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Everything posted by Commanderski

  1. I'm reading that book now and it's very interesting. Good material for the upcoming module. Volume 2 is coming out later in the year.
  2. I followed the original thread and the link to the Beta on page 6 , which I think is the version 2, gives me a 404 error (page not found). Is there a current link to version 2?
  3. Panzertruppen Volumes 1 and 2 for German Tanks. It covers everything you need to know about their tanks including TO&E, lot's of charts, graphs, pictures and battle reports from war diaries and after action reports. The books are very well done and are high quality. Panzertruppen: The Complete Guide to the Creation & Combat Employment of Germanys Tank Force 1933-1942 (Schiffer military history) (v. 1) Panzertruppen 2: The Complete Guide to the Creation & Combat Employment of Germany's Tank Force ¥ 1943-1945/Formations ¥ Organizations ¥ Tactics Combat Reports ¥ Unit Strengths ¥ Statistics Companion to the Red Army. Has lists and charts of how many men, guns, types of guns tanks etc.. for divisions, brigades and squads. https://www.amazon.com/Companion-Army-1939-1945-Steven-Zaloga/dp/0752454757/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1581686828&sr=8-1
  4. Really looking forward to this! One thing I have noticed is that there are more scenarios and campaigns that are only German against Soviet AI. Will we be seeing more of Soviet vs German AI in Fire and Rubble?
  5. I'm in a game of Fortress Italy where my US opponent shot a bazooka at my Fiat-17 with a range of well under 100 meters and missed. Just because the targets are well within range or even at max range doesn't always guarantee a hit.
  6. According to the Companion to the Red Army book (which is basically the same book as the Guide to the Red Army) it said that the ZiS-2 was not really adequate to deal with the Panthers and Tigers. They used ZiS-3 more often to fight tanks. They did have their own version of HVAP (hyper-velocity armour-piercing) shell and maybe that's modeled as a little too powerful.
  7. Looks great will be trying that soon. Just love the size of that map, plenty of room for moving around.
  8. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the antiailsing on your graphics card. I turn mine off when I want to read the briefings and scenarios. When I'm playing I turn it back on. I have a Nvidia 2070.
  9. I totally forgot about that book. I just checked and I still have it...I would think that a lot of it is still relevant.
  10. Is there a way to adjust the amount of points you get in a QB? For meeting engagements in FB for example you get an average of around 7100 - 7300 points. If you want to play around with some of the more powerful formations like with the Tiger or Panzer batallions you need over double or triple that amount of points. Is there a way to get around the amount of points or is that hard coded and not changeable?
  11. Here's a link to what low latency is and what it does: https://www.howtogeek.com/437761/how-to-enable-ultra-low-latency-mode-for-nvidia-graphics/ One thing it says "Warning: This will potentially reduce your FPS." I don't have it turned on yet and may play around a bit with it.
  12. I do see a difference but I am curious as to why the number on the half-track changes from 1122 to 522. I would think that the change in sharpness wouldn't change the number.
  13. I saw it and it's a pretty decent movie. It's also on Amazon Prime.
  14. I have all the WWII CM's and no issues at all in Windows 10.
  15. Here's the link that has everything for mods, scenarios etc..." https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/
  16. Where is the Campaign Unpacker? I looked around for links and can't find it.
  17. Within the past few months I acquired all of the WWII CM2's and bundles. Which scenario's and campaigns are the most fun while still challenging? I'm sure opinions may differ but I'm open to all recommendations.
  18. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the new modules..
  19. Probably a phishing scan as previously stated but if you want to be sure change your password through your profile from the BF site and not the link that pops up.
  20. I read through the forums and found that bridges can be blown in CMSF2 if you apply enough fire power on them but what about the other ones like CMRT, CMBN...? There are some situations where blowing a bridge or two would force your opponent to to either find a shallow area to cross or into a designated field of fire... If they aren't destructible maybe that can be added in the next update as doing that shouldn't take up any more cpu processing power. All they would need to do is show a break in the bridge.
  21. I would be interested in a game or two. PM me and let me know. Also you can check the "Looking for opponents" on the Discord site: https://discordapp.com/channels/573187029496627222/599307672273289226
  22. I always just click on the unit and use the "Move" command and that allows you to move the unit around in the setup zones which as stated above are usually blue or red.
  23. When you get a new pc can you just download the games again or do you have to transfer them from your old computer?
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