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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Nice going. I wiped out the German armour in Crescendo, but lost mine as well which made Fair & Square a roll over for the Germans.
  2. Without another object which is susceptible to destruction by explosive charges being in the same tile as the mine field, mine fields cannot be detonated by engineeers utilizing explosive charges. The only object I've run into which presented a testable opportunity has been barbed wire. I don't know if a section of hedge or wall would result in the sympathetic detonation observed with wire.
  3. Nevermind. Tried making the ford 2 tiles wide and that works.
  4. okay, i've RTFM and searched the board, so what is the trick with shallow fords? Watercourse is 16m wide, with elevation of "7". Surrounding bank elevation is "6". I have tried two shallow ford tiles which equal the width of the watercourse and I've tried four shallow ford tiles which cover the 8m tiles on each of the opposing banks. I've tried raising the elevation of the ford tiles to "8". I move inf to the tile on the bank, give a waypoint to the tile on the opposite bank - no dice. So, what's the trick here?
  5. There's another small unit campaign you'd enjoy as well named "The Outlaws".
  6. Heh... makes me think of a pick up game I had on CMBO. Within first three turns I'm overrun by a dozen machine gun jeeps and half dozen+ m8 hmcs. Should have specified rules. The old indestructable flak truck was another unpleasant memory from CMBO as well.
  7. The Brit pioneer assault sections will attack tanks with demos on their own. I've haven't tested to be able to state the range, but they treat tanks as they would a attack a bunker. I haven't observed other demo carrying units so I can't say how others behave.
  8. Patrick, Don't suppose you'd consider doing a reissue of those? Failing that, would you allow me to attempt a remake of those for CMBN?
  9. And this differs from everyone else's game, how?
  10. Damned. Stock didn't look bad till put these in. Tanx!
  11. Also note that the way it is displayed is confusing because the TARGET line will originiate from the UNIT itself, and not the waypoint you select to check LOS, but the LOS is in fact being measured from the waypoint.
  12. You're right. Must have blocked that name out of my memory. hehehh.
  13. Maybe it was a map quirk, but there was a road with hedgehogs about two thirds of the way towards the back of the map in a Montebourg scenario - bumper cars - and an m8 armored car got through them. Playing realtime, I'd set a movement command with no LOS to the hedgehogs at the time the order was issued, got off screwing with some other disaster, came back and there's these damned hedgehogs, bocage on both sides of the road, m8s on the clear side, and accompanying stewarts screwing around on the blocked side of the hedgehogs. Of course I wasted a good bit of time trying to make the stuarts match the feat. Didn't happen.
  14. There used to be a set of rules which were designed for balance by a guy named Fionn Kelly. They were known as "Fionn's Rules". He had a varient called "Panther/76" rules as well. These placed limits on armour and artillery which varied dependent upon the size of the scenario. They worked very, very well on the whole. Scipio also devised a set of balance rules, but I don't believe I've used them unless it was in one game I had with him (game might have been before he published the rules).
  15. As if 120 is free wheeling. I hand it to you PBEM players. You've got far more patience than I. Here's to hoping tcp/ip we-go or pausible RT is implemented.
  16. I didn't see where you scrolled to the next page of the arty dialog box. There were more units available than were in the single dialog box. Maybe you did it and just didn't record that part. If you didn't, they may have well been there.
  17. That has been my guess as well as I can discern no consistent numerical value assigned to each casualty.
  18. It was fun. Eeked out a minor victory. I was expecting some extra time at the mission's end as per the briefing, but it halted at 0:00 straight up. SPOILER Tried taking out the KTs with typhoons, piat, Achilles, big arty ... only thing that didn't die was the typhoon. Big arty did nothing more than immobilize one of them - no gun damage, nothing. I've got a good early save and want to have another go at those KT.
  19. re: Urban CMBN scenarios - Ben Parks has one named Urban Legends. Beautiful map. Play US v. German.
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