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Everything posted by Agua

  1. They can get through on "slow" and "move". Never tried "hunt". The problem with "move" is if there is gunfire around them, they get excited and change their movement to "quick", then all hell breaks loose. I've found its better just to give slow commands and take the additional time.
  2. Yeah as much !@#$ing and moaning as I've done over this campaign, the difficulties and their subsequent solutions make for memorable CM moments.
  3. La Haye du Poits - don't know what it is about that map, but I just can't get motivated to finish this campaign. I've started it a couple times, play maybe 5-10 minutes in real time, then just alt-q out of it.
  4. Nice! How about some shots with overcast and dusk conditions?
  5. Just !@#$ & giggles, I loaded up the map, found attack with 10% force enhancement to the attacker came out right under 2100 points with standard rarity. Bought a company of dismounted vet inf, about 4 m8 hmc, a FO, and 3 xylophone batteries. Preplanned all arty area plot centered on the objective zone so that it stretched to the woods behind and part of the field fronting the prison area. I apparently forgot to order pre-planned for 1 of the xylophone batteries, but it didn't matter. Sent an m8 to cruise around and survey the damage then hit cease fire. BRUTAL! 70 % of whatever was left was broken.
  6. Your "severely good" opponent certainly picked a tough map for his inexperienced friend to try him on. Maybe, in spirit of sportsmanship, you should load up on cheap rockets or arty and blast his side of the map to kingdom come with preplanned barrage.
  7. Yeah, if you can get into that village, and away from the front row of buildings, you can likely get some oblique fire zones for HMG where you won't be exposed to the full gambit of whatever he's got on the back end of those fields. You could roll down the edge of the woods with straight foot inf. A priest has the hammer you want, but it's eggshell thin. A few M8 HMC could do the trick once your inf get stalled. I wouldn't bring a HT.
  8. Well, whatever the reason, they are shooting short and, albeit with limited experience 1.32, it doesn't appear to be as effective.
  9. akd: mine was in new game of v1.01, but real time so no save.
  10. Spend points on upgrading the inf. experience to vet and motivation to high. It's kind of hard to tell how big that map is, but with all those trees, I'd strip strip away squad organic MG and go with the heavy weapon's platoon. [Edited to add the following:] Those little M8 HMC USED to be cheap, due to their size, were kinda hard to hit, pack a good bit of HE. Might wanna look at the pricing of those.
  11. yeah. Saw it in 1.0 in a QB. Haven't played anything with FH in 1.01 yet.
  12. Ran into this as well. In fact, they were under orders for indirect fire at the time with the green indirect targeting line set. The arty dilalog box went from 3 minutes until delivery to the cease fire button being made available.
  13. I've only seen it happen when the mines sympathetically detonate while the engineers are trying to blast something in the same action point. Specifically, I've seen them explode mines where the mines were in the same action point as a stretch of barbed wire the engineers were removing. Just on the face of it, I don't see why it wouldn't work when there's no other obstacle, but I've never tried it.
  14. Sure, its going to take longer to get on target indirect vs. direct, but that should be a function of communication delay - in either instance, there has to be a distance estimation and calculation, then correction based upon feedback, whether from a spotter or direct observation. The communication delay is eliminated with direct fire. It just seems to reason that when the person calling the shots doesn't have to go through a radio network to get the support, the communication delay should be much shorter.
  15. I pretty jacked with CM:BN, but find that I'm getting a little burned out with the limited scope, so I'm switching between CM:BN and the rediscovery of CMSF / add ons.
  16. I noticed there is no "target light" option on the M10. I suppose if you use "target", the main gun turns around. When I checked in the above post to confirm the rearward orientation of the .50, I note that in the little qb test I set up, one of the M10 crew fired on a section of germans to its rear with the MG, on his own, and the TD has plenty of HE. I don't know if they'll do that to a soft target consistently or if they'll just change their facing while rotating the turret so as to fire their main gun. May want to give that a try where you reverse into LOS (or changing facing?) to see if the TD will choose the MG and then stay with it.
  17. Interesting. I've tried both routes just to see what the branches offered and each time it was bumper cars.
  18. Juju - thanks. I think this is the first mod that incorporates some of that worn atmosphere a fully modded CMBO provided. Thanks again. Looking forward to some building mods from someone.
  19. Apparently, something went on between around 2006 when life called me away from wargaming and 2011 when I picked it back up that resulted in Michael being banned from here. Not motivated to hunt it up and its none of my business anyway. I've had dealings with Michael over the years and he was always an extremely helpful and friendly guy. His CMx1 scenarios were absolutely brilliant. I'll say this, just based upon my experience with him, limited to e-mails and playtesting type matters, what he has written is what he actually thinks. He impresses me as someone who would put aside personal bias in order to give what he would consider to be a fair evaluation. I don't believe his reviews to be motivated by personal animus. The matters he raises in the review are, to me, either niggles which will resolve themselves through the release of more modules and pathces, or necessary compromises that we have to live with; not the game stoppers they apparently are to him.
  20. Sitting down and spending the 20+ minutes or so to read the command and unit panel info then playing around the interface a little in game was the quickest way to get my feet back on the ground.
  21. Check out CMSF since you left. I really didn't like the demo when it was released. After all these patches, its a GEM now. I never thought I'd like a modern era environment but I was wrong.
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