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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. In the heat of the moment one does whatever one can (usually in blind panic)...
  2. "You only get one chance to make a good first impression." BF has a very smart policy of not releasing anything till it's completely ready and it applies here as well. People are looking for, and eager to jump all over, flaws in a new scenario. This system of MOS is so good I hope it inspires many other designers to stretch the envelope. But, it's a very sophisticated concept scenario and it has to be as perfect as it can be to really showcase its features. Due to its length, it's doubtful many will want to play an updated version if there is a problem with what is released.
  3. It's a scenario called Tactical Ops Center that MOS has designed and is in final testing (and it's had a lot of testing) for CMBS. This is a genuinely quite brilliant "re-imagining" of what a CM2 game can accomplish with all the new options that a designer has in the CM2 toolbox. I won't say too much or spoil any of the many, many surprises you will find in this scenario. However, it's safe to say that MOS's scenario simulates low intensity operations in a sector of the Ukraine front vs Russia and Russian Separatists. The player is in charge of a Forward Operating Base (FOB) and one has troops (US and Ukrainian) that one needs to allocate to many different roles - (eg: roadblock clearing, resupply, rescue beleaguered garrisons, locate Russian Separatist bases etc etc.) just like in RL. MOS has cleverly adapted and redesigned a large 2.5Kmx3Km map so that one gets near-operational feel to the CM2 game (that we have not been able to experience since CM1 which features maps as large as 8Kmx4Km). The really brilliant aspect is the way MOS has used all the bells and whistles of the CM2 system to offer all sort of in-game information sources, eg:- Intel, SIGINT, S2, SCIF, UAV's as well as info from Detainees and Defectors(!) to provide actionable reports. The player needs to use all this info in order to gain an overall picture of what the Separatists/Russians are up to. The player has to decide what his forces are capable of, and therefore what info his forces are capable of acting on. The player's decisions and the actions of his troops will affect what happens in the game later - just like in RL. Over the last almost 20 years of playing CM1 and then the CM2 family of games, it seemed like all scenarios were stating to feel the same or at least so similar as to be becoming boring. So, this creation of MOS is a breath of fresh air and am eager to keep testing the latest Beta. The experience constantly amazes and surprises me and feels almost like a brand new game system - like a CM3... You guys will love it...
  4. It would be very help us if you kept to a standard naming format for your mods. For example, currently I have downloaded your: Experimental Mod v2 CMBN Mod Part 4 (Immersounds 02) Big Guns falling Shells and movements of turrets CMBN Mod Part 4 (Immersounds 02) Big Guns falling Shells (ver 02) Second Part Experimental Mod Very confusing...
  5. No... Am testing MOS's TOC concept scenario. 4 hours long and very immersive.
  6. Your mods sound very interesting. Sorry I haven't time to try em in-game right now.
  7. I have a bunch of BG sounds. One is "background rain_thunder.wav" with the underline between rain and thunder. I can't recall playing a scenario with thunder and rain. But, have always assumed that it would play automatically without renaming should there be rain and thunder together. Or, do I have wrong naming convention? FWIW: I use a day BG sounds of birds chirping for all my CM2 titles (and crickets BG sound for night). They sound great and very atmospheric while one's troops get into position. Once firing starts you know it's on-map shooting, not BG noise.
  8. Am project oriented and I like having a project. When there is a project (like testing MOS's TOC) I find it takes over. Fortunately, have the time right now so been testing the latest Beta almost full time. If I was playing for "fun" I find I burn out on CM2 much quicker and have to go play or do something else for a few days. Just completed a CM1 tournament matchc on a huge map (a regiment+ on each side etc) and it was a lot more "fun" and less stressful in that respect.
  9. For example... Seriously tho', your TOC concepts would work well for WW2 German anti-partisan ops in East Front.
  10. Seems realistic. The crew would be pretty bombarded inside, and if they weren't sure what was going on (perhaps optics are now out) instinct would be to get the hell away.
  11. Hey coop... did you get the mods I sent you? Was curious if they were the ones you wanted as they had no names attached. Thought for modders. Please add a readme file with your name or moniker so that later we can ID the mod - sometimes years later. I see many readme files, and it's rare that the modder gives his name.
  12. LOL. thought you were being clever in the use of the description "creed" when it comes to the fanaticism we occsionally see here. https://www.google.com/search?q=creed&oq=creed&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.1207j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  13. Actually I did not... Thanks...
  14. Considering how much everyone is looking forward to CMSF2 - set in a desert environment, one would think that a Afrika Korps module would be a shoo-in... It's basically CMSF but set in WW2.
  15. Shame. I thought Olek contributed a lot of good stuff.
  16. Those other games are only competitors in the sense that they cover the same era. It's like saying TacOps is like CMBS or CMSF. Not really comparable. Graviteam's game is closer, but that is a RTS. I think people buy for the experience more than just the era or topic. I wouldn't buy any of those other games either (well maybe Graviteam's). I love the experience of CMSF cos of the desert and the large maps and maneuver warfare etc. An Afrika Korps CM2 would be as terrific as CMSF but with WW2 era stuff.
  17. Also, John it would be great if you could post links that do not require us to watch a 30 second commercial first. Life is too short... Thanks...
  18. Man, I was really cheering for that tank to make it over the ditch!
  19. My only deep desire is for a CM:Afrika Korps game. I know BF has been disinterested in that idea. But, it always seemed to be a very popular topic with the wargamers I used to know. And much of the work re models and uniforms may already be done for CMFI and its modules. We already have CMSF's desert terrain and buildings.
  20. Oh no... I've been away for a couple of months. what happened...? PS: Olek has a new SVD mod up at CMMODS now as well.
  21. BF seems to show little interest in a Deutsche Afrika Korps module since apparently CMAK didn't sell well. Personally, I loved it and it's a major reason I found CMSF to be so much fun. The desert, long ranges, open terrain, maneuver warfare... and the sun... But, once upon a time, BF said not to expect a CMSF2... so if enuff of us keep nagging...?
  22. There are many existing mods that use historical "news broadcast". As someone said they get boring after a few times and music is preferable.
  23. There should be several sand Syrian vehicles. Not sure if all by George. MikeyD did a sand BMP2.
  24. For whatever it's worth, those minor countries seems to be the most popular nations and units for CM1 tournament games. That's about all we've been playing with at WeBOB for the last 4-5 years.
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