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General Jack Ripper

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Everything posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. I can understand losing a couple men to having the team spread out across an action spot, and having someone step outside the cleared lane. What I can't understand is an entire fire team deliberately avoiding the cleared lane, as if ordered not to set foot in it.
  2. I wonder whatever happened to that guy who thought he'd eventually take over the Pentagon? I liked him.
  3. Yeah, but that doesn't mean they should deliberately avoid it? There were teams specifically running around the cleared minefields, as if told to avoid it, or as if they registered the cleared fields as active. I can understand a guy accidentally wandering out of a single lane when told to cross it, but not a lane 3 Action Spots wide. Especially on such a short distance move order, only 3 AS long.
  4. Damn XO took the radio with him, eh? What a kleptomaniac.
  5. So, I'm busily recording the big grand finale of the next TTP video, and I came across some very strange behavior: When ordered to cross a section of cleared minefields, infantry seem to actively avoid the clear sections, and wander outside the lane. Having run into a minefield, my M4A3 reversed, and the Crab went forward to clear the mines. At this point, I figured I'd cross a Team, so I placed a movement waypoint one AS short of the lane, and the next waypoint directly across the far side of the lane, much like you'd plot a bridge movement. The Squad Leader, in his infinite wisdom, decided to run outside of the cleared path, and steps on a mine. I send the Crab in again to clear this newly discovered lane, and order the remainder of the Squad across it. While the rest of the Squad is running across, one man wanders outside the lane and is killed. So, I order the Crab in again, to clear another lane, and now I have a section of cleared minefields, three action spots wide. In other words, it's a wide open highway and you can't possibly miss it. So I order the next Squad to Assault Move through the gap, (I was still under sporadic rifle fire), and two of the three Teams deliberately avoid this cleared section, wandering well outside the lane, and two more men are killed. Remember, the total length of the movement orders did not exceed 4 Action Spots, and the total length of the cleared area was 4 Action Spots. So within 32 meters, Teams are deviating from their assigned path by more than 8 meters. I don't know if this is a bug with the new behaviors or not, which is why I appended a question mark to the thread title, but can we have a tweak to infantry behavior? Something like, "cling to cleared minefields like a drowning man clinging to a life raft"? No one in their right mind would deliberately avoid a cleared minefield like this. Not to this extraordinary extent. Not saying no one's ever done it, but when you have a clearly marked path directly in front of you, you're not going to be a trail-blazer. I set up a Dropbox folder with a save file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8x8dj1ydxmlx31f/AABctJ0_DjZpTvRQKH8qbxvda?dl=0
  6. If I ever win the Powerball Lottery, then we are totally going to do this.
  7. I'm okay with that. Who really wants white tracers anyway? Talk about boring!
  8. No offense Ian, but what we really need are illumination flares.
  9. This is what I like about you guys, you actually try out the ideas posted on the forums. Having said that, how about some Space Lobsters of Doom? I've been waiting patiently for 14 years now...
  10. I think people tend to forget how dark the dark really is, until they happen upon an area without any artificial light. After camping out in the woods plenty of times, I can assure our metropolitan forum goers that dark, is indeed very dark. In fact, I highly recommend not walking around the woods at night unless you absolutely have to, or are packing illumination. My advice: always check to see if the moon is in the sky before commencing night operations. If the moon isn't up, then your visibility is effectively zero.
  11. I've had some time to think, and I wanted to run something by everyone. Way back when Shock Force was still the new and exciting entry in the series, there was a big push to get the CMx2 Engine to support multiprocessors. I think a lot of the complaints about graphical issues would be neutralized if the CMx2 engine were brought up to a more modern hardware capability. My personal computer runs an AMD FX 8350 which has 8 cores at 4.0Ghz each. I think if Combat Mission could take advantage of modern multicore cpu's, we would see both a massive increase in framerates, and people with high powered machines could run higher graphics settings. Anyway, that's what I was thinking. Happy New Year.
  12. @Vein Is it okay if I can request purple tracer color?
  13. I was doing some research on defense spending and I happened across this report about the Littoral Combat Ship: http://www.armed-services.senate.gov/hearings/16-12-01-oversight-acquisition-testing-and-employment-of-the-littoral-combat-ship-lcs-and-lcs-mission-module-programs I don't know if anyone has ever sat through one of these committee meetings, but they're certainly an eye opening experience.
  14. Wow, I didn't know the show had come back for another series! I caught the first two, and they were a good source of some info and entertainment.
  15. I think what's needed is a sticky post at the top of each forum explaining how to report bugs.
  16. I didn't read the whole thread yet, but are you saying: Each nation now has separate tracer colors? So we can have green, and red, and purple, and whatnot all showing up in the same battle now? EDIT: Finished the thread, and I think this is the best Christmas Present ever. Now I need to figure out how to get the maximum amount of colors all in one battle. For science.
  17. Pish and posh, I never understood the obsessive need for historical accuracy with mods. You want knit wool watch caps, go ahead and do it! Go nuts! I thank you! Let's have some silly hats!
  18. On an upslope like that leading to a bocage, you'll never get a gun deployed on that. On flat ground it works just fine. That's just plain awful terrain to fight from.
  19. One thing I'll say, is watching your Submachine Gunners stop to reload during a close assault is very frustrating. However, the behavior is legitimate. Most of the time one doesn't realize how low their magazine is until they squeeze the trigger and feel a 'click' instead of a 'bang'. As I understand it, tactical reloading is generally only done when ordered to. You don't want your soldiers running around with a dozen half-empty magazines. That would cause more problems than it solves.
  20. Yes it does, the crew can still hear it... Thanks guys, I was reading the FM 3-21.8 for the next part of the TTP videos and it kept specifying to pass downwind of danger areas on a march. They mention the idea of guard dogs, and I know wind tends to carry sound, but I was just trying to figure out any in-game reason to keep to that rule. Apparently there isn't.
  21. See title. I never did notice one way or the other, but anyone who is familiar with the game engine might know.
  22. That's a perfectly valid point. Covering at least the basics of tank vs. tank combat would make a good addition. I had already planned to do a video about using combined arms, but I could also put one together with pure armor. I will not ignore you, you're not the boss of me!
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