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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from sttp in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    This x3000.
    I so miss the random map generator from CMx1 and this looks like the road to having it back.
  2. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Combatintman in New Mission - Chervone   
    So here are the draft orders - this is a Blue vs Red AI mission only:
    It is 1100hrs on 07 May 2022, two Russian brigades (5 Separate Guards Tank Brigade and 37 Guards Motor Rifle Brigade) have recently arrived in occupied territory to the north of Barvinkove.  Russia remains committed to pushing south from the general direction of Izium with the intent of securing Sloviansk.  Weather conditions are generally favourable to friendly operations with a slightly overcast sky, cool temperatures, a gentle west to east wind and damp ground conditions.
    81 Reconnaissance Company Team is to delay 37 Guards Motor Rifle Brigade’s advance on Barvinkove in the vicinity of Chervone no later than 1200hrs 07 May 2022 in order to allow for the completion of defensive positions.
    Tasks – refer to the operational graphic.
    Friendly Forces
    81 Reconnaissance Company Team is commanded by 81 Reconnaissance Company HQ and centred on a single platoon from the company which has been allocated 3 x Stugna ATGM teams.  Also attached to the team are three unarmed UAV detachments and a single armed Bayraktar UAV detachment.  Offensive support available comprises an organic off map 82mm mortar platoon, all of these assets are immediately available.  The 1st Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion/81 Brigade Artillery Group (18 x 2S1 122mm howitzers) is currently setting up and will be available from 1105hrs.  Four Target Reference Points to assist in cueing your fires have already been registered.
    Enemy Forces
    An assessed motor rifle battalion tactical group preceded by elements of 37 Guards Motor Rifle Brigade’s reconnaissance company was identified heading south from Velyka Komyshuvakha towards Chervone earlier this morning.  Multiple source reporting from loyal citizens and UAV coverage tracking the enemy column south confirms a motor rifle heavy tactical group equipped with T-72 and BMP-2.  Lead elements of this column have just entered the area of operations in the following order of march:  3 x BMP-2 and 2 x BRM-1K (assessed as brigade reconnaissance elements) and, approximately five minutes away, a column led by 3 x T-72 followed by 8 x BMP-2 and, after that, three other elements at approximately five-minute intervals.  Total enemy strength is approximately 50-60 vehicles, mostly BMP-2.  The enemy is expected to repeat the mistakes seen since the start of the invasion by remaining road bound and attempting to secure Chervone by a simple brute force frontal attack.
    The choice is yours commander but your plan should treat the intelligence information as reliable and plan to make best use of your UAVs, indirect fire and long-range anti-armour assets in order to minimise close range engagements which will put you at severe disadvantage.  Getting your setup right in terms of acquiring anti-tank weapons, organising your dismounts and deploying them is important.  Of greater importance will be placing your four Target Reference Points as well as ensuring your surveillance assets have comprehensive coverage of the main road into Chervone in order to give you the best chance of success.  Although the mission length is one hour, you can cease fire as soon as your last unit has exited the map anywhere along the exit zone along the southeast, south and southwest areas indicated.  Note that any of your units remaining on the map at mission end will accrue points to the enemy.
    LINE ZUBKOV (Named after Lieutenant Ivan Zubkov who was posthumously awarded the title Hero of Ukraine on 09 June 2015 for calling artillery on himself during the battle for Donetsk Airport) is an exit zone for enemy forces which means that enemy forces should be prevented from exiting the map in order for you to gain maximum points in relation to your Destroy objectives shown on the operational map graphic under “Tasks”.
    Here are the associated graphics:
    Strategic Map

    Operational Map

    Tactical Map

  3. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Phantom Captain in CMCW Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    The great thing is, there are enough CM's so that you can have a different favorite every day of the week.
  4. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Combatintman in New Mission - Chervone   
    As stated in @kohlenklau's Christmas 2022 Scenario Thread ....
    My offering is set during the current Ukraine conflict.  The scenario is fictional but set in a real place and was certainly an action that could have been fought had Russian forces made a serious attempt to push south to Barvinkove in May this year.  The scenario is centred on Chervone on a 4.8km x 3.6km map:
    Topo Overlay

    Google Earth Overlay

    The Combat Mission Editor View

    The Combat Mission 3D Map Preview View

    More details to follow ...
  5. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Kuli in t34577685s updated soviet uniform mod for fire and rubble   
    Fire and Rubble added bedroll variants to the soviet M43 uniforms, making T34s mod outdated, i fixed this issue and also added cavalry variants for the uniforms, for images refer to T34s original work (i am also too lazy to find an image hosting site), all work belongs to him i just updated it. link below, enjoy
  6. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from TheFriendlyFelon in A bunch of maps of Ukraine I have made over the years   
    Wonderful, thank you!
    More maps, especially realistic ones, are very welcome.
  7. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from TheFriendlyFelon in A bunch of maps of Ukraine I have made over the years   
    Can't agree strongly enough.
    Do it @Haiduk I can promise you it would be appreciated!
  8. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Splinty in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Can we stop with the nonessential politics please?
  9. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to cesmonkey in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This is true ... but it's complicated. 
    Democratic lawmakers are more concerned about climate change, while Republicans are more concerned about economic growth and increased energy production.
    By slowing down permitting for exploration, pipelines, and port facilities, Democrats (vs. what Republicans would do) are discouraging investment in oil production which affects how the oil companies will operate their businesses in order to maximize current profits.  Also discouraging the use of coal and nuclear power, it increases the use of oil and gas for energy production for those areas where clean energy cannot meet the demand.

    Limiting pipelines from Canada, also reduces the possibility of replacement for American production, but may be better for the environment.

    It all depends upon what you value more.
  10. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Probus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  11. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to acrashb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    And we were told that these were only suitable as battle taxis, certain death in a modern battlefield during combat.

    It appears that, if the enemy's anti-tank capability is seriously degraded, the venerable M113 can still fight
    That's so wrong on so many levels.  Let's take a high-level look.  Until recently, the US was (for the first time in a long time) energy self-sufficient and had the option to improve energy flows from its friendly, democratic neighbour - Canada.

    Now, the US faces shortages that have driven up energy costs, disproportionally impacting the poor; is going to reduce sanctions on a brutal autocracy and strategic competitor - Venezuela - to reduce the cost of energy; has been gravely depleting strategic reserves to reduce the pump cost; is considering blocking off-shore drilling; and so is once again at the mercy of OPEC.
    Sounds kind of like - not an exact parallel - Germany, and we all know where that has led.  

    Love fossil fuels, hate them, either way they are necessary in the mid term, and no solution that includes confiscation of corporations and/or their assets - that's what nationalization means - to put them in the hands of disinterested government controllers is going to improve things.  If anyone think nationalization works, the most recent blindingly obvious counter-example is ... Venezuela, which is now a living hell.
    And yet, President Biden just mooted exactly that: https://nationalpost.com/news/biden-nuclear-armageddon-risk-highest-since-62-crisis

    I don't know if it's strategic messaging or just a gaffe.
  12. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Doc844 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I'm way behind on this thread again, work can suck at times, only on page 1485, but wanted to chip my 2 pence worth in on nukes and use of.  One thing to remember is that as people get older they move more away from the 'me' to their kids but even more importantly their grandkids.  They are their future, our future and humans are hardwired to that as part of the perpetuation of the species.  So yes you may have the man at the top, ala, Mr Putlin who may or may not give a ****, all is lost I'm gonna go the way of Hitler and take everyone with me.  But I can guarentee that most under him and even more so those who are further away from the levers of power do not agree and want a future for their families and relatives.  I strongly believe that if Putlin decides to drop a nuke there is a very high probability, even inevitability that someone will vacate his brain from his skull.
    If I recall correctly what I stated above was one of the main reasons why Kruschev de-escalated and brought the world back from the brink.  Not saying that this position should be used as a hail Mary plan but I could see that being the way it would pan out.
      Putlin -  "**** the west, they ruined my glorious plan, **** Ukraine they didnt roll over and die, press the red button".  Loud bang and the next thing he sees is Lucifer standing with a big grin saying welcome.
  13. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Sorcerer117 in CMCW Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    I cant decide witch Combat Mission i like the most
  14. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    14 miles West of EL ALAMEIN, EGYPT, 27 October 1942: In an
    ill-organized night attack during Operation Lightfoot, a
    battalion of the British 7th Motor Brigade had thrust
    forward to seize a German-held position codenamed "Snipe".
    However, unaware that their maps were faulty, the men and
    carriers had advanced along an incorrect compass bearing,
    halting around midnight in a shallow, sandy area a half
    mile south of Snipe. There they dug in for all-around
    defence, while with great difficulty their 6-pounder AT
    guns were brought up through the soft sand. When asked if
    they were actually on their objective, the battalion
    commander, Lt-Colonel V.B. Turner replied, "God knows. But
    here we are and here we damned well stay." Just before
    dawn, as nearby Axis tank formations, unaware of the
    British presence, began moving to their battle positions
    for the coming day, they were met suddenly by the sharp
    crack of 6pdrs at point-blank range. Throughout the
    morning and afternoon, cut off from their own lines, the
    Tommies withstood continuous artillery and direct fire
    (several times from friendly units), and repelled
    successive armored attacks. The battalion had unwittingly
    halted directly in the path of a major Axis counterattack.
    It was incurring heavy losses, especially among the
    precious 6pdrs and their crews; ammunition for the few
    surviving guns was critically low. And now a company of
    panzers was forming up for yet another attack - possibly
    the one that would finally overwhelm the exhausted
  15. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Bil Hardenberger in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I do wish these videos would show the actual engagement, without edits.  These edited videos, which skip from the early fight to the aftermath, without the interesting bit in-between are frustrating. 
  16. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Karp_K in Bleeding into real life...   
    Welcome and nice first post.
    I think most of us have been there.
    There's a particular place on a highway where I drive fairly frequently that has a hill top 2 miles away from where I turn onto it and I always play the what can I spot and ID at that range game.
  17. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Modernrocco in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    You are correct and NOLA is not in Texas.
  18. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to MOS:96B2P in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    New CMBS scenario:
    Buran-30 Battalion Tactical Group (BTG).
    Command a Russian BTR Battalion Tactical Group.                                                                                                             Russians vs AI only.                                                                                                                                                                      Three hours (tentatively).                                                                                                                                                              Map: 5104 meters x 2512 meters = appx 12.8 square kilometers.                                                                                                  Ground conditions: Wet.  Weather: Hazy.                                                                                                                                  Supply: Scarce.  Headcount: 70%.
    SITUATION:  It is 1300hrs on March 30, 2022, in northeast Ukraine.  The Russian Federation is conducting a withdrawal in order to redeploy units to the south.  The withdrawal is under pressure from Ukrainian Army units and partisans.  Many of the Russian units suffer from low morale, low supplies and have lost many vehicles and infantry.  The muddy conditions of the rasputitsa confine vehicles to roads limiting maneuver and increases the danger of ambushes.  
    MISSION:  Your call sign is Buran 30.  Your mission is to withdraw your Battalion Tactical Group (BTG) to the east in order to refit and prepare for a future offensive.  It is important to preserve your BTG along with an attached air assault unit (V markings).  A related mission is to destroy Ukrainian units.  Exit all friendly units off the east edge of the Area of Operation (AO) by 1600hrs.
    FRIENDLY FORCES:  Your BTG has been in the field for several weeks with inadequate logistics.  Supply is scarce with the headcount at about 70%.  The soldiers are in a weakened state with low morale.  Many vehicles have been lost.  Artillery and artillery shells are generally in good supply. 
    Elements of the BTG are arriving in the AO from the west.  A platoon of 120mm heavy mortars is positioned at Derusova Farm and ready to support.  One battery of 152mm and one Orlan drone are also in support.  Lead elements of the BTG have arrived in the northwest and southwest and are standing by for orders.
    Status:  Map completed. TOE completed.  One of at least three AI plans completed. 
    Map looking northeast from Sonyashnk village.  Eight villages, one river, one powerplant (Ukrainian preserve objective) and one cell tower (Ukrainian preserve objective). 

    Random screenshots from testing.

    I'll probably eventually start a separate thread in CMBS Maps and Mods forum.  
  19. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Bartimeus in Operation DUR (scenarii pack)   
    Lead a battlegroup from the nation of your choice(British, Canadian, German or Duch) in order to break through Syrian defense. 
    It's a large battle against well prepared and train Syrian, you will have 4 files and you can chose with which army you want to tacle this : 
    enjoy ! 
  20. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    alright lads, have at her

    mods for the new scenario here
    the scenario itself
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/vy8jj4tllchb5z6/AFRIKA Cutting Out a Strongpoint.btt?dl=0
    the briefing again, with a few typos fixed...
    1330, 19 December 1941. 7 miles south of Halfaya Pass, Egypt. During the tedious days of confining the Axis to their ring of frontier fortresses around Halfaya, HQ 4th South African Infantry Brigade authorized a small operation to eliminate an enemy forward position. This strongpoint, manned by mostly Italian troops of the 55th Savona Divisione, was making a nuisance of itself by firing on Allied reconnaissance patrols. B Company, 2nd Royal Durban Light Infantry was assigned to the task of "removing" it. The sky is a haze of dry desert dust kicked up by a light wind from the south. It is hot.
    You are Lieutenant Nettlestock of B Coy, 2RDLI. You have your rifle platoon. A forward observer is assigned with a limited number of mortar bomb at his disposal. Brigade has promised they will will send light support vehicles from both the 2nd South African AT Regiment and the 6th South African Armoured Car Regiment to support your attack. They should arrive 5 to 10 minutes after your attack starts.  
    Your mission is to assault and clear out the strongpoint.
    The Italians and some Germans are in trenches surrounded by a belt of anti-tank mines. Reports indicate they have several heavy weapons dug-in and also have artillery support. The axis have mechanized forces only a few miles away which may respond to assist the strongpoint's defence.
    You are observing that the terrain is mostly flat but some depressions known as "deirs" may offer concealment as you make your approach. You have 20-25 minutes to complete your mission. The axis trench position is the terrain objective worth 150 points. Both sides also get points for the destruction of enemy vehicles.
  21. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Modern wokism is the same social enginering and deconstruction, which affected countries with population much more than 140 millions. 
    In the similar way as this was in Japan. Tradions saved, culture saved, identity - saved. Aggressive militarism and expansionism eliminated. 
    I don't mean "50-years" occupation. Neither by NATO, nor by Ukraine - it's completely impossible. All what I wrote is what hypothetical new Russian powers must to do to fix situation. And partially Russia was doing this "nation building or deconstruction" in 1990-92, trying to break Soviet mentality, but rising KGB-maphia clans took developmnent over own control.
    If we just liberate all our territories, we will not solve main problem and like Zaluzhnyi said we will get next war in 5-10-20 years. Revanchism will grow up again and the bear from cartoon again will stand and roar. But we will be in white coats and white gloves
    Yes, we had collaborators and traitots, which condemned to death hundreds of people. Fortunately some of them already departed to the God's Court, because corrupted Ukrainian courts have littlle trust. 
  22. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to The_MonkeyKing in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    With these kinds of pictures we must remember there are only few and these few are the ones Ukraine chooses to publish. 
  23. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kraze in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    And just to finally end this pointless back and forth topic of misunderstanding - I want to clarify what I want to all people crying "omg you want genocide". I want russian empire to cease existing, ideally, baring that I want a big wall between us and Russia for at least the next century, until they repaid us all the reparations and made sure we rebuilt everything, until this war is just a bunch of pictures in the books to our grand-grandchildren - and if Russia falls down and disintegrates during this time - then I want a big bucket of popcorn and a front seat atop that wall. That's it. I certainly don't want Ukrainians to bloody our hands any more than how it already is. Our lives are too precious for revenge wars.
  24. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Precisely, but it's a golden opportunity for all those 'enlightened' armchair generals at this forum to show their 'moral superiority'. Personally I'm getting nautious reading all their endless posts. In fact I've started to skip them.
    Kraze just hates Russians. And so do I. And they FULLY deserved that. 
    But of course we have to be decent, although strict when all this is over in a couple of years. We're no Russians, you know.
  25. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Wow, this thread certainly went to hell quickly (sorry to single you out)!

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