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Everything posted by Commanderski

  1. Their status is "Tired" and that could be the reason.
  2. Great news! Thanks for the update and screenshots!
  3. I wonder if they are doing a Bones Post this year...it's getting kind of late in the day.
  4. Looking at last years Bones Post it doesn't look like anything they planned actually came out.
  5. A lot of people were asking for a release date of Fire and Rubble so Elvis gave them January 8. I think it may be just an arbitrary date or could be the date of when we can pre-order. We should find out more information on Friday in the Year Ahead Bones Post, which they have traditionally always made on January 1.
  6. I just finished the first mission and it was really good. Nothing too complicated some nice surprises. I think that the fact that the US forces that seem to magically appear could be due to the fact that it's still dark and snowing with near zero visibility. I like the fact that you have two options at the beginning of each mission.
  7. Intel is only as good as your ability or willingness to use it.
  8. No, It's usually on January 1, known as The Year Ahead Bone's Post.
  9. After reading Bloody Streets this is pretty close to the way it probably looked.
  10. The only book I found and is more than likely the only book available is The Flak Towers: in Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna 1940-1950 (Schiffer Military/Aviation History) (Schiffer Military Aviation History (Paperback)) (https://www.amazon.com/Flak-Towers-1940-1950-Schiffer-Paperback/dp/0764303988). It's only 48 pages and most of the book is pictures. You would think that with all the books on WWII there would be more written on this.
  11. A lot of the buildings in between were more than likely destroyed or reduced to where they had a line of site if the smoke wasn't too bad.
  12. I found the teaser battle to Wacht Am Rapido but not the campaign. Is it still in the Scenario depot somewhere?
  13. I've ben reading about them in The Bloody Streets. Although the book doesn't go into a great detail about the battles with them they did say that when the flak towers hit a tank it's basically disintegrated.
  14. I like the rifle and blast effects from the tanks. Are the tank blast effects new or from a current mod?
  15. Use the Print Screen button on your computer and then paste it to Pain and you can then edit or resize the picture.
  16. If you look at the scenarios that have been created in the Scenario Depot you will find very few comments. Maybe if more people made some comments on how the liked them or what needs improvement we can get more user created scenarios and campaigns. There have been quite a few new scenarios created for Normandy over the last two months, some quite detailed and are worth looking into and playing.
  17. The January 1, 2021 Year Ahead Bones post should have more information on what we should expect.
  18. It needs some rubble around it. Otherwise it looks like it was built that way even with bullet holes and cracks.
  19. I'm just about finished with Volume 2 of The Oderfront 1945 by Stephan Hamilton. The Germans did pretty good considering the odds. Hopefully there will be quite a few scenarios for that.
  20. The Last Frontier released November 4, 2020, (Russian title: Podolsk Cadets). It's about the 3,500 infantry and artillery cadets stationed in Podolsk, an industrial city south of Moscow during the battle for Moscow Filming of The Last Frontier took place at the actual battle site in Kaluga Region. The river, bridge, houses, fortified areas and soldiers' uniforms and weapons were all carefully recreated, based on surviving records. CGI accounts for only 10 percent of the special effects. Instead, original German armored personnel carriers and Pz. IV, Pz. II and Pz. 38 tanks, Soviet 45 mm anti-tank guns and legendary T-34 were restored from museums and brought on set. The movie was made from the same producers who made Brest Fortress and The Battalion. The first link has a description of the film and a 4 minute trailer. The second link is to teh main movie site and your browser should be able to translate the page. Looks like it might be a decent movie. I haven't been able to find out if there is a DVD or streaming site with English subtitles yet. https://www.rbth.com/arts/333018-russias-best-wwii-film-in-years?fbclid=IwAR1hoskCapAlX963TRN9oWuaTwcYy1zwxFOmiKu4q0NhPXW99vCsUjZqgGE http://last-frontier.ru/
  21. The maps are colored expanded versions of what's in the other three volumes. There aren't any contours or extreme detail but they are definitely easier to look at than what's the other maps.
  22. The Oder Front 1945. Volume 1: Generaloberst Gotthard Heinrici, Heeresgruppe Weichsel and Germany's Final Defense in the East, 20 March-4 May 1945 and The Oder Front 1945. Volume 2: Documents, Reports and Personal Accounts. Both are very good, lot's of maps. I'm just about finished with volume 1. Volume 2 also included a book of maps.
  23. The reviews on Amazon are all 4 or 5 stars so it may be a good read.
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