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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. Slightly OT but stumbled across this film the other day... What struck me was the hugeness of the Jagd Tigers. I mean I knew they were big but seeing them with with the crew on them puts it in perspective... -F
  2. Immediately thought of this pic. Dunno how widespread they were. Water crossing ability would have been handy in a recce vehicle I imagine. -F
  3. I had to put it in paintshop pro to see it all at once but the overview is indeed excellent (edit - which is no problem at all, just a comment on the impressive size of the thing). Things are making a lot more sense now. It high-lights one of the positives of a large engagement, there are a few separate fights happening all at once. Very interesting. I usually play German but for some reason I'm rooting for old Blighty in this one. Good luck!
  4. Control of the information given to Russian citizens over the years may have done something to perpetuate that belief. Add to that, being the victors, those same citizens weren't put upon to perform any form of national introspection questioning what happened. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the overwhelming response was along the lines 'we won and (as long as it didn't impact my family) it doesn't matter how that was achieved'. But as mentioned earlier don't ask the Ukrainian's or those ethnic groups from down near the Caspian sea that were forced to move en masse to Siberia so they didn't get the idea to become rebels. Interesting discussion. Cheers F
  5. Thanks all for the detailed input. Cheers.
  6. Bit off topic but gave me a chuckle. Taken from another forum I visit... -F ps - I have no info on who this is or where they're from.
  7. Whilst posing interesting chanllenges I think that's more of a strategic layer thing, I don't think it relates that much to CM's tactical scale. -F
  8. The Damlier seems to have dodged the proverbial bullet in the form of a faust projectile in the later part of the turn with it very luckily hitting a tree instead of the side of the vehicle. Cool vid. -F
  9. I'd not heard of this author before but there was an article in the local press spruking his work and when I looked further I found a number of favourable (popular press) pieces on him. Anyone read his work(s) have their own opinion for me? Thanks Fenris
  10. Interesting film. Thanks for posting. Agree the morale effects are obviously seem to be why the film was made in the first place. I've heard a US veteran who served in Italy describing the high ROF of the MG42 as something "you could sow your buttons on with if it hit you" as he prodded a row of hits up across his chest. In the other comparison film we looked at last week with the BAR vs the MG34 it was commented on MG's wide fall of shot. Based on what we saw (despite discussions on the firers proficiency with the weapon) I think this shows again that whilst it might not have been as tight a group the knowledge that there's a large number of rounds and the sound would have a greater capacity to put the advancing troops to ground, pinning them in place. Was also great to hear the weapons true sound. I was surprised at the grease gun's slower rate of fire, for some reason I previosuly thought it was the fastest of the three SMGs. Cheers F
  11. FYI (just in case you don't know and unless it's different on this board)... to post a pic in the thread just put square brackets with img in it at the start of the image url and then square bracket /img close bracket at the end. Apologies if you already know this. I saw the pic links earlier and thought you might not be aware. Example, replacing the brackets below with square ones, [ and ] (img)url link to pic somewhere on the interwebs(/img) Anyhoo carry on ps - I like pics and vids so am happy both ways.
  12. IIRC the Damlier should be able to kill the Stug if you can get a side or rear shot. Good luck
  13. Pretty sure Sicily is to early. -F
  14. Sorry but I too kind of wonder at comments relating to range shooting being compared in any way to combat shooting with handguns. At ranges of less than 50 meters, with pistols it'd be more like 10 meters, I find it very difficult to believe that a combatant is going to pause long enough to raise their arm, sight down their weapon and sqeeze off an aimed shot on a regular basis. IMO pistol fights being so close are more about self preservation than accurate shooting. They are about diving for cover whilst shooting as fast as possible in the general direction of the other guy. See the stats for the police usage of handguns posted above. I find those far more believable. Units with handguns in CM should be ok for very short range suppression but they shouldn't be killing squads on such a regular basis, especially at anything more than 15 meters. Edit - add to which troops with handguns are usually not front line infantry. Tank crews, pilots etc usually had only basic training on the sidearm and put 20 rounds on the range every once in a while. They are not infantry combat specialists. -Fenris
  15. It was an enjoyable vid to watch, I watched it all the way through. Thanks for sharing. Definitely apples and oranges and the presenter makes this very clear so no bones to pick on that topic. The guys firing the MG34 did seem a little ham fisted but then they probably had very little experience with it and it's employment as stated is a little more involved compared to the BAR. To bad it wasn't an MG42, thought that would be more of a contemporary of BAR in so far as going up against US forces. I too have seen footage of the MG used on the assault fired over the shoulder and one clip also from the hip using the shoulder strap but I agree the BAR was more portable. He may have overstated in comparison to the MG but it's a valid point. So yes very different beasts but as JonS points out the LMG was the one to last the test of time and be adopted as pretty much standard post WW2 for all armies. This is perhaps the indicator which tells us which was best in the end. Anyone note the handle on the MG34? Did it belong to Patton or something? Fenris
  16. Good write up on an interesting match. Whilst it's obviously not the "ideal" match up that you often get in scenarios I think it a good indicator of one of the things that an op layer brings to the game, uneven or unexpected forces pitted against each other. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out. Cheers Fenris
  17. Interesting. Doesn't CM1 have weapon jamming on MG's. I vaguely recall in a recent '41 East Front fight I had a green HMG team out of action for a couple of minutes being listed as JAMMED if I remember correctly. -F
  18. Buron is going to be a big one. Good stuff, thanks for posting Noob. -F
  19. Good stuff. Am interested to see how your PC's perform once the fireworks really start.
  20. I'd be much more attracted to realtime if there was a replay. That's one of my fav things about CM... Watching the action during a turn to get the overall picture, then zooming in to hot spots and watching them from different angles. In addition to screen shots it'd be awesome to have the ability to save all or snippets of the playback for viewing later outside of playing the battle. I recall you can do this a number of flight sims etc. I'd like to see it one day for CM too. Like an operational layer it's been asked for a million times and denied but it's still nice to dream about it. Fenris
  21. Pretty awesome. See you next year. Just kidding. But seriously I was quite happy to see this in the 2.0 feature list. Making it easier means more and better maps. Good for everyone. -F
  22. The T30s are P'ing me off and I'm only reading about them. What about some good old fashion small arms fire to get the T30's crew to keep their heads down? Then go for the keel with the panzer(s). Have you got a HMG available, maybe get some penetrating hits? Good luck. -F
  23. I don't play all time but when I do I am still playing CM1 here. It's familiar and easier to use and covers most of the war in every theatre. With ROCQ campaign system I'm still enjoying it a lot. Am waiting for CM2 to mature a bit, both the engine and the available theatres/units before giving it a serious effort. So even though CM2 hasn't swept me off my feet yet I'm in no rush. By the time I really want to play there'll be lots of goodies available. I've got plenty of games on my list to keep me busy and I'm one of those people who's happy to wait for a game of the year type edition with the bugs patched and all the add-ons in one package. So for me it's all good from where I sit. -F
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