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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Yeah, the 'Dismount' Command is for Passengers leaving Vehicle, and 'Bail out' Command is for the Crew.
  2. Proper Landings wont work in CMx2...MG's & HE are way Over-Modeled and your troops, well, will literally die to the last man within an hour...Your better off playing it in CMx1,
  3. Ops...my mistake and understand now...Ok, the reason you can't combine Squad anymore is you lost your Squad Leader (and Team Leader) which allows for the Command to take place. It's to bad that you can't use the Combine Squad Command (even if Squad Leader is KO'ed) if within C&C of HQ (like you are in now)
  4. Actually, I think they already self-combined...Note, you already highlighted the Team (3 man team) which matches the 3 man Team in the UI.
  5. Ok, playing a QB against opponent who has a Panther. I had Troops (couple Inf Squads, Weapons Squad) running away in the woods about 40 meters from that panther, and in mid-turn it fired an HE Shell and caused 9x Casualties and couple yellow With the Woods as cover, Inf Spacing, and Inf supposed to be trying to avoid HE fire in v4 I was surprised that a 75mm HE would take out so many guys. I was only expecting to loose maybe 2-3 guys at most (in the direct Action-Spot where the shell landed)...Not sure if it's an issue with v4 or what, but this seems way off, and had same issue with another post regarding '50mm AT Morphed into 150mm'. I have a saved file if anyone cares to look at it.
  6. Yeah, Don't get rapped-up in names...Your troops will not live long enough for you to worry about it.
  7. Wow, that's a Coincidence...I never knew of that Post, and it only came to mind that that 50mm AT HE seemed to have as much damage as a 150mm HE... I decided to run the Game several times (Surrendering each game) and the 50mm AT had the exact standard HE & AP ammo each game, and no special 150mm Spigot ammo...I'll just chalk it up to the way BF handles unrealistic Damage results.
  8. Decided to play a CMBN Campaign called; 'Task Force Raff' (played it about a dozen times using the different versions...currently Game engine 4). About half way through the Battle I decided to 'Quick' my U.S. Inf Platoon down the Stream Bed towards the Bridge ( I figured to use this route instead of Open Terrain). There might be a German 50mm AT Gun that I felt could be behind a Hedgerow next to that Bridge (there is usually a 50/50 chance that it's there per game). When I got close to the Bridge (about 40 meters) the hidden AT opened up and the shell hit close to the top of the Stream Bed (half my troops where close to top of bed, and other half close at bottom next to water) where my Troops where located...and caused 7 casualties. Now, with the small 50 HE round, new 'Inf Spacing', and Inf supposed to avoid Direct HE fire, I can only see losing about 2 men (3 if I'm unlucky)...At first, I thought the new Game Engine 4 probably updated the 50mm AT into a 88mm or most likely a 150mm Field Piece since it caused so many casualties...But, No, after the game it turned out to be little Ole 50mm AT that caused all that damage. I Just wanted to rant about the 50mm AT with it's morphed 150mm Shell...Obviously a Bug, but anyways.
  9. Well, unless there is a BF Moderator here asking for such Tests (that they should be doing themselves) then all players can do, is complain. With something major like this, I wonder if, BF, even Playtests what they release.
  10. Hell...I been saying that there is something wrong for both Small Arms & Arty in all my WWII Titles. It gets pretty bad when in less then a minute of Small Arms or Arty, Good Troops are bailing out of Trenches/Foxholes/Buildings, etc...On top of that, the Suppression Meter is still in the Green/Yellow zone. Now, at east someone is doing actual Comparison tests...
  11. I know.Steve, entered an earlier discussion back when I believe, either RT or FB came out (which was really a continued discussion way back from start of CMBN) on this very same topic...Me, Bulletpoint, and couple others were part of that discussion... Basically, Steve, mentioned that it's easier to see then eventually hit a Crew member on a Vehicle (pin-point accuracy), then it is to see, then hit Infantry on ground (more time consuming, and presents more of an Area-Fire)... imagine your a rifleman behind a building, but know where the Vehicle is in general. It's easier to pop your head around a corner and target anything on top of a vehicle (since the vehicle itself is easy to see, and therefore just aim your rifle to top part of vehicle. You do this with several Infantry firing on a Vehicle, and you get that 'Bullet Magnet' syndrome... Now, On the other hand, that same rifleman entering a Firefight will always have to pop his head back and forth from behind building to re-acquire an Infantry size target that's harder to see in different terrain types. That Rifleman is more or less firing at an enemy position (Action-Spot) then individual Infantry (sometimes you see the target again, but many times you don't and just Area-Fire his last known position). If you ever played a First Person Shooter Game, then you will know what I mean...It's quicker to acquire and aim your rifle at a vehicle, then it is to acquire, then try and hit Infantry running, hiding in different cover. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, I understand what, Steve, was trying to say and I'm sure many others agreed...However, there were some counter arguments to the above that I will elaborate a little later...
  12. Actually, this all goes back to Unbuttoned Crews, wither H/T Gunners or Tank Crew, etc, all being 'Bullet Magnets' by getting shot at instantaneously when in LOS of enemy. Joe
  13. Ok then, we now just need the CW units to receive 2x Brens in a Squad, and will be happy
  14. Nice AAR, Pericles....Was this with Game Engine 4 ?
  15. You Don't !...Just stick with up to Reinforced Company size engagements, and you will be fine. Joe
  16. Ok, so we are all in agreement that the MG should be Setup and handed down in the same or Surrounding Action-Spots...As it is now. Oh, and SHHHhhhh....If BF sees this thread (especially your post) they might decide there was a mistake in v4, and make appropriate adjustements...We don't wan't that MG Crew running away at the first sign of Enemy Contact, now do we.
  17. I also noticed Germans having MG42's and U.S. with 2x B.A.R's added to the Infantry Squads...It's interesting, thou, I still don't see CW with mulit-Brens per squad...CMFI has truly become the Wild, Wild, West...
  18. Hey Erwin...Yeah, if you go under your Account where you purchased the v4 'Big Bundle Upgrade' you will notice all the Downloads available for all the Games...Just check the box for the CMFI Download (think it's around 1GB). Joe
  19. Actually, I don't mind if the Team is stationary (or, say move within adjacent Action Spots) and each Crew member mans the MMG automagically...Thou, the running several Action Spots and having the last man to keep the MMG is what bothered me...However, I can understand, 'Hals' explanation on why CM has done it this way.
  20. Hmm, and figured someone would say something like that...Oh Well, I guess it's in the interest of play balance :-( Thanks for the Info...
  21. Started playing CMFB v4...I noticed that the Crew member holding the MMG that dies, then automagically passes the MMG to another Crew member, and when that Crew member dies it happens again until the last member ends up with it. I also remember this issue back in earlier versions of CMBN & CMFI, when it also happened to German MMG Weapons Crew (can't remember if it ever got solved)...Will this Bug ever get Squashed. Joe
  22. Yes...As most have mentioned, since the Firepower in CM (especially SMG's) is alittle over-modeled you need ranging Area-Fire with your MG's, Armor & Arty to clear Built-up Areas. In RL, an average Close-Assault Firefight in a Built-Up Area should last 2-3 minutes with both sides losing a few casualties...However, in CM it's one minute max and double the casualties.
  23. Yes, a slide bar adjustment at beginning of game to represent either a Low or High intensity Combat for that Scenario, would be great...Maybe an adjustment if it's a Meeting vs .Probe vs. Attack/Defense.
  24. It's interesting, actually...I remember in v3, that some were complaining that it took a long time to break an Enemy Inf Squad (suppression didn't last long enough, etc)...So, in all my v3 WWII Titles, I had to actually reduce Moral by one state lower along with some soft factors just to get the desired results I was looking for (Vets would become Reg or Green, etc). Now, in v4 I have to do the complete opposite in order to even remotely give the same desired results. * Side Note*...How I once enjoyed v1 Days of CMBN where Inf Firepower was reasonable, and tactical Casualties were lower (albeit, still twice it should be compared to RL)...Now, with each and every version comes even higher Firepower (Small Arms & Arty Increase), and easier chance of breaking...This, to the point where just showing up on the Battlefield is going to be a deadly affair no matter what.
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