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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Yes, MOS has already (cleverly) demonstrated that one can have multiple dumps in his TOC scenario. The other clever idea is to have reduced ammo in each dump so that units can acquire smaller amounts of ammo - like when you want to give a sniper unit 200 rounds but the minimum is 1,000. The only thing to be careful about as a designer is to make sure you provide many such reduced ammo dumps so that the total amount of ammo available in all the dumps is sufficient. Question: What happens when a unit is within ACQUIRE range of more than one dump and tries to ACQUIRE ammo?
  2. Noticed there is a big convention CONSIMWORLD in Phoenix June 23 - 30. Anyone here attending?
  3. But that IS a desert environment just like any other. It has habitation and buildings is all. Otehr wise one may as well say that CMBN and CMFB and CMRT and CMBS have all the same terrain. (Actually they are similar.) What is wonderful about CMSF is getting out into the desert environment even if it includes a town or village. If you like WW2 games and you like CMSF, you'd like playing a WW2 version of CMSF. And CMFI has much desert-like terrain. Folks seem to enjoy that. If BF could be persuaded to throw in some early war vehicles and mod some uniforms, you got Afrika Korps.
  4. Thank you. This may be one the rare mods I didn't already have.
  5. Wasn't sure if you were being humorous. I saw it and thought it suc***... was quite poor.
  6. Both would be interesting I am sure. From a marketing POV one would think Early War a harder sell as it would feature weapons/vehicles that the average wargame customer may not be familiar with, or be interested in. When I go to conventions I can't recall ever seeing early WW2 being played. WW1 (eugh) is more popular! Will check out Consimworld in Phoenix next week and see what they are playing these days. Based on the excitement for CMSF2, it baffles me why people wouldn't want to play WW2 in the same desert terrain. Am suspecting a complete misunderstanding about what "desert" actually looks like. Yes, there are boring featureless tracts. But, much desert is fascinating terrain. If you like CMSF, that's the same terrain we'd see in Afrika Korps scenarios. Did anyone see "Patton" and the Kasserine battle?
  7. I looked at thse and I think they are identical: by Mjkerner ("normal" version) http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1229 - the mod features very warm - almost "leathery" - colors for the tops. But - in stark contrast to that - there are also a few dark grey trousers and helmets put into the mix (not really visible on the picture below). Some of the helmets are really cool! All uniforms have stains of dirt on them. (NOTE: This mod is outdated and will not work unless you rename all files - the picture below shows vanilla boots and gear, I only got the uniform and helmets to work) by Mjkerner ("tropical" version) http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1229 - this mod's uniforms differ only slightly from the vanilla ones (NOTE: This mod only features uniforms, no change to helmets)
  8. U talking about the "saving the POW from execution" episode???
  9. Good article. But, dismayed that at this point in time, not everyone already knows that movies are entirely designed to make money, and if that means creating a popular propagandist "spin" that pleases its primary audience, then that is what will happen (every time). I suppose that's what the corrupshun of our educashin system is all about. Few if any people are trained in analytical thinking at the proliferating new 2nd and 3rd rate unis - only in learning a trade. (In UK at least, these new schools used to be called "2ndary Moderns" and "Polytechnics".) Was also impressed with 1966’s The Battle of Algiers. If you haven't seen it, it's recommended.
  10. Apologies to Sgt Slaughter... I was thinking of what happened to you at that moment lol.
  11. So, now you are saying that BF and Steve etc are so incompetent that they misunderstand... You should write them a proposal making your case to them and pointing out what they misunderstand and maybe not waste your time beating a dead horse on these forums. Simples...
  12. Yah... 12 people. Obviously a huge majority of all customers of BF. Clearly we doubters have all been wrong about this and BF should immediately sign up to Steam. How could we be so stupid as to think otherwise.
  13. A major aspect of MOS' TOC scenario that am enjoying is having enuff time in 4 hours to decide what one's overall strategy and "standard operating procedures" are for dealing with the insurgents. Of course one's plans have to be continually updated depending on what surprises may blindside you. The Russians and Separatists have complex plans of their own and it feels like am playing vs a cunning human oppo. In addition, a player has to examine intelligence reports from IIRC 5(!) sources (S2, SCIF, SIGINT, UAV's, HUMINT...) as well receive requests from Ukrainian Liaison officers and consider logistics, ammo conservation as well as transport of supply to troops and also of Defectors to evacuation sites... Your Forward Operating Base even has a "functioning" helicopter landing pad where you receive men and supplies and also evacuates Defectors. There is even a motor pool shop which cleverly simulates repaired vehicles being returned to service... and much more... TOC has features that have never been seen in any CM2 game and is a truly revolutionary re-imagining of what a CM2 title can accomplish in terms of providing exciting challenges for experienced and also less experienced players. As we know, most CM2 games are very unforgiving of mistakes. But, in TOC, one can make errors and still recover the initiative. TOC provides enuff reinforcements and assets that one can make blunders and still recover the initiative and play to the end without restarting a savedgame (unless you are Sgt Slaughter of course - sorry SS, couldn't resist hehe). (Am about halfway thru testing Beta 8, so I may still eat those words however.)
  14. IIRC there was an issue with long range firing in the CM1 games - like over 1000m became very inaccurate for the 88mm. Making the 88mm Elite might have helped. I just don't remember... What I enjoyed about CMAK was that you could create 8kmx4Km maps and enjoy a near operational level experience with a lot of mobile warfare and long range duels. What puzzles me right now is why folks are so excited about CMSF2 but not about a DAK game. I have read comments that the terrain is boring etc. But guys... they are both set in essentially the same terrain. Deserts can have amazing terrain - it's not all flat and featureless as CMSF demonstrated.
  15. Ah, so has nothing to do with loading or playing the scenario then... Relieved...
  16. Speaking as nearly brain dead gopher, I have problems with Steam and what it does. It's page loads automatically every time I boot up. Can't figure out how to get rid of it.
  17. Haven't teamed up vs little old me. They are going on and on... and on... against BF and what Steve has said many, many... many... times what he prefers. Reminds one of religious fanatics. The phrase "Beating a dead horse." comes to mind. There are only a few dozen frequent posters on these forums. There's no quorum. Am confident that BF is much more tuned to their larger market of people who do not care to post here.
  18. Are you familiar with the term "beating a dead horse"?
  19. Still can't understand why some folks care so much to keep pushing Steam on and on... and on... when it's so clearly not wanted by BF or most players on these forums - just the same 3 or 4 people. Is there an agenda here?
  20. In this folder I see a .kmz folder as in: "Battlepack 1 - The Great Swan.kmz" The readme file doesn't mention the .kmz file or give any instructions (naturally). What is a kmz folder and what does one do with it?
  21. And imagine if all those STEAM users then started asking for CM to be more like a FPS etc - more like Call of Duty, or one of the real time games, or StarWars franchise... The fact is that this a tiny tiny niche within a niche. Look at the huge success (not) of board wargames marketwise compared to "family games"? STEAM appeals to a completely different market and demographic and if BF ever decided to pander to that market am confident the new CM game system that would evolve due to market pressure would no longer appeal to the very people who are here on this board.
  22. So now I have (with the exact names you gave): 01 Experimental Mod Part 1 01 Experimental Mod Part 2 1-CMBN Sounds Mod Allied vehicles 1 CMBN Sounds Mod Part 1 Allied Vehicles 2 CMBN Sounds Mod German Vehicles 2 CMBN Sounds Mod German Vehicles 2 3 CMBN Sounds Mod Small arms falling Cartridges 4 CMBN Mod Big Guns falling Shells and mov of turrets 5 CMBN Mod Big Guns falling Shells Is this everything? (Am wondering if by any chance you helped advise BF on their game engine version numbering system lol.)
  23. Agreed. It's all propaganda and BS for the masses at present (and probably the future as well).
  24. Thanks.... That will be very helpful.
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