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Everything posted by Agua

  1. They ran a fiber optic cable through the front yard of my farmhouse and all that is available are dial up and ridiculously inadequate and overpriced satellite internet (which I gleefully told to stuff it several years back). I imagine it will be the same 50 years from now.
  2. About the only concern I have is that within a very few years I plan on semi-retiring (YAY!) and moving to a location where only dial-up is available (BOOO!). I hope the various upgrades and content DLC will be available on a physical disk.
  3. God bless you and your family. So sorry for your pup. They can teach us a lot about what is important in life.
  4. There's a lot to like about AP:OS, but the limited number of maps is a problem. Also, I don't like the way it handles artillery. The UI isn't that bad, but it takes a little time to get used to. [Edited to add:] How could I forget? The patching system is the absolute worst of any software I've ever seen. It isn't made any easier by English being a second language for the developers, either.
  5. You can't burn the executable to a DVD or copy it to a thumb drive / external drive?
  6. YES! THANK YOU BFC! For years I played tcp/ip several nights a week and spent many a waking moment on weekends doing the same. I've forgotten what H2H is like and the friendships that develop with regular gaming partners. A HUGE thanks!
  7. Yeah, I did the same for a few folks. Seems like someone offered to reciprocate with a bottle of liquor.
  8. This is actually Panther Games's refinement and expansion of the old BFC "Airborne Assault". HttR was released many, many years ago.
  9. FANTASTIC! Haven't played a single H2H game in CMBN because I loathe PBEM. For a guy who played TCP/IP constantly with CMx1, making regular gaming friends in the process, this is HUGE! Thanks BFC.
  10. So right. I tried my hand at remaking a map from a CMBO scenario. It just looked sterile until I started adding elements such as fences, power lines, random placement of bushes, intermittent hedgerows, etc. By the time I "finished", or rather "quit screwing around with it", it shared little with the map upon which it was based aside from elevation, a stream, and a bridge. *aside* - finally got around to comparing the original CMBO scenario map with arerial photos of the terrain and discovered the CMBO map was pure fantasy. There weren't 20 acres in the actual terrain area that wasn't bisected with bocage while the original CMBO map included none. At that point, sort of lost motivation to do anything further.
  11. It seems to me that there were fixes added with the CW expansion (I'm sure also available with the CMBN patch) which, along with the breadth added by the CW units, brought the game up a notch.
  12. That mission is a nightmare if you're without armor. I'd lost mine obtaining a total victory in the immediately preceding battle. Reading the briefing for mission 16, I was under the impression the Germans would be stuck with the same force they'd had in the previous battle as well. Well, that's what happens when I assume.
  13. Yeah, I vaguely remember something like that and I'm sure I've got it on a dusty disk somewhere (I supplied Admiral Keth with about the first 600 he uploaded to the scenario depot). But I haven't got a clue what it was named.
  14. This is what I said in the first response to CPTMike. My repeated experience was the single platoon can't take that wooded hill. Deal with the town first and save the hill for last.
  15. I will just say that I beat my head against the wall going that same route with that initial platoon, over and over and over. Try a different approach, as in save that damned wooded hell for last.
  16. There a campaign at the Repository. Probably GAJ too. May have been released also as separate scenarios.
  17. Can't remember if Hell in the Hedgerows was the one with a touch objective on the ridge at the end of the map or it was the one with the complex of bunkers in the middle of the map with a minefield on the player's right. In either case, I think those two are tough enough as it is. The rest sounds fine.
  18. http://www.uwsc.info/download.html freeware 4.7c is the third link in English (fourth link including Japanese) on this page
  19. Odd. Ran into it the second time this evening. Was on a road as well. Going straight and crossed an intersection with another road. Another tank bypassed it. Any order I gave it, any speed, direction, immediately cancelled.
  20. The first time I ever noticed this happening was on a single scenario last week. I've got no explanation for it. Checking the damage tab, tracks are fine, no imobilization, morale is fine. Also, the tank would not fire. I just blew it off as a one off thing.
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