has Stalled engaging the Defenders in Small Arms at range...Several minutes later more Arty is called upon Defenders, and the combination (Arty & Small Arms) forces you to flee your Defensive position due to overall Suppression & Broken Moral effects...Enemy Troops finally move in to take position, albeit taking heavy casualties.
  4. that's Odd then, and your Rifleman shouldn't be shooting at the Panther at all.
  5. Now, Now...PointofBullet, don't give BF any ideas as I already think SMG's are over modeled, and need of toning down abit (especially at range).
  6. "These aren't the Droids your Looking for"..."Move along"
  7. Thanks for the Info, SLR, and hope, BF, returns Small Arms to it's pre v4 state, or to a lesser degree, use some of the suggestions above.
  8. How long was the Panther in LOS for, and was it unbuttoned in previous Action Phase ?...If it was unbuttoned previously (and you didn't know it), then it could be that the Infantry thinks of it as an unbuttoned Vehicle (even thou it's now buttoned) and decided to shoot at it for an Action Phase or two (basically, carry-over effects).
  9. Good To Hear !...Now, I expect that Review here First, at the BF Forums, then you can elsewhere :-) Joe
  10. Actually, it's gets pretty bad when an SMG is more effective then an Automatic Rifle/LMG at 200 meters. Also, aren't many of the German LMG's Drum fed (I see it in the re-load animation), and should also suffer the same fate (single-rounds shots) as others Magazine fed LMG's near the 200 meter mark ?...As it stands now, the Germans, who already had a slightly better advantage pre-v4 (rightly so), will now enjoy an even much better advantage near and beyond the 200 meter mark. If this is a bug I hope BF gets it fixed...If not a Bug and intentional, then I recommend BF extend the range to around the 250 meter mark for a 2-3 Burst fire (med range), then single rounds past that range.
  11. As this discussion went from semi-derailed to a Train wreck, so, then there is no harm in continuing this... Dad, owned a Hobby-Shop in Northern Virginia back in the early 80's to early 90's...I remember some of what you mentioned, including 'D&D', Twilight 2K, 'Middle-Earth' Series (better system then D&D), GURPS, ETC, Etc, etc, and along with my interest in HO & Micro-Armor Table-Top Minis, ACW, Napoleonic's, etc, going to Conventions like 'Cold Wars', Historicon, etc...Those were the Good 'Ole Days of War gaming.
  12. You do realize, Sgt.Squarepants, that only FASA's 'Star-Trek Combat Simulator, or its Evil Cousin TFG's 'Star Fleet Battles' was the real chit back when...Thou, I do faintly remember Steve Jacksons 'Car Wars'. Joe
  13. Hmmm, CMx1...I faintly remember that Arcade Series, and it was indeed entertaining.
  14. Hmmm, CMx1...I faintly remember that Arcade Series, and it was indeed entertaining.
  15. Ok, just noticed that in Dec 43' half my Standard U.S. Squads are armed with 2x B.A.R's, instead of one that it's suppose to have...I didn't expect this many B.A.R.s until around Normandy (at the earliest)...It was't until Sept-Oct 44' when standard Squads where issued 2x B.A.R.s till end of War. I guess were having B.A.R.s giving out like Candy from beginning of War to End :-( Please, BF, Tear Down these B.A.R.s...
  16. Ahh...Not so fast, my Master...This Grasshopper has some questions...Some of these things below are in need of attention to determine if needs fixing, adjusting, etc in a future patch: - Many times an Infantry Squad will have a couple guys left behind during movement. - Units leaving cover to early when receiving Fire...ex; Small Arms and Arty forcing Enemy Infantry to leave Foxholes, entrenchments to early. - Small Arms like the Bar, Bren, and other Squad Automatic Mag fed Weapons firing only Single Rounds (instead of Bursts) starting from around the 150 to 200 meters. - And ofcourse, the standard General Patch fixes.
  17. Yes, since CMx2 Combat System is 1:1 games would appear a little smaller compared to CMx1...Your not moving Computer ASL Squad Counters anymore. Many people still play at the Battalion level in CMX2, thou I prefer up to reinforced Company size engagements. Yeah, using your logic, since Axis Armor is relatively scarce compared to Allied Armor in RL, then it should cost twice as much. in QB's there's an option for the Computer to choose Formations for both sides, which means both sides wont know what the other side has.
  18. Yeah, Kirk...Your Insulting, Khan's, Intelligence... :-)
  19. Yeah, I also had to re-license four separate product keys (Base, Gustav, 3.0, & 4.0 Upgrade) in order to get CMFI v4 up and running :-) Joe
  20. Yeah, I remember the endless discussions awhile ago with something like "How to Move and Deploy MG's in Buildings"...Think IanL was also a big part of that discussion. Anyways, will do some more testing using some of your suggestions above. Thanks again, guys :-)
  21. When I move MG's in Buildings and use the Deploy Order (along with combinations of Face Commands, etc), they seem to just stay in Semi-Deploy Mode most of game. What do you do to successfully get MG's to Deploy properly in buildings ?
  22. Yes, BF did mention it will send out Disks shortly (after the soft launch)...I will be getting the V4 Upgrade CD for all my WWII Titles (could care less about CMBS, but it's included). I already used the Download Option to upgrade all my WWII Titles, and so I'm good there (V4 Upgrade CD will be for Armageddon backup).
  23. So, what is the best way to move and setup MMG/HMGs in Buildings (obviously, no problem if already setup beginning of game). It just seems to be a hit or miss situation half the time ever since the earlier versions...Still having problems in V4. Thanks, Joe
  24. Hello weta_nz, I would be interested in playing CMFI v4, Tiny/Small QB's, Meetings...PM me your Dropbox info and will send you a request containing a Game Folder named 'Irish vs Weta'. Joe
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