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  1. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Freyberg in What the actual hell is this game?   
    I just did a deep dive into CMSF2's "House Cleaning". Yeah, that hospital complex is a tough nut.
    I found that they Syrians were able to ambush the US, inflicting many casualties. So, I dug deeper. What I found, surprised me.
    You know those hanging skeleton models in medical places? Well, some Syrians had skeleton suits and were imitating them. That worked. In one case, as the US team entered the morgue, several drawers popped open and out sprang some full-auto AK-firing Syrians. I won't even mention the fiasco in the emergency ward. Oh, the operating theater? Well, the US expected that the "patient" was a Syrian fighter. Sure enough, he had a machine gun under the green sheets. What caught my guys out, though, was that every "doctor" and "nurse" were also Syrian fighters. These were just the ones that stood out. The usual techniques of hiding behind furniture, poking shooting holes in walls, etc., were there as well.

    My point? A lot is abstracted. Room-clearing is deadly work. Explosives and suppression...and smoke, are the only way to make it work. And you'll still take casualties. But it still sucks.
  2. Upvote
    c3k reacted to DougPhresh in Question about Luftwaffe Infantry   
    In Fortress Italy, the troops of the Herman Goering Division display the correct white Waffenfarben in Fortress Italy, but in Gustav Line and Rome to Victory bear the green Kragenspiegel of the Field Divisions. Simply, the tropical uniform in Sicily is correct for the HG Division, but the temperate uniform for Italy and Northern Italy is, I would venture to guess, ported from Battle for Normandy or Red Thunder unmodified. The cuff title is also present in FI but disappears in the later modules.
    This seems like a pretty quick fix - just a uniform option like Greatcoat/Camouflage/etc. that substitutes white collar badges for the green and adds cuff titles for Luftwaffe troops during the dates the HG was involved in the campaign. Call it "Herman Goering" or something in line with the Gebirgsjäger option added in Rome to Victory.
    I have included sources below.

    I think a simple swap of the collars would look a bit like this:

    Compared to a Field Division Troop:

    That's a quick fix and would be entirely satisfactory. However, if BF wants to go a step further, read on:

    Working from these sources I have quickly put together some HG troops in M43 with Luftwaffe/Heer Smocks, Italian Camouflage Pants and the SS Oakleaf Smock.

    Official support would obviously be easier to use, higher quality, and make sure that both Field Division and HG troops can be fielded.
    With Rome To Victory, the elements of these uniforms all exist in the files already. It's just a matter of a more talented artist and researcher putting together Appearance options for Herman Goering / Herman Goering Greatcoat / Herman Goering Mixed Camo (Luftwaffe and Heer Splinter with some Italian?) / Herman Goering Oakleaf  / Herman Goering Winter or whatever the options end up being.
  3. Upvote
    c3k reacted to rocketman in Bug and stuff thread   
    I still have these issues after the latest patch
  4. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Aragorn2002 in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - German Side   
    Believe me, I'm following your thread with the same interest as that of Elvis. Great battle so far.
  5. Upvote
    c3k reacted to MikeyD in Occupying Base Of Fire   
    I never-never-never put my on-map mortars in direct line of sight with the enemy unless I'm absolutely positive the enemy has nothing that they can shoot at them with (which is a rare thing on a CM-size map).  Using a spotter may be burdensome but I'd rather have my mortar crew inefficient than dead.
    The trick to having a secure base of fire is having sufficient resources to punish the enemy for firing on you. In the CMFI Rome To Victory module I did a scenario with Germans attacking up a mountain slope with three HMGs on the next slope providing covering fire for them. The German HMGs were just outside of effective rifle range and if anyone was brave enough to try firing on them they attracted incoming fire from three widely spaced MG positions. If the defenders fired on the advancing troops they got noticed by the HMGs, they fired on the HMGs they got noticed by the advancing troops (not to mention risking a mortaring). Awh, I'm all nostalgic for that scenario now.
  6. Like
    c3k got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Hand grenades effectiviness   
    (Germans, IRL, had offensive as well as defensive grenades. The defensive grenades (I've forgotten the designation) were essentially identical to US "pineapple" but smooth. Nicknamed "eggs". In-game, they just use stick grenades (offensive ones). IRL, more blast, less shrapnel and thinner shrapnel. Closer to a deadly flash-bang than a frag. FWIW. My understanding is that the game treats all grenades identically.)
    The more grenades a unit has, the more likely they are to use them. Splitting off an Assault Team will make that team heavy on grenades. They'll toss them with abandon...if the situation warrants.
    After much play, I've found out that the enemy grenades land with unerring accuracy and will cause casualties among my most critical unit. Like the panzerschreck gunner, just before the enemy tank hoves into view. As for MY grenades? Yeah, they never land near their target and when they do, they seemingly turn the enemy into enraged berserkers who then kill all my men.

  7. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Schrullenhaft in IT response to CM2 not running on new Win 10 machine   
    I've installed all of the CM series on multiple computers with Windows 10 (from version 1607 to 2004) and I haven't run into a problem like yours at all. I personally haven't used Windows Defender on a Windows 10 computer in quite awhile, but that is the closest I can come to guessing the culprit in the issue that you've experienced. I don't know why AVG didn't work for you. I've typically used Avast and haven't run into any issues.
    For a game like CM there really isn't much that would need to be done in order to run it on Windows 10 compared to Windows 7. The CM series are fairly monolithic applications that aren't highly dependent on the OS for their functionality (it is dependent on other libraries such as Qt). OpenGL works the same on Windows 10 and Windows 7, but that really is in the hands of the developers of the video drivers rather than Microsoft and Windows. There's no major handicap that CM is running with on Windows 10 and there's no major re-engineering that is necessary specifically for Windows 10 and CM. While CM uses the OpenGL 2.x API for its graphics, there's really no change that Battlefront needs to make to in order for it to run on Windows 10 and with newer hardware (as long as the video drivers don't stop supporting OpenGL 2.x calls). The copy-protection system is what could possibly trip up most users, but it has been fairly benign and worked in the vast majority of situations. The only issue in regards to Windows 10 was with CMBN 1.x. In that case the copy-protection system wasn't compatible, but an update to the copy-protection system that was part of the CMBN 2.0 Upgrade resolved that situation (I believe the 2.0 Upgrade came out BEFORE Windows 10).
    I don't believe your issue is a forebearer of problems to come with CM and Windows 10. Admittedly my installs of CM on Windows 10 v. 2004 were in place with an earlier version of Windows before an upgrade of the OS to version 2004. I've typically had Avast installed before CM was installed on my Windows 10 computers (though I don't see that as a significant issue to your situation). My installations have typically gone to their default locations and I've had administrator-level privileges during installation and running of the games. Typically an installation to a custom directory should be a bit simpler since those aren't managed and protected by Windows (such as 'Program Files' and 'Program Files (x86)', but if a custom directory hasn't worked, perhaps trying a default one and seeing how that works out.
  8. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Xorg_Xalargsky in What the actual hell is this game?   
    Damn, it's tough out there brother.
  9. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Holman in CM Shock Force2 v2.03 patch has been released.   
    Thanks for posting this. A bunch of us have just discovered it, as well.
    If you've already installed it, you can copy the files from the nested patch location (the second "Combat Mission Shock Force 2" folder) and move them into the same folder in the original CMSF2 location. Don't copy/move the folders: just the files inside the folders. After all the files are moved from the nested CMSF2 folder into their correct location, you can delete the nested CMSF2 folder.
    (Or, just delete the nested CMSF2 that was installed with the patch, and redo the patch, this time dropping the "Combat Mission Shock Force 2" from the installer location.)
  10. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Heinrich505 in Operation Hammersmith   
    ...Accidentally managed to submit before I was done.  Doggone, I hate when that happens.
       Shall we crack on, then?  The Challenger tank commander actually slipped over to the right flank and eased past the IED area on the White Route, before driving back over to cover the center.  
       While clearing buildings and moving forward, LT MacGowan's HQ rushed through a courtyard that several squads had already run through, believing it was cleared.  It wasn't, and he lost two of his command staff to a vicious ambush.  The enemy was finally blown away when one of the Spartans pushed their way into the compound and pounded the enemy position at point blank range.  I found that I had to actually take such chances at times, although always doing so while holding my breath and listening for the sound of an RPG being fired.  Sheesh!
       MacGowan was able to provide buddy aid to his fallen HQ members, and then they pushed on up the center.
       His forward scouts found yet another RPG team in a courtyard, and they initially dashed off the roof to safety, as they were rattled, but then they eased back up to the second floor and dusted the enemy fighters down below.  They contributed to the surrender, because right after this turn, the enemy gave up.  
       The Center push was looking straight down the road into the Aviemore compound at game end.  They still had quite a few blocks to go, but the main assault on Aviemore was not going to be from the Center anyway, so they were pushing forward to pin enemy forces to the front while the attack came from the right flank.
       On the right flank, things were quite interesting.  I had most of the heavy equipment on this flank, and I also had to figure a way around the IED emplacements.  LT Morris was commanding the engineers, and he sent forward Sgt. MacPherson's unit.  The Sgt. split his 8 men into two teams and they moved forward from the drainage ditch to work the first set of IEDs on the bridge.  Of course the enemy had ranged in artillery on the position.  I had tried to put smoke down on it, but that didn't work well.  The engineers got mauled quite a bit, with Private Middleton the lone survivor of his group of four.  He stayed on the bridge when others rushed to get inside the nearby AFV, and he provided buddy aid to his mates while artillery rounds crashed around him.  
       Having his entire squad killed or wounded, and having attended to many of the wounded himself, he would have been excused to sit back and let the battle go on without him.  But, he ended up in one of the Enforcer AFVs, working the machine gun, as he was not one to leave a fight that was still ongoing.  He also had to satisfy some pay-back.  On the last turn before the enemy decided to quit, one diehard launched an RPG that hit his Enforcer AFV, blowing up the AFV.  The driver was wounded and managed to escape, but Middleton's fate was unknown.  He probably joined his mates as KIA.
       The push down the White Route was quite successful.  At the end, I had troops ready to turn off the route and head towards Aviemore.  The lads made it down almost to the end of the map and would be assaulting Aviemore from the White Route.
       Leftenant Schaw, reportedly from the lowlands Clan Schaw, moved his group forward with care and deliberation.  His HQ was right up in the middle of things, keeping the men in command control pretty much the whole way down the route.  
       As they got past the first IED area and approached the second one, LT Schaw gave hand signals to Lance Corporal Waters' squad to check forward and left.  Waters had two lads dash forward as scouts, but they took some light fire from the left.  They made it to the next line of buildings and held up there, peering through windows to clear the building as much as they could.
       Because of the light fire from the left, the advance was held up and Waters took the remaining four men with him and rushed to the wall that surrounded a large apartment complex.  He had some supporting fire from a Spartan, and when he thought it was okay, he and his four men rushed through the wall opening towards the building where the fire had supposedly come from.  
       It was a frigging ambush, and Waters and two of his lads went down.  Denny and McDonald were the two survivors, and they dashed out of the line of fire and ran completely around the complex, stopping on the back side to catch their breath.  At this point, LT Schaw was trying to figure out who to send over there for support, as he had a full squad well forward in the drainage ditch, and only engineers nearby.
       Denny made things easier for Schaw.  I wasn't sure if the lads were foaming a little, perhaps approaching berserker status, but then things got very quiet and cold, so cold, in fact, that I could swear I could see their breath.  There was a glint of steel, and if they had broadswords, it would have been entirely appropriate.  I think the glint came off bayonets, but I can't be sure.  
       Denny and McDonald said nothing after that, but acting in perfect synchronicity, the two of them proceeded to clear all the apartments leading up to the ones where the enemy ambush had been sprung.  Then they charged into an adjacent room and dispatched everyone in one of the ambush rooms.  There was an enemy HQ unit there that never had a chance to surrender.  
       Next, the two coldly and efficiently dispatched every enemy in the other ambush room.  Together, they accounted for 7 enemy casualties.  They cleared an entire block of apartments by themselves, and afterwards, provided buddy aid to their own.  Waters was badly wounded but sent to the rear.  The other two lads were gone and only provided ammo to collect.  Denny and McDonald then joined the other two lads that had scouted forward and continued the advance, with grim looks of determination. 
       This was a brutal battle, but it was fun to work.  I had a lot of cool toys to play with, and the Challengers were great for blowing up walls and providing alternative openings that the enemy wasn't expecting.  In the center attack, there was a compound that looked really hard to enter.  I had the Challenger blow another entrance in a wall, and this totally messed up the ambush the enemy had planned.  The tank and Spartans then proceeded to blast the enemy with no losses to my infantry.
       There are likely other approaches to take, but moving on-line and chewing up the enemy was probably the best way to avoid a costly assault at the end.  I used the choppers extensively during the daylight, and they shot up a lot of things that I didn't see.  
       It is a big battle, and you have to manage a lot of assets, but you get to see so many really cool things as the troops work their way forward.  I'd highly recommend the battle.  Thanks for putting this together for us, George.  
  11. Like
    c3k got a reaction from George MC in New patches are now available for all Game Engine 4 titles except......   
    Yes. Both should patch. As your described the one player patches after saving the set up phase. The other player patches and waits to receive the turn.
    First, copy your existing install, just in case this goes sideways.  You would then just bring the copy over to its original location, overwriting the patch, if you cannot get this running.
    In pbem, one player is the "calculating" player. That player should patch his install and then "calculate" the turn. The other player should also patch. Then, the replay goes out, the next calculation occurs on a patched install, and you're up and running.
  12. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Jesser in New patches are now available for all Game Engine 4 titles except......   
    Yes. Both should patch. As your described the one player patches after saving the set up phase. The other player patches and waits to receive the turn.
    First, copy your existing install, just in case this goes sideways.  You would then just bring the copy over to its original location, overwriting the patch, if you cannot get this running.
    In pbem, one player is the "calculating" player. That player should patch his install and then "calculate" the turn. The other player should also patch. Then, the replay goes out, the next calculation occurs on a patched install, and you're up and running.
  13. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Erwin in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    Don't forget "CM:Zombia Apocalypse".
  14. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Probus in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    9. One Engine - CMx3
    game performance improvments, graphics improvements, ray tracing, intermediate distance bitmaps
    additional editor features, dynamic operational campaigns
    additional gameplay features, coop, LoS tool, visible aircraft
  15. Like
    c3k reacted to Probus in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    8. "Battlefield Asia": Modern Day
    USA/NATO vs China
    USA/NATO vs North Korea
    China vs India
    India vs Pakistan
    (Afghanistan Update)
  16. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Probus in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    7. "Fulda Gap": 1970-90
    Europe WWIII
  17. Like
    c3k reacted to Probus in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    3. Afrika Korps: 1940-43 
    WWII North Africa
    Operation Torch, American North Africa Invasion Libya, Egypt, and Tunis 1942-43
  18. Like
    c3k reacted to Probus in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    2. Barbarossa: 1941-43
    WWII Eastern Front
    Can Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin data be used as sort of an upgrade?
    Invasion of Yugoslavia
    Operation Typhoon
    Case Blue
    Blau to Stalingrad
    Warsaw to Moscow
    (also Finland)
  19. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Probus in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    1. Blitzkrieg: 1939-40 
    WWII Early war
    (also Finland)
  20. Upvote
    c3k reacted to akd in IS-2 late: where is my DShK   
    This is not correct.
    Orders here: http://www.tankarchives.ca/2015/12/aa-mg.html
    Example from 62nd Guards Heavy Tank Regiment in Danzig, 1945:

  21. Upvote
    c3k reacted to MikeyD in IS-2 late: where is my DShK   
    Its the manual that's out of date. BFC had planned to add the DShK for late war then discovered that was a post-war addition so they nixed the idea.
  22. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Thomm in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - Soviet Side   
    As a native speaker, I have to pay some respect here!
    For full effect, please use proper capitalization, as in:  Truppen-Grillen
    Best regards,
  23. Upvote
    c3k reacted to IICptMillerII in Best way to play operational level?   
    Part 2: Combat
    For simplicity sake, I'm going to use the scenario I made and showed above to illustrate how combat works across Tiller and CM.
    Company A/1/115th Inf Rgt moves down the road until it bumps into an Osttruppen unit (1/Ost.439) however the company no longer has enough movement points to assault.

    I end the US turn, and for simplicity sake during the German turn, they decide no one is moving or firing at anything. So the beginning of turn 2 looks like this:

    You'll notice that company A now has all of its movement points back and is ready to assault. Company A assaults the Osttruppen, and the battle begins. Before we can dive into the CM side of this, we need to take down some important details. The hex coordinates of the hex being assaulted (shown in the bottom right) the type of terrain (shown in the upper left when the hex is selected, under the unit portrait) the units involved and their status (who they are, how many men do they have, their quality/current state of morale/fatigue) including any fire support that is in range and you decide to commit to this battle. The final bits of info are the time and date (shown in the lower right hand corner) and the weather conditions, which is shown by clicking 'Info' at the top and then 'weather.' Once this information is collected, you can jump into CM. 
    In CM the hardest part of this process is finding/creating a map that will work for the battle. If you want you can make the map yourself in the editor, or you can find a QB map that is a close approximation. The latter is the method I would recommend for now. For this battle I chose the QB map called Attk Large Open QB-015. Once you know the map you simply orient it correctly (US attacking from West to East) create the set up zones and place both sides down on the map. For this battle its relatively simple, just a rifle company per side. Remember that Osttruppen were of very poor quality. I set their morale to low and their experience to conscript. Remember, this scenario is not meant to be challenging, its supposed to teach you the ropes. (Note: For Osttruppen I like to use the Grenadier Ersatz, but you need the Market Garden module for these units) One last point, if you decide to commit your howitzer battery to this fight, then go ahead and add 12 105mm howitzers to the US side as well. If you use them in the battle, then they will not be able to be used in another battle this turn. 
    Now that you have the battle set up, you finally get to the good part and get to play it out! (Note: I find that its easier to just play the battle in Hotseat against yourself than it is to bother with creating AI plans)
    I don't recall the exact numbers off the top of my head, so I'll make up some battle results here: US suffered 8 KIA and 14 WIA - Ost suffered 27 KIA 38 WIA 8 MIA. Again, for simplicity sake we are going to just add up the casualties for each side so we have a simple total to deal with. So company A suffered 22 casualties total and the Osttruppen suffered 73 casualties. 
    Note: I would highly recommend using this battlefield career recorder to track casualties for a scenario you play out: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2990 Its really cool seeing the data as the scenario plays out. There are other recorder programs you can use but they're more technical. This one is more than adequate. Thanks @Ithikial_AU !
    Translating casualties from CM to PzC is a bit technical, but is easy to get the hang of. The first thing you want to do (and should have already been prompted to do) is save the PzC battle. Call it something like "My CMPzC Test Battle" or something else that you will be able to instantly identify. You should now have a save file in your PzC folder called My CMPzC Test Battle.btl. You now need to convert the .btl file to a .scn file. The good news is all you need is Notepad ++ (free for download if you don't have it already) Open the .btl save file with notepad ++ and simply Save As "My CMPzC Battle Test.scn" and you're all set. Now, open up pcedit.exe (the Tiller editor located in the main folder) and scroll all the way to the bottom of the scenario list to find your save file. Open it, and use the editor to subtract casualties from both units involved in the battle, as well as to move the Osttruppen out of the assaulted hex and move the US into the hex. Simply save the file and close the editor, then head back into PzC Normandy and open the battle back up (via the scenario selection menu) and you'll see all of your edits have taken effect and you can continue playing!

    Hopefully this quick and dirty run-through is enough to get you and others interested acclimated with the basics of the system. Once you get the hang of it it is loads of fun, and you can start making your own house rules to fit your style of play. If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Also just want to give a bit shout-out to Phil (Kohlenklau) for getting me started, and the other forum goers who helped pioneer the system!
  24. Upvote
    c3k reacted to JulianJ in AAR: UK Armoured Assault - The Jocks give it a bit of Welly   
    After Action Report UK Armoured Assault
    This is one of George MC's excellent scenarios, originally made for SF1.
    A battlegroup of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards in their Challengers, supported by mech infantry and engineers, with arty and air support, attack Syrian positions.

    Challenger on overwatch
    Firstly, one of the nice touches is you have recon in position when the game starts. It is a minor gripe of mine that you often go into battles blind, and have to expose a few hapless soldiers to incoming, to find out where the enemy is: Reconnaisance by Taking Fire. I don't like it or think it is realistic.
    It's a fairly big battlefield. I decided on a quite conservative plan, given that I seemed to have plenty of time (2 game hours) to achieve the objectives. Basically I was going to hide in the deployment zone and take the first enemy position which is in a dip then move forward and see what revealed itself. I pushed some Challys into overwatch. Two were promptly hit by ATGMs – both survived, one with its 120mm knocked out, the other with its commander dead.
    I pulled back immediately and dialled in my artillery and the Harriers that were on station.
    I spent 20 minutes pounding enemy positions with 81mm, 155 mm and one of the Harriers (keeping the other in reserve, which proved to be a wise move). So I destroyed all of the AT threats I could find.

    A recent portrait of Syrian ATGM team No. 2
    Digression – We are fighting with the Jocks here, and the infantry brigaded with the RSDG maybe should be the Black Watch, so we have two units that fought together at Waterloo. Not having Scottish accents irked me (it's some form of orcish, I believe 🤣) I couldn't get HQS sound mod and George MC's and Mord's Cuss mod* to work together – they seem incompatible, so I wasn't entirely happy, as it didn't seem right to have legendary Scottish units speaking rather plummy English.
    (*further investigation by @George MC , it seems that the Cuss mod won't work with SF2. I might be wrong about the Black Watch – George checked when he wrote the scenario and the Orbat should be correct for the right time in an imaginary war.)
    (Politics Alert! British rankers traditionally come from the poorest parts of the country – Wales, Scotland, the North/Midlands of England, Cockneys (East End of London), and Ireland. It is probably nitpicking, but it would be good to hear more of these sort of authentic voices in BF games. /Rant over.)
    The first advance
    My forces moved forward. The infantry took the first dug-in position directly to the front, backed up by Challys and Warriors. I sent forces to the right to take a good position for the Javelin team. I didn't bother flanking to the left.
    After I'd bounded forward I consolidated then moved on to the next set of objectives, using light bombardments of 155mm to mash anything that seemed to be well hardened. I was taking hardly any casualties. Identified enemy tanks didn't last long, either hit by the Harrier or Challenger gunfire.
    One of the Static Tanks was still functioning, having been under an intense artillery barrage, and been struck by 2 x 155mm rounds and a 66mm to the back of the turret. I didn't find that believable, even if the crew had survived, I think they would have abandoned the tank. /End Rant 2.

    Infantry and armour advancing in close co-ordination, having taken the central farm. Out of shot to the right, the engineers are about to flank  OBJ Elgin
    Infantry and armour move forward and consolidate on the next enemy positions
    I'd moved forward on OBJ Elgin and Keith. My leftmost troops were closing in on OBJ North Queensferry from both front and flank. One of the nice things about this scenario is you can use the terrain to move infantry forward under cover.

    A Challenger advances, the commander is an ancestor of James T. Kirk.
    Enemy armour reinforcements arrived. My Challengers in overwatch and the second Harrier dispatched them without any losses. One Chally took a 125mm hit to the added lower hull front armour pack, and survived. So that is 2 ATGMs and a 125 KE round that failed to penetrate.
    Pushed the enemy out of North Queensferry, a mainly infantry assault, supported by Warriors.
    Bizarrely, when the game ended I found that there was a static tank in the middle of one of my positions that I had overlooked. In RL I can't see how this could have happened, given that one of my observer teams was in an adjacent house and my footsloggers and armour were all around. As I prepared for the assault on the final objective, South Queensferry, I saw that my forward infantry were tired, so I mustered the engineers as a 2nd assault wave, bussed them into FV432s and drove them at high speed to the E of North Queensferry. The muster area was within metres of the static tank. I guess the high speed move must have not given it time to spot, because they must have crossed its gunsights....
    The Final Assault on South Queensferry
    I sent my infantry and armour forward under a smokescreen over one of the bridges. I had miscalculated (again!) as there were a few enemy infantry in the vicinity of the N/S Queensferry Bridge. I thought they were suppressed/destroyed/surrendered, and I had sent a Warrior to finish them off, but I gave it Hunt orders and it stayed where it was. A brief firefight took 2 of my 3 man scout team down. The Syrians were neutralised, but it felt an unnecessary loss.
    Some of my engineers were speeding to the other bridge to cross and flank. I was laying down immense amounts of small arms and MG fire on all known enemy positions.

    The final assault on South Queensferry - armour, infantry and engineers attacking under covering fire. The Challenger has run out of ammo and is parked in a safeish position.
    Time was running out. I was – typically – less careful about moving forward and took some more casualties, which were unnecessary. Most of the enemy troops were forced to abandon their positions and as they crossed the open streets, were gunned down in a deadly crossfire, from smallarms and vehicle MGs, and Chaingun/50 cal from Challengers a long way off.
    Another digression – I've become inordinately fond of the L94A1 Chain Gun and often use it in preference to other weapons. It saves the too few, and valuable, HESH or HE rounds for when you really need them.
    Results Screen
    I achieved a total victory: 30 British casualties to 410 Syrian, knocked out all but two tanks for the loss of none. I lost a few Warriors and 432s. Nevertheless some of my lads should not have copped it. I'm arranging to court martial myself. Oh wait, I'm a general. That will never happen. Queenie's going to pin another medal on me.
    Amusing moment of the game:
    Road Traffic Accident – one of my 432s rearended a Warrior on the bridge, entirely due to my inept vehicle handling. You can see it in the image above. Classic. I hope I don't get a ticket.
    I think appropriate music really heightens the enjoyment of a video game. Usually I find the in-game music track palls, however good it is. So I turn it off and have YouTube open in my browser. So I can do a quick search and find something that is atmospheric and feels right for the moment, then save it as a playlist. I have game music on my computer, like the Doom era soundtrack of pumping metal, which can work, but YouTube is more convenient and you can just search again and use something different if it doesn't feel right.
    For example, for fantasy games, Lord of the Rings soundtrack works brilliantly, but feels completely wrong if I am playing Shogun 2. There's lots of westernised Japanese samurai movie and anime soundtracks which really juice that game up.
    For this CM scenario I was playing various heroic tracks, and I also interspersed this with Scottish martial bagpipe music. My boys love it!
    I have also been known to play Ride of the Valkyries when the attack helos go in...
    I enjoyed this game a lot. However the British side has a considerable advantage, in technology, military competence and arty/air support.
    The armoured counterattack could be deadly if the T72s ganged up on the Challys – which are already zoned in by Syrian troops. But the AI can't do that, and just drove around aimlessly, getting shot.
    I could have improved with better fire discipline: I wasted a lot of rounds that I should have saved for later, running out of ammo at the last stages of the game. I thought Challenger 2s had 52 rounds but the game only has 48. Could really do with those four shells.
    In longer games, keeping track of ammo is very important. I blasted away with the 81 mm when more careful use would have kept some in reserve. Use more “Target Briefly” rather than using T and hitting a target with area fire for the full minute. I've been doing TB for 30 or 45 seconds so I don't shoot up something ( and forget about it) for several turns, and run short of MG ammo in a Chally (which I did!).
    Finally, if there's anybody who's good with sound, perhaps contact GeorgeMC and Mord to upgrade the Cuss Mod. It might be something simple like needing reformatting? It's a mod I would like to see operational again. I could listen to it fine in my media player so there's nothing damaged.
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    Surely, JC's middle initial was "H"?!?!?
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