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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Is anyone working on this? The stock buildings just look too much like new construction - too clean and crisp looking.
  2. I won't offer my private estimate because Steve will delay it just to piss me off on purpose to make me growl and show my teeth.
  3. le haye du puits - different strokes. The size of the forces I have to micromanage alone has kept me from finishing this campaign. It has sat there since sometime in June of last year. Too much tedium.
  4. Ya, if your unit does not have visual contact with the target, all fire will be area fire. You select Target or Target light from the menu.
  5. Tried to first day of announcement but couldn't find my site password. Found it and will preorder when I get around to it.
  6. Sound advice. I started playing the scenarios in the order they appear on the menu and A Delaying Action is maybe the most difficult scenario that ships with the game. It's puzzle like and every little piece has to work flawlessly for the player to achieve a total victory on it. Don't judge the game based on this sadistic scenario.
  7. It's a continuing help thread for newbies. Go in, ask a question.
  8. If I am remembering this one correctly, I pretty much split the force evenly and went up the right and left flanks. Used the Stuarts to nail the tough stuff on the right side before sending the cruncies in. On right side, did what Dave said above.
  9. HA ... La haye du poits (or whatever) stopped me cold. I was consumed with the campaign up until that point. Just my personal taste, but it looked like far too many forces to micro manage. May have played 5 minutes into it and lost enthusiasm.
  10. Elite & occasionally Iron / real time. The only reason is basically habit from the old CMx1 games.
  11. My, my! Is this the tenth thread on C&F? Yeah, its a !@#$%, but ya got to admit it has already acquired a legendary status. Ten years from now folks old timers will say, "God, at least its not like School of Hard Knocks! / Razorback Ridge".
  12. Well, "cult" may be a bit off mark, but maybe not by a lot. We're definitely a niche crowd.
  13. Yeah, as I recall, there's like one building that is on top of the green objective location and you've got to have a unit occupying that building.
  14. Generally, infantry only, both sides, puter pick, force size tiny, map small - med. Play attacker only, generally probe or attack with +10-20% force modify for the puter.
  15. Yeah, liberal use of pause, but it begins to feel like work when the force size approaches battalion strength. Ideal size for me is reinforced coy.
  16. Yes, I have noticed a distinct element of momentum contributing to allied success in CMBN.
  17. My first go at it, as I recall, Barkman took out about 4 Shermans, then received a devastating blow to the weapons controls and the shermans flanked him - toast.
  18. Still can't get it up to finish La Haye du Puits. Thanks for the prior attempt at encouragement on this mission Rank, but its not a problem with my force size. I'm actually in relatively good shape. It's been sitting there for a month now: it just looks like tedium and work to me. Too much micro for such a large force and such a large map.
  19. Andreas also created another SEVERELY frustrating mission for CMBO that used to be over at der kessel. Can't remember the name of the scenario but the file name was blackshear.cmb. Seems like he did that one on CMBB with the hordes of conscript unfit Soviets called "moon walk" or "walking on the moon" as well where you ahd to do a shore landing and herd those apes across an open field covered with HMG.
  20. "Cemetary Hill", I think, was the name of that POS. Now that was one I don't know if I ever did better than a 1 time minor victory.
  21. I think that's it. Just looks like it will be tedious and anticlimatic.
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