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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Ultradave in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    When I was in the 82d, one mission we practiced over and over and over was the 2 gun raid, a fast quick hitting mission for a 105mm battery. I was the Fire Direction Officer for our battery as one of my assignments in the Army. Best job in Field Artillery (I may be biased). 

    The "raid" was to move 2 guns forward by UH-60 to a position close to the front lines to fire at a lucrative target in the enemy rear. Since a 105mm is relatively short ranged compared to a 155mm, we needed to move up close, get dropped off, lay the two guns, fire the mission, pack up, call our rides and get out of dodge. In a hurry. But it was a quick strike at an important target of opportunity. These guys are firing at a leisurely pace. In a pinch, a 105mm can be fired almost as fast as a mortar. Almost. The gunner in the video is checking his sight on the aiming stakes to make sure the gun hasn't shifted with each round. We'd have a crew of 6 or so too, so the new rounds would come fast. It's cased ammo so loading is very quick, as you can see. Much more effective once we got UH-60s to replace the UH-1H choppers. 2 UH-60s could sling a gun under each with ammo strapped onto its trails, the gun crew, and me and my assistant one of us each in one of the choppers, and the "Smoke" (Chief of the Firing Battery - a SFC, the senior NCO in the battery next to the 1SG). 
    As the FDO, I also had to act as XO on the spot and survey the guns while my "Computer"  (E-5 SGT who normally calculates elevation and time), set us up a temporary FDC to calculate from  - just me and him - and then after surveying in the guns run over and finish the calcs and safety check them.  The XO stayed back with the battery of 4 remaining guns, and my FDC team sergeant (a SSG), stayed there to run the full FDC back in battery. A lot of action in a real hurry, we'd be in and out in about 20 minutes after slinging 10-20 rounds per gun out. 
    I don't know what these guys are doing but a M102 and this comparable UK howitzer are highly mobile and versatile. The shells don't pack the punch (about 1/3 the weight) but this is what they shine at. 
    Note: No one checked the barrel between rounds. Bad form, and potentially extremely dangerous, although a little less so with cased ammo than separate. Need to check there's no obstruction in the tube.
  2. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think he means leveraging things like Tik Tok, and other less public means to increase division and indecision in the U.S. and E.U. political systems. Out right seizing/banning Tik Tok would an excellent first countermove to demonstrate we are serious about the next phase. 
  3. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    I’m not a sorcerer- if that’s what it says.  
    I only ride em. I don’t know what makes em work. 
  4. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Bootie in TSD III, TPG II & The CM Mod Warehouse Update area.   
    Hi folks... some new mods coming out for you today.  First up is this...
    CMFI : Firefly 3D Fix by kohlenklau

    Another fix follows...
    CMFI Mid Tiger 3d Fix

    And finally...
    CMFI : Sherman II 3D fix by kohlenklau

    Enjoy folks.  Thanks to kohlenklau and vacillator for sorting these out.
  5. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Artkin in Top Commander - Stalingrad Operational Campaign   
    Whether it's good or not, it's here. I've created a Stalingrad campaign map, and semi-historical Mastertoe (reduced for September) for it as well. I used material from Glantz, Joly and youtubers to research. I spent way too much time learning about the preliminaries too, crazy stuff.
    I present an Army level assault on a huge map. It will take place September 13th - September 30th 1942. There will be two turns per day, with one battle per grid per turn possible.
    The German TOE is 6th Army (One from 4th Army) which had four infantry divisions, two armored, and one motorized. They will be reinforced with two more divisions later on. The Soviet TOE is the 62nd Army in defense which contains too many divisions to list.
    The campaign is being hosted on TheFGM since I am able to split teams with a password: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/forums/cmrt-top-commander.493/
    Formations will start full strength instead of their historical strengths, despite numerous and specific infantry/tank strength reports.
    Everything is being hosted in a program called "Geccos" which is similar to vassal. More about that digital campaign tracker in the link above. An image of the campaign in Geccos is at the bottom. It only shows troops on the front line to start.
    Supply, Ammo Dumps, Signals, Medical are all planned.
    More detailed information at the link above
    On September 12th, LTG V.I. Chuikov replaced LTG A.I. Lopatin as commander of 62nd Army, and thus the defense of Stalingrad. That night he entered the city and observed the burned out wreck that was left of it. He was driven 800 meters behind the front lines to 62nd's Army HQ to meet General Krylov, 62nd Army's Chief of Staff and Commissar Gurov. The next day the German Assault on the city would begin.





  6. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Rake in What will be the next CM Eastern front game?   
    It will take less effort with equipment than Barbarossa, so 1943 will probably be the next iteration in the East.
    I'm looking more forward to crap tanks™ in 1941 though.
  7. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Militarily or politically, I'm praying we're very close now.

  8. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in Unlimited Mission Time   
    Interesting possibility, but considering that this guy joined, posted this sus link, and hasn't been back on since, I'll pass.
  9. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Splinty in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not the place for this at all.
  10. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    You can cut that right out. This isn't a US political thread. 
  11. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Bubba883XL in 2022 Mid Year Update   
  12. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Modernrocco in Battle Pack Preorders Now!   
    Somebody say Yankee?! Dixie Strikes up in the Background... I'm A Good Ole Rebel
  13. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Artkin in 2022 Mid Year Update   
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Commanderski in 2022 Mid Year Update   
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Modernrocco in Battle Pack Preorders Now!   
    Just exactly this!
  16. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    Aye hopefully it will be 'all good fun'  thanks Steve.
    Aye, this battle pack is set during the fighting between the German and Soviet armies in eastern Poland during the summer of 1944. This fighting was some of the heaviest on the Eastern Front during the entire war. This battle pack presents a series of actions recreating key moments in this fighting through the perspective of the forces involved during July and August.
    It’s been a real labour of love. The genesis of this battle pack was the  series of images in the photo book Kampfgruppe Mühlenkamp published by RZM and authored by Douglas Nash and Remy Spezzano. On the back of this I started work on what became the Five Days One Summer campaign which is the key campaign of this battle pack.
    This battle pack would never have got anywhere without the help and support of a whole bunch of others. I would like to give a huge shout out to all those including the BFC beta testers for all the playtesting, feedback, advice and support. I am also indebted to Mr Douglas Nash for his freely given help and support in clarifying some of the details involved in several actions involving ‘Wiking’, notably the fighting around Tluszcz in mid-August 1944. If you’ve not checked out his recent trilogy “From the Realm of a Dying Sun” its well worth doing so for the background to this battle pack. Also worth having a look at is the “Operation Bagration 23 June-29 August 1944” by the Soviet General Staff which gives a ‘big picture’ view of the Soviet operations in this period.
    I hope you all, as the players enjoy these scenarios and campaigns as much as I did researching and creating them. As always, I’d appreciate any comment and feedback and I look forward to seeing how this collection of scenarios and campaigns plays out for yourselves.
  17. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Ultradave in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    @BFCElvis told us to go ahead and provide our impressions. 
    George = Evil surprises lurking around every bend, and fantastic maps. This battle pack delivers on these in full. A number of the battles feature wide open spaces and room to maneuver. You'll need to make careful use of tree lines and folds in the ground. Engaging scenarios, with @George MC's typical "storytelling" briefings that put you there as one of the participants.
    $10 is an amazing bargain.  You won't be disappointed.
  18. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    Only $ 10.00 for George MC's battlepack for CMRT? I would pay that for just one of his scenarios. PRE-ORDERED!
  19. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Erwin in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    Xnt news that GeorgeMC is the brains behind the CMRT battle pack.  Should be terrific.
  20. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in Battle Pack Preorders Now!   
    Pre-ordered. $ 10.00 is incredibly cheap for such a superb battlepack, made by the Master himself!
  21. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to pintere in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I dunno. In Sinai 1973 the Israelis were caught totally by surprise, outnumbered, and up against an enemy that had spent 6 years preparing to counter Israeli tanks and aircraft. Despite all that they managed to blunt the Egyptian attack, regain the initiative, advance to AND cross the Suez before cutting off a whole Egyptian field army. By the time the truce was called they were within striking distance of the capital and had that same Egyptian army at their mercy. All this happened in less than 3 weeks.
    Make no mistake, Ukraine is doing fantastic, but they still have not yet achieved a feat quite as dramatic as that (keyword "yet").
  22. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Chelentano in New Compaign: ,,March of Retribution,,   
    I'm back and ready to present you the second mission of the compaign.
    We received a message that the paratroopers had taken the Hanji airfield by 5 o'clock in the morning and were already transferring their main forces there. After that, our aviation and artillery began to strike enemy positions along the entire border with the Southern ***. 7 operational-tactical P-17 missiles were fired towards the capital. 2 Tochka-U missiles were also fired at Namad. Only that our engineers using the Soviet UR-67 made a passage in the escarp and in a minefield…
    The invasion has begun. Lead a reinforced battalion of the Guards Division and break through the enemy defenses.
    As a nice bonus, the enemy troops (Syrian reserve infantry) use a new uniform. It was taken by me from the Vietnamese fashion. For use, it is desirable to remove other mods of the Syrian infantry.
    Also, AK texture was replaced with G3, and RPK with FN MAG. Unfortunately, there is no way to change SVD and RMB, because both factions use them.
    You can safely do without this mod, because it does not contradict the terms of the compaign.
    I don't know yet whether I will change the first mission or leave it the same.
    All work will also be posted here: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/category/cm-shock-force-2-2/cm-shock-force-2-scenarios/
    Work on the third mission continues.
    I wish you a good game.
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Probus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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