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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Butschi in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   

    The map I promised will feature the village https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loope around 1980. (The map is more like 1990, as I didn't have an older image handy). Preview version, the terrain will be a little smoother, some hedge rows will be added, etc.
    Should be quite suitable as a Quick Battle Map. There are long engagement ranges but also good cover, plenty of open and covered roads, pathes and tracks, etc. Eventually this is supposed to be the place where the first mission of my Agger Valley Campaign for CMCW will take place if I ever manage to do that.
  2. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Malaspina in Quick Campaign Generator for CMFB (Fully Randomized!)   
    Thanks guys!
    Yes, my plan is to extend QCG to all WW2 titles. I've nearly finished converting it to CMRT, which is easier as it only has two nationalities and will release soon enough. Later, I will be moving on to CMBN and leave CMFI for the last, a nightmare for sure...
    Modern titles: not sure QCG can be used so well for CMBS and CW due to the lethality of tanks. But I'm going to test it for sure. The asymetrical nature of warfare in CMSF rules it out entirely.
    Yes, 8 core force units. More than enough for me to do all the accounting after each battle.
    Automating the number of core units goes way beyond my Excel user skills.
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Malaspina in Quick Campaign Generator for CMFB (Fully Randomized!)   
    Hi fellow CMFB-ers,
    have you ever thought of making your own campaign but were intimidated by all the hard work that goes into it?
    I’ve been recently tinkering with the scenario editor to create a historical campaign in CMFI and, in my recurrent drunken stupors, I came up with an idea to quickly create fully randomized campaigns: The Quick Campaign Generator!
    The QCG creates a 10-battle campaign in just a few clicks (well, a few hundred…) putting you at the head of your core force, which you must lead throughout the campaign to achieve glory and win some medals, recording their progress in the meantime. It is in part reminiscent of Robo's quick campaign generator for CMx1 titles (as some of you may remember).
    Essentially, it is an Excel spreadsheet that lets you create a ‘bare-bones’ linear campaign comprising ten battles without having to do any historical research, map-making, briefings or artwork, i.e. the exact opposite of @Ithikial_AU’s excellent tutorial (https://community.battlefront.com/topic/137921-fire-and-rubble-preview-the-anatomy-of-what-goes-into-a-stock-campaign-release/) that I’ve used for my historical campaign.
    The purpose is to have fun with all the goodies (tanks and vehicles especially) that CMFB has to offer, without the headaches. Pure CM sex with no emotional involvement 😉.
    All the Scenario Editor choices, for example Weather, Ground Conditions, Experience, Headcount, choice of troops etc. are completely randomized to let you try out all possible combinations. Although, these battle are heavily biased in favor of armor, I must admit.
    When you open the spreadsheet, you will see:
    a tab called ‘Battle generator’, which provides random battle conditions,
    two tabs called ‘Human ATT’ and ‘Human DEF’, which generate a random force composition to be used in the various battles if you’re attacking or defending;
    the ‘Allied AAR or Axis AAR’ tabs, where you will be recording your progress during the campaign. Beware, your performance will be accurately monitored and judged 😉.
    Ignore the other tabs. They contain data used for the formulas. I’ve protected the sheets to avoid mistyping into a cell containing a formula.
    This was the situation for my Elite Panther platoon in a German Wehrmacht campaign called “Panthers on the Prowl” that I created using QCG:

    Notice the nice array of medals my core force troops earned! (Well, it was on Easy mode...)
    As you progress in your campaign, your results will be recorded and medals awarded. Statistics include tank kills, tank losses, infantry casualties, etc.


    Your overall performance will be duly monitored as shown here:

    I did pretty well, apparently.
    Basic knowledge of how the CM Scenario Editor works is of course recommended, but not a requirement. Full instructions are provided.
    Inside the package you will find:
    -          - three versions of the QCG spreadsheet (one for a US campaign, one for a German Wehrmacht campaign, and one for a Waffen SS campaign);
    -          - a pdf file containing Instructions (and a Quick Start Guide);
    -          - six campaign script files “(QCG) Campaign Script.txt” (easy, medium or hard for Allied and Axis forces);
    -          - five text files for the type of battle you will be fighting;
    I’ve also added a couple of campaigns that I have created using this system, with the related Excel files that only contain the AAR tabs.
    Enjoy! If you have any questions, just let me know.
  4. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in WOT & War Thunder Panther Skins   
    Yes, pity, very promising modder. Not valued enough at first. Also not by me.
  5. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Simcoe in Thank you to the Devs and the Community!   
    I don't even think of Combat Mission as a game anymore. It's like some indispensable program like Outlook or Excel. You rage at it but could never imagine yourself without it. It just is.
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    A little over 3 weeks to go until Christmas.🎅
    I have a few scenarios at the almost ready stage.
  7. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Billy Ringo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A few random comments from the bleachers:
    1. In a non-military industry, I've worked with some of the best AI gurus in my business who have been trying to apply and leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence for years.   MASSIVE amounts of data. It's not easy and not nearly as productive as many selling the technology proclaim.  Like--"don't believe 90% of the BS because it's all wishful for thinking for most of them."   There is gold in AI---but be careful about who proclaims they've found it and when they will be able to truly deliver.
    2. The daily Russian kill/destroy numbers over the past few weeks are significantly and fairly consistently high on casualties, low on weapons destruction.  Is this because of the weather? A pause in combat operations? Russia running out of military hardware?  Mobilized forces being thrown into the meat grinder?  Something else?  Or "D", all of the above?
    3. I'm still of the strong opinion that there will not be a tangible decrease in Republican/Conservative support of Ukraine.  Yes, there are rumblings and some outliers--but when all is said and done the support will remain.    My reasoning and to reiterate--just my humble opinion:
    The conservative voices questioning support of Ukraine are being magnified beyond their actual political power and influence.  Certainly wouldn't be the first time the media or some self-interest group tried to sow division where it may not be and push their own agenda. Conservative support for Ukraine is still strong and most Republican politicians know and understand that.  I was raised and live in the South---Ukrainian support is flat out solid in my little sphere of the world.  I work and talk with people all over North America--I don't here any rumblings of dissatisfaction.  And to the very esteemed posters who have mentioned this topic over the past 24 hours--the locations are California, Seattle, Oregon, etc.  Just like my residence in Tennessee is not indicative of the opinions of the rest of the country--those views may not be reflective of the flyover states.  Where we live influences our perspective whether we like it or not. Rand Paul is not as crazy or Putin loving as some may believe.  I grew up in Western Kentucky and have friends that know him.  He is outspoken and takes a different approach than many, but underneath he's fairly reasonable and his verbal positioning is to frequently just challenge the traditional group think of his own party.  Accountability is important to him, so it's no surprise he questions spending---but his desire to cut funding to Ukraine may be less than it appears. Peace and thanks to everyone on this forum for their brilliant and informative comments.
  8. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Lucky_Strike in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    Where is or Where's 😉 since we're also discussing grammar
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Mr.X in WIP: Campaign Pack "Against all Odds"   
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to PIATpunk in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    and the 17 players from various parts of the western world rejoiced 🙂
  11. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to RockinHarry in Question about infantry animation files   
    Another test package incoming. It´s modified versions of latest 250/251 as available in CMRT V2.11 or V2.12
    They´re geared toward (test) playing @George MC´s CMRT Five Days One Summer campaign from Battle Pack 1. https://www.battlefront.com/red-thunder/cmrt-battle-pack-1/
    At least it´s those german vehicles I found in this campaign´s battle 1 thus far. But off course can be test played in any other CMRT battle containing these. They´re:
    SdKfz 251/1 D - standard IFV
    SdKfz 251/3 D - command version
    SdKfz 251/2 D - mortar carrier
    SdKfz 251/7 D - engineer version
    SdKfz 250/1 neu - standard small IFV
    (others will follow. C versions 251 and more)
    When applicable I changed MG gunner as well as seating position for passengers. These give sitting passengers and gunners a lower profile vs incoming enemy small arms fire. Included is just the (same) gunner animation, giving him both, a somewhat lower profile and different pose (Black Sea M320 rifleman). Modded vehicles and gunner pose are interconnected, so they only work well if using both the same time!
    Note: Gunner pose is only well aligned initially (after "open up"). When targeting an enemy or area, alignment goes FUBAR since the machine gun object and gunner don´t synchronize nor move together well. That´s the same for unchanged BFC original too. However... main idea is reducing the gunners footprint and trade off bits of a misalignment when he starts engaging targets. Any feedback on that welcomed!
    Remaining infantry animation files are still under test but otherwise finished. I´ll upload these when ready. These animation (pose) files prevent related infantry types to go full stand up for when engaging enemies outside the carrier vehicle (across sidewall shooting). These include "aiming", "shooting" and "reloading" with related variations (up, down, left, right, transition).
    Pose/Animation files will be:
    P38 pistol
    K98k rifle
    MP40 smg
    Stg44 AR
    and others which have unique pose files and can be loaded on and shooting from modded 250/251 infantry carriers.
    So here´s updated file with mentioned centent. (unzip to data/z as usual)
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ubzxdunlasuer0/RHZ CMRT 250-251 Test ModPack 211122.zip?dl=0
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from FlatEric999 in CMBN Initial 'All in One'   
    @37mm you continue to be a scholar and a gentleman and an enormous blessing to this community.
  13. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in Battle pack resources   
    Spot on thanks  I've installed and playing through an old save of KG von Schroif
    EDIT To Add: That does the trick! I mounted up a load of tracks and sent em into the valley of death. overall MG gunners have a greater survivability now and the MG firing tracks are way more of a threat to enemy infantry. I started losing gunners only at close range - like 100m or so.
    Off we go - like how the passengers are huddled lower.

    Engaging - note how close to the foxholes this track is and note the Soviet soldiers running off. Gunner was nailed not long after but notcied all the gunners made it a lot closer to an enemy position before I started seeing hits.

  14. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    I feel like a deep sea diver who discovered a galleon full of treasure and doesn't know what to take to the surface first! What a great battlepack this is!
  15. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in Battle pack resources   
    Hi all
    I've created this post to make available some resources that may be of use to players.
    I've attached the Five Days One Summer campaign flowchart - so you can see where you are going, if you wish. If you'd rather not see into the future then best not read it.
    I've attached the Tigers at Ogledow campaign flowchart - again possible spoilers here so if you'd rather not know, don't look!
    Also I've attached a SPW Training Missions Tactics and Lessons document. This document provides a deeper overview of the doctrine and tactics taught (and used) by German armored panzer grenadier units equipped with the Sdkfz 251 halftrack and its variants (referred to as a Schützenpanzerwagon or SPW) in the later part of the war, around 1944. Its main intent is to provide additional background to the series of scenarios and missions in the battle pack for Red Thunder, in particular the series of three SPW ‘Lesson’ series scenarios. My thanks to @domfluff who reviewed this and provided tactical insight, oh and it was his idea originally.
    Five Days One Summer Wiking panzer grenadier mods - I've added a wee package of mods I used for the grenadiers in the Five Days One Summer. I basically assembled others excellent mods to create a look which is in the Wiking Mods GMc Mix . Main changes are grenadiers are in light battle rattle - no extraneous kit, crusher caps are M43s and senior officer has a 'Wiking' cuff band and a M43. My thanks to the talent and good will of Aris, @EZ (WSS Senior Officer and WSS camo uniforms), @Frenchy56 (Crusher and side caps to M43) @kohlenklau (No-gear mod - the campaign is mod tagged 'no gear') @Lucky_Strike (Senior officer peaked caps to M43s). I used Aris' Soviet tank mods, his Soviet faces and VM's summer Soviet uniforms.
    Five Days Campaign Overview_v1.pdf SPW Training Missions Tactics and Lessons_FINAL.pdf
    Tigers at Ogledow Campaign Overview_v1.pdf
  16. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Hungarian Mod   
    Discount Mod and scenario. Cost is $0.00
    Part of the Festung Budapest Attila Line defenses, east of Soroksár, Hungary. 2 November 1944...just over 10 km from Budapest city centre. It is late in the afternoon, the sun sets behind you on a cold and wet day. A light wind blows from the north. 
    You are a young föhadnagy (1st lieutenant) in the 1./I Parachute Battalion. Your units are well trained and highly motivated. But there are just a few of you to balance against the low morale of the common Hungarian infantry. Your position has several heavy weapons in support as well as a small variety of defensive fortifications to position. An anti-tank ditch has been dug by forced labor. Dark Blue set-up zone is for you to adjust the deployment of all axis forces, foxholes and trenches. 
    The Soviet tank and infantry force is probing forward to determine the level of resistance they will encounter as the siege of Budapest develops. 
    Your objective is to block any passage of the Soviet forces through to the west.
    You are ordered to hold out for 10~15 minutes. The enemy gains points by exiting forces off the west edge of the map via a small exit zone. When the Honvéd (Royal Hungarian Army) stops that exit, it takes points away from the Red Army. You have a parameter bonus if you can keep your own casualties below 25%.

    To get this, go to my signature dropbox link, then go to CMRT section and see the folder for CMRT Hungary Mod. In there are the 2 mods folders, 1 mod folder is just the soldier names changed to Hungarian and you can plop in z folder ONLY AS NEEDED, the other folder is modtagged and can probably be in z and not cause any issues. Emphasis on PROBABLY. 
    The scenario file is there for CMRT scenario folder. Restart CMRT and have a try as axis vs Soviet AI.
    "Based on a true story."
  17. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    Part of the Festung Budapest Attila Line defenses, east of Soroksár, Hungary. 2 November 1944...just over 10 km from Budapest city centre. It is late in the afternoon, the sun sets behind you on a cold and wet day. A light wind blows from the north. 
    You are a young föhadnagy (1st lieutenant) in the 1./I Parachute Battalion. Your units are well trained and highly motivated. But there are just a few of you to balance against the low morale of the common Hungarian infantry. Your position has several heavy weapons in support as well as a small variety of defensive fortifications to position. An anti-tank ditch has been dug by forced labor. Dark Blue set-up zone is for you to adjust the deployment of all axis forces, foxholes and trenches. 
    The Soviet tank and infantry force is probing forward to determine the level of resistance they will encounter as the siege of Budapest develops. 
    Your objective is to block any passage of the Soviet forces through to the west.
    You are ordered to hold out for 10~15 minutes. The enemy gains points by exiting forces off the west edge of the map via a small exit zone. When the Honvéd (Royal Hungarian Army) stops that exit, it takes points away from the Red Army. You have a parameter bonus if you can keep your own casualties below 25%.

    To get this, go to my signature dropbox link, then go to CMRT section and see the folder for CMRT Hungary Mod. In there are the 2 mods folders, 1 mod folder is just the soldier names changed to Hungarian and you can plop in z folder ONLY AS NEEDED, the other folder is modtagged and can probably be in z and not cause any issues. Emphasis on PROBABLY. 🙂
    The scenario file is there for CMRT scenario folder. Restart CMRT and have a try as axis vs Soviet AI.
    "Based on a true story."
  18. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Rake in What will be the next CM Eastern front game?   
    It will take less effort with equipment than Barbarossa, so 1943 will probably be the next iteration in the East.
    I'm looking more forward to crap tanks™ in 1941 though.
  19. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Next time your CM AFV's optics are yellow or red from damage, this T-80BV will remind you why it's realistic.
  20. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LukeFF in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    As opposed to just ignoring his posts and not derailing this topic even more? 
  21. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to acrashb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    So in addition to Russia Sucks™ we may now layer in Ukraine Rocks™. 

    I think the summary of your lengthy and interesting posts on this is that both are a too-low-resolution way of examining actions and predicting outcomes.  Sloppy use of these now-tropes - in real life, not here - gets people killed without cause.
    Both phrases should be consigned to the bin except when reacting to video of things blowing up.
    What's really interesting is the collision - parts of it look like adaptive rock-paper-scissors, with one side adapting much more quickly.
    Pay no attention to the heathens.  Keep providing the warning, it is both informative (a bit) and fun - part of your personal brand
  22. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from LukeFF in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Next time your CM AFV's optics are yellow or red from damage, this T-80BV will remind you why it's realistic.
  23. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Raptor341 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Next time your CM AFV's optics are yellow or red from damage, this T-80BV will remind you why it's realistic.
  24. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from OldSarge in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Next time your CM AFV's optics are yellow or red from damage, this T-80BV will remind you why it's realistic.
  25. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Next time your CM AFV's optics are yellow or red from damage, this T-80BV will remind you why it's realistic.
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