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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. Very nice indeed. Are you using a tree, ground cover and bocage mod? If so which one? Thanks
  2. VASSAL is indeed free as are the hundreds of games (check the modules page) that have been made for it. You just need the rules to play them. www.vassalengine.org -F
  3. I can't remember... Does CM2 have the warning about hull MG LOS being blocked like was in CM1? Why not have a similar thing for the main gun? Seeing as it's probably far more important to the survival of the crew. Or does this exist already? I can't remember. Edit - so target command checks LOS from the bow MG, the main gun and the TC and lets you know if any of them can't see. -F
  4. I'll second JGME as a good option. I use it for 3 other games. Easy to setup and use. No need to re-invent the wheel. -F
  5. But they are excellent tools for city fighting and I used them often in CM1 games in city/town fighting. Out of towns they ain't so great... Unless mounted on a tank. Really hoping they can get into the game at some stage. -F
  6. See this post in the Market Garden Allied AAR #2! http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1467621&postcount=81 -F
  7. Feel a bit sorry for those Canadians trying to get to town, ouch. Nice looking hull down pos, is the Tigger buttoned? -F
  8. That fire-fight in the town was pretty brutal. If the UK troops are para's I imagine the larger number of SMG's to the German rifles would have been an advantage. That and troop quality. What's the experience level of the German marine troops? Thanks for posting, is good to watch the AAR in moving pictures. -F
  9. Yeah should be. Same as when you add CW to base CMBN, you still have all the US forces battles and campaigns. -F
  10. Hi John, my comment was regarding using the film as evidence for panzerfaust use from enclosed spaces. I was suggesting that like the makeshift bunker it would be a tactic of improvisation/desperation. I wouldn't mind being able to do it in game though to be honest. Perhaps causing the firing unit to become heavily suppressed with a chance of injury. Less so depending on how damaged the building was.. But I think the conventional wisdom of recoilless weapon firing indoors being a big no-no still holds. -F
  11. This one's going to be messy. Pics look good. Good luck mate =) ps - awesome looking map
  12. Like the poor sods in that bunker I think you might be grasping at straws on this one. -F
  13. I'll be even more annoyed if it doesn't come with a baggy officers cap in the glove box. -F
  14. Sweet. Another Bil Hardenberger AAR thread to read with my morning cuppa. It's usually better than reading the news paper. Thanks very much.
  15. I'm now 40 (lol I had to edit that sentence, I first typed "I'm not 40", I wish!) First PC game I played was snake on a machine my step father's engineer friend had made when I was about 8. Bought my first PC at 16, first games were Their Finest Hour, Battletech and M1 Tank Platoon. I first saw an alpha/beta?? vid of Combat Mission a long time ago. I recall it was very blocky and simplistic, even more so than what was released. I think there might have been an AT gun covering a road, not really sure it was a long time ago. Anyway I remember I saw that and thought it interesting but didn't follow it closely until the demo came out. Played CMBO to death, the CD is still sitting right here in front of me under the monitor. -F
  16. My 2c from the peanut gallery (beer in hand)... Let the infantry spot the armour. Then have the Tiger poke it's 88 over a hill or something from long range to deal with it. Go for the M10 first. If you can kill the M10 I reckon the big cat will intimidate him enough that if you don't actually KO them he'll play soft with the remaining Shermans making them less effective. Just remember to move the Tiger around and keep it out of sight when it's not engaging him. Disclaimer - being only 2 cents worth of slightly beer soaked advice feel free to ignore me completely, in fact you probably should, I dislike back seat drivers and here I am gabbing on. Anyway it's your game and you're the CO so play whatever you feel is best Good luck! -F
  17. Crap, that's tough going! I've never seen aircraft, in my limited experience with them, be that effective. -F
  18. Lol - remember this one?... If you see a green plane it's the RAF, if you see a silver plane it's the Americans, if you see no plane it's the Luftwaffe Although they do seem to have been quite useful this time around. Good write up. Thanks for sharing. -F
  19. At 'short' range I believe yes they are outclassed. By late war PzIVs need to be used almost like thin skinned tank hunters - ambushing, shoot n scooting and kept at range, I think the advantage doesn't swing back until something like 800m vs Shermans (or it might be 600m, sorry can't remember). Which is almost impossible to achieve in Normandy. Everything then usually boils down to who can get the first shot. So use other assets to spot the enemy tanks at range and then setup accordingly if you can. At least that's the theory. Edit - or use them in groups so they can (try to) protect each other. Good luck. -F
  20. Good stuff mate, will check em out. Greets from Sydney. -F
  21. I've mentioned this before and it really helped me get into learning the editor... I started trying to go 100% realistic but as we see there's a good deal of work in the research, obtaining and creating an overlay for the map and all that before you even load CM. Copying a CM1 scenario as a base however helps cut out most of that leg work and lets you get straight into the editor and make something relatively quickly. You've got all the details already so you just need to set everything up and build the map. Screen-shotting the CM1 map in the editor and using it as the overlay, copy the forces etc etc it's quite easy. Only thing you have to come up with yourself is AI plans. So if you have the urge but are a little daunted maybe give rebuilding a CM1 battle a go as a place to start. You can also use parts from CM1. My next project (if I ever get around to it) will be to use a CM1 battle for all the details except the map which I plan to make from scratch using google etc. -F
  22. I realize this is a bit of a duh! question but... Just so I can feel all warm and fuzzy - adding MG will bring Fallschirmjäger to Normandy yes? -F
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