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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. I take it Lieutenant Jack Reynolds will have high motivation then? Props to him for not taking it lying down, hope he made it home. He'd seen action before... -F
  2. plus one coz forum doesn't allow just +1 -F
  3. 90% WEGO. IF RT had a recorder so I could watch the action again I'd be more inclined... So, ah, when we getting that full battle recorder we been asking for since 2000? Huh? Huh? Come on, I mean how hard could it be??? -F ps - need a dead horse emoticon
  4. We even got voice grogs here
  5. A campaign is a series of missions. As everyone is saying I think you're being hasty to judge things based on only one of those missions. Play the mission and move on. Come back and let us know what you think when you finish the campaign. -F
  6. +1 I very often micro manage waypoints by selecting the movement lines in CM1. Something I'd be happy to see in CM2. FWIW I'd prefer to keep camera stationary. -F
  7. Yeah I too am a fan of random maps. Play on them all the time in CM1. Rural settings were fine IMO. I dunno maybe I need to dig up some more but the current QBs in my setup seem to get the same maps over and over, bleh. How about meeting half way? Generator for the terrain. Predefined, human made building clumps for farms, villages (village on road, village at crossroads), urban areas done by blocks randomly selected from a pool (a la the QB maps now) turned and placed onto the generated terrain? To integrate the idea suggested above, a quick peek in the editor to tweak the map prior to play would be v useful. /shrugs Probably all too hard. Higher fidelity has it's price. Like CM1 operations and a CMC style ops layer I doubt it'll ever happen. Makes the kids cry it does. Come on battlefront, think of the children! -F
  8. slaps head... derr found it nevermind. -F
  9. I think it's by Flesh Erwin, which I'm grabbing from CMMODS now. -F
  10. One of the pluses to playing real time, being able to instantly modify orders... IMO of course, I'm a 95% WEGO player. Very frustrating watching your own pixeltruppen die in illogical situations like this. Limitation of computer simulation -F
  11. Personally I liked the "operations" in CM1. I think calling them that though was incorrect and therefore somewhat misleading. To me CM1 operations were the battles and the 30 - 120 minute scenarioes we play were the fights that made up the battle as a whole. How often do we read of multiple attacks going in over the course of a day or so, I liked how CM1 ops simulated that and I thought they did a good job of portraying that sort of thing - attack, counter attack, re-enforce and resupply, attack again etc until the day is won or lost. But that's just me -F
  12. Currently if you don't have the required module(s) the scenario is greyed out in the battle selection screen and it tells you which module is missing I think. -F
  13. Nice to hear some news, looking forward to it, thanks. Interested in this one too. -F
  14. Props to Mr (or perhaps Ms? - hey it could happen) generous. Have fun Wodin =)
  15. "We're gunna need more men." Looks awesome. Kudos, must have taken significant effort. I imagine it'll take just as significant an effort to play a game through that. -F
  16. Definitely. Being able to make maps out of just about any graphics file (once you get the scale right) would make it easily re-usable in whatever setting. -F
  17. I'll 2nd VASSAL for all the reasons Broadsword has posted (although admittedly I've not used it for this purpose). Being reasonably easy to edit a game module and change it to suit your needs if necessary is really handy. Main drawback is they are only virtual versions of a board game, ie you still need a copy of the rules and no AI etc Hardest part is the CM2 maps. You guys just using QB maps? As an aside it occurred to me recently that it's too bad kickstarter wasn't really around when Hunter was trying to get CMC done. Probably would have helped him enormously. -F
  18. This excellent idea was originally posted by someone else, apologies but I don't know who it was, kudos should go to them. I'd be really nice to have the artillery targeting options when assigning area fire for direct fire weapons. Being able to issue point, area and line targeting orders to MG's and large calibre weapons when doing area fire would be really really useful. I can't recall what came of the original posting of this idea so I wanted to raise it again for visibility. Thanks -F
  19. John Kettler dug up this info and posted in this thread over in the CMBN forum (FWIW) http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109790 Info is from here - http://worldoftanks.com/news/1757-chieftains-hatch-french-panthers/ If this is true and accurate it would seem to back up what ASL Vet is saying. -F
  20. Wasn't this being discussed in another thread? edit - added info from this thread to this one - http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=107179&page=15 -F
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