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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Gebirgsjager & pupchen for the Axis on defense.
  2. The first rule of the spoils of victory is never mention the spoils of victory.
  3. Hasn't it always been that way? I recall hedgehogs being insusceptible to "blast" in one of those C&F missions waaaaay back. Did that change with an intervening patch?
  4. Given command delay, I think that's well outside the scope of CM battles - it's the kind of information that would be included in briefing.
  5. What I can say is we're focusing this Upgrade on long standing requests. I can think of one that was first suggested sometime around 1998. Steve ______________________________________________________ Full battle replay?
  6. Same problem - couldn't get the decompiler thing to work or even install - if someone would upload the campaign missions to some source, it would be greatly appreciated.
  7. I get ya, bro, but, how much have you enjoyed Black Sea? Do you foresee it being a game that can hold your interest for a lonnnnnggg time? These releases are worth it man.
  8. BFC snuck out the building weeks ago leaving us with this forum. No more games.
  9. Yeah, all good stuff. I'd start by reading the manual section concerning control and playing around with the game while doing so. The tutorial really is excellent.
  10. Glad he's still on this side of the grass.
  11. **************SPOILER******************** AHHH... the wire. That's what made it easier along the left side. Knew there was something.
  12. Okay, YEAH, now I don't know how all the patches have affected it since release, but when I played it after about the umpteenth save (getting slaughtered trying to go to the right, then center, it seems ################################## SPOILER ################################# There was a little village on the left flank not far from the last hedgerow. It seems like for some reason, once you cleared that village, there may have been some defilade that allows you to get to the ridge. After that, it seems like it wasn't too difficult to mop up the rest of the ridge going bunker to bunker. Sorry that's so vague, but it's been a long time since I fooled with it.
  13. Is this the one with the ridge at the end of the map? I haven't played it since the release and I'm trying to remember which mission this is.
  14. Ditto. The only thing with the CMx2 graphics that I'm disappointed in.
  15. Same here. Just got to this scenario last night.
  16. Definitely not experiencing the same success vs ai in scenarios as I had in all previous titles. While the inclusion of triggers surely have added to the challenge, I'm pretty sure it's my lack of ability to appreciate and exploit the relative capabilities of the weaponry. It is all very deadly.
  17. I bet they would. BFC has been really, really accommodating to try to make things work for the purchaser.
  18. Uhhhhmmm.... not really; perhaps you're forgetting some of the flamethrower / MG jeep / roadblock OOBs spit out back then?
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