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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. +1 for this too. I kept hearing tank guns, faust's and shreck's in the the back ground and wanting to replay the action! No biggie though. Will be happy just to see more. Thanks for taking the time.
  2. After seeing it here and in the last AAR I am starting to agree that tank crews should be far more timid and moved to the rear automatically by the AI once their ride is knocked out. Wait and see in a few weeks I guess. Am loving the sound effects.
  3. Thanks for posting the vid... Now to find the time to watch the whole thing. Cheers =)
  4. ahhh...interesting thread... Re QBs - are the setup zones for each side always the same for a given map and is the orientation of the map also the same every time? (I mean is the north side of the map always the same, be nice for variation to perhaps randomize that - no biggie, just thinking out loud). -F
  5. I'm looking forward to MG42's, nebelwefers, Stugs, Panthers and eventually Jagdpanthers and British para's. And the eastern front but I'm getting a bit ahead of myself there. I'm looking forward to artillery and the cacophany of battle in general. My first wow moment with CMBO was playing the valley of trouble demo module and being at level 1 with lots of shooting going on when a US barrage came down on my forward line.
  6. I agree with this one. Best you get is a unit type icon when you get clear and close LOS. Otherwise it's a generic ? or infantry or vehicle. Gets easier the bigger the unit, 4 man HQ vs a tiger etc etc. You can't select it and see a break down of the unit. Just a 'that looks like an HQ'... How many guys and exactly what's in it just isn't available unitl maybe the after battle review. Make things all the more interesting. Has there every been talk of having limited camera modes so you can't browse all over the map? ie you're limited to as far as your troops can see. Like the iron man system in CM1 where you couldn't go above level 1 locked to units? (Sorry I've basically no CMSF experience so dunno if this exists). It wasn't coded, you had to do it yourself. -F
  7. Back when it was recorded I was member number 169 I believe, so I started early. Most of my posts were made back in the CMBO hey day. Since then I've definitely lurked, checking in maybe once a month. The forum has stayed on my shortcut bar for all those years, across maybe 3 or 4 computers. Now we're back to WW2 I'm posting more often and refresh monkeying again. Good to be back
  8. Not sure yet. But at a guess I'd say I'll be spending a good deal of time setting up and then playing a QB. Most likely with a bottle of good German beer to hand.
  9. As mentioned a couple times above one possibility is to use VASSAL http://www.vassalengine.org/ It's a java based multiplayer virtual board that already has many hundreds of board games converted, many of which are wargames. Allows for play by email, hidden board pieces, dice rolls etc etc. It's also pretty easy to learn if you don't find something that suits. I've built a complete version of Blood Bowl (more correctly dungeon bowl) based around the house rules I play with a friend. Edit - the board can simply be a jpg of a real map, moves measured out using an in built LOS/range string, lots of potential. Could ask and get all the board pieces from one of the already created modules. If nothing better is found that's my suggestion. -F
  10. No don't own CMSF. No interest, plus having been to Syria a number of times I don't like the idea of shooting them. CMBO is the last title I own from BFS that requires the CD. Anyway, thanks for answering. Also, I believe there's no beach terrain in the Normandy game, so no scenerioes either. -F
  11. Can't remember how exactly but I do remember downloading (painful on 56k dial-up) a short video that had a few units moving on a road and I think it ended by zooming out straight up from the map. Was very crude, even more so than CMBO, think it was a good while before it came out. Anyway I book marked the site as something to keep an eye on and I'm still here. -F PS - owned Over the Reich too, maybe that led me here. Can't honestly remember.
  12. One of my pet peevs is having to have the cd/dvd in the drive when launching a game... Will this be required if the game is the version installed from disk? Thx
  13. Looking further that particular Jagdpanther may actually be a replica. There is footage of another one that's supposedly a restoration. Found this good one of a Hetzer. Complete with uniformed re-enactors. -F
  14. All restored and running Panther Jagdpanther Tiger I Tiger II Hetzer Stug There's lots more on Youtube
  15. For some reason trying to quote Tagge's post gets me in a log in loop... Anyway, good one, gave me chuckles. I like to see the text too, very useful when zoomed out. I also agree with perhaps a FoW option so you don't see them for enemy vehicles (unless I missed something in the thread).
  16. You mean the announcement at the top of the forum page? http://www.battlefront.com/community/announcement.php?f=124&a=388 -Fenris
  17. I brought it up at the preview but haven't seen it discussed at all. After seeing that a single infantry unit can have multiple targets, ie shooting in multiple directions, I wondered if vehicles with multiple weapons would have the same behaviour. Will a tank be able to point it's turret in one direction and have the bow MG engage soft targets to it's front at the same time? Thanks
  18. Covered arcs for both turret and bow MG, which should be fixed to forward of the hull obviously, are indeed something to be desired. -F
  19. That'd be nice to see. If poss include some heavy ordinance, I'd love to see a nebelwefer strike! -F
  20. Cool, have ordered too. The end of April statement was indeed a bit of a surprise.
  21. It's sort of like that in CM1. I think the unit's experience level and type dicatated how far from the original plot the way point could move but is was limited. I guess it's not a huge issue, as someone stated above I think I usually plot less that 4 or 5 waypoints. And modification of those is usually just to lengthen the last move or 2 once the unit finds it's safe to continue. Still would be nice though
  22. Hardly played CMSF at all but this was the first thing I did notice when I tried the demo. Mark me down as another who'd like to see adjustable way points.
  23. First thing is to thank Mark and his partner for generously allowing us to invade there home, cheers Most everything was pretty new having only downloaded the CMSF demo and run the training scenerio a couple of days before the preview. As mentioned we had a guided tour to start which was good as most of it was new to me. There seems to be larger number of toys, ahem, unit types for us to mess around with than I was expecting. The selection options look nice and juicey and as long as your arm. I'm really looking forward to quick battles, the mix and match options for unit purchase are really nice, escpecially the afore mentioned linking of individual units to another for things like command. It was all recongisable for a CM1 player just with more options. I don't expect making the transition will be difficult at all. If you're unfamiliar with it do as I read somewhere else on the forum. Grab the CMSF demo to get some time in getting used to the interface, from what I could see it's pretty much the same. After that we dived into a head to head match. Being realtime and somewhat pressed for time we didn't do nearly as much micro management as I think would be normal. Once it kicked in the action was pretty frantic, buggered if I know how to keep up with everything in realtime! Still it was good to watch and everything behaved how I hoped and expected. Really like being able to resupply from say a half-track mid battle, need another 'faust for that pesky sherman? Otto, run back the the HT and grab all you can! Awesome. Panzer commander only pops his head out when unbuttoned, headphones and all, great to see. Hans breach this damn hedge. Ja wohl!!.... Boom! And through the pioneers go. Little things but all cool stuff. It's definitely pretty. Maps are highly detailed with lots of stuff to fight in and around. Individual units are very detailed as well, I can tell I'll spend lots of time in the first few games at view level 1 spinning around everything. In game effects were great too, we chortled heartily everytime one of our Panthers let loose with it's main gun, very statisfying. Artillery was also most gratifying.... Probably because we had lots of it and the booms of falling ordinance raining down on the hapless Ami's was a non stop source of amusement. Dust and smoke were also in abundance adding to the confusion. It was great I had a few queries that gibsonm was going to pass on but there was nothing major, no show stoppers or major hiccups etc. So overall count me impressed, happy and looking forward to release. Cheers Fenris
  24. With a bit over an hour until the southern hemisphere preview I thought I'd jot down a few things that I assume won't be answered there... Apologies if these have been asked. Is the game going to be offered in hardcopy? Disk, printed manual, in a box etc. I assume there'll be a demo, will it come out some time before the final game is completely ready to ship or after it 'goes gold' as they used to say. I guess basically will we be playing the demo before the game is available in full? Will you possibly do a remake of the valley of death (whatever it was called) scenerio from the CMBO demo? That's all for now, now to head over to gibsonm's place Thanks
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