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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. It is so good to be back home that I can actually read the drivel you trogdolytes post without becoming nauseous. I am already back at work writing tickets and arresting wrong doers. Nothing like writing someone for a rolling stop while jamming out to the Pixie's. Makes me think of the Mannysodan's. I initially wrote the Bee Gee's, but that would make me think of the Belgians... Seanachai you turnip, too busy kayaking to get the turn back to me? Sounds like you are becoming quite the mountain man, when are you going to start carrying a flintlock rifle and wearing a coonskin cap? Here is a recent picture of that cute little girl you mentioned. And her little sister. They were going to my cousins wedding about a month before I came home.
  2. v42, good to be back, as for any future trips to the sandbox, only virtually if I can help it. about a year and a half left and I will be able to retire, and I don't want to miss another 14 months of my kids' lives. Seanachai, glad to see that Small Emma is still keeping you on your toes (if you stand up on tip toe you might be able to see over the counter). My Anna likes to say "Sorry Daddy, So Sorry Daddy}, and then cheerfully run off to commit whatever offense again. Of course, her favorite movie is also Dawn of the Dead, so, she is already on a strange path. Thanks Speedy, and I am worried too, but then again, better interest in my bits than some poor sheep right? Mace, 'ello mate! How are things going down there? Glad you are still in the MBT, place just wouldn't smell the same without you. Stuka, hope things are going well for you. Still in Qatar? I still have that pin for your better half, I will try and get it sent off soon. Did the Justicar retire during my absence? Or has he just forgotten the way to the keyboard? Senility is such a tragedy, except when it strikes the already mentally enfeebled, then it is just funny.
  3. Hmm, remind me to write the commander of Fort McCoy and complain. </font>
  4. Did this have a point or was it just the random firing of a couple of neurons? </font>
  5. All right you lot of ne'er do wells. I fly back to the land of the big PX in less than 4 days. I made it, with all my fingers and toes, even the webbing between the latter is intact! Not even reading the barely comprehensible ramblings of you degenerates can't bring my mood down. Give me about a week or two home, and I will be back to PBEMing, it will be nice to see Sir 37mm stumbling over himself again, piddling in odd places as he attempts to wrangle his Tigers and elite infantry into an assault position, somehow managing to get half of them eliminated, and the other half lost in the sand dunes. Seanachai will be able to continue his gamey enfilade fire on my hapless British tankers, using them as burning scarecrows in the middle of some French field to ensure a bumper crop of wine grapes. Nidan1 can get on with his smashing all my AT guns with lucky stray artillery shells, while still managing to lose tanks to PIAT teams. Must be the Marine training. Stoat, well, Stoat is Stoat, and will never rise to the level of Hedgehog. Lord Rune needs to start wrapping the bottle of whiskey he owes me, and getting that CMSF preview ready. Alright, prepare yourselves for my return. It won't be pleasant, but just try to relax, it will be easier and hurt less that way. And when life gets you down, and it seems that nothing is going right, just remember, the frogs rain down up on the Australians and the Seanachai's alike.
  6. You might try www.cmmods.com I believe Captain Wacky has a grid mod.
  7. For a multiple weaponed AFV such as the Grant, if it suffers a gun damaging hit, does that damage both guns, or just one? Does a gun damaging hit also damage the MG's?
  8. I like the big cats, but I am beginning to appreciate the Soviet armor as well, used in coordination with infantry, it can be quite effective. What do you think is the Panther's biggest threat from the Soviet side? From the Americans and Brits in CMAK?
  9. breaking track on a Bradley was no joy either.
  10. thanks for the info ww2steel... ummm, mightn't you want to go on a date or something? Maybe take the wife out for dinner if you are married? J/K, but seriously, step away from the keyboard man.
  11. Even if it were determined to be a bug, there are some bigger issues out there that are screaming for revision (behind armor Soviet 45mm effect anyone, Soviet armor cower routines? Just ask JasonC, he has a comprehensive list of things that could use work, or are actual bugs/mistakes.), but I don't think there is any chance of the BFC crew doing another patch. I did find a quote from 1999 saying that any bugs or errors found in their products would be patched, We are hardcore, dedicated researchers with plenty of development and research experience under our belts (personally I graduated with a BS in History). But of course we aren't perfect. What we miss our hardcore, dedicated testers are likely to pick up on (note that most are VERY upset with CC3...) What we all miss will be patched whenever someone can document a mistake. quote source thread but I have read more recent postings saying that they wouldn't continue updating old platforms ad infinitum. Maybe there will be an update, but I wouldn't count on it. Honestly, I can't blame them, I have no idea how many man hours it takes to put a patch together. There is no profit in continually patching games that are 3-6 years old, and BFC is, after all, a business, and unless they charge for the patch, it would be work that generates no revenue.
  12. Not unless you are a naughty, naughty girl.... Or, you are SirReal
  13. Look for the spotting round. As I understand it, if the spotter can't see the first round to fall, usually 30-45 seconds before the main impact of multiple rounds, then the fall of the rounds will be off target. If this happens, readjust the call for fire, and see if he sees the spotting round this time. You have to be pretty on the ball to see the round, look for his ammo to drop one, and then look for a single explosion several seconds later in the general area of the original target. Hope this helps. Edited to correct my info. Apparently, your spotter only needs los to the target at the time the spotting round falls, not to the spotting round itself. [ July 02, 2006, 07:24 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  14. Feel like running two scenarios simultaneously?
  15. ooops, sorry about that, revised file sent. So, you want an east front scenario, how about I look around and find one for us, or do you want a QB? At least then you won't be padlocked.
  16. www.cmmmods.com Captain Wacky makes the grid mods I believe.
  17. Damn it, I am still trying to build my throne of the skulls of women and children!!!!
  18. I just hope they model "Inadvertant Martyrdom". Nothing like hearing an explosion about 2 miles on the road in front of you, then rolling past a smoking hole with some bits of clothing and bloody hunks of meat from the guy that forgot which wires to hook up first.
  19. They are available now? Did the AA meeting just let out? Or did Sturmsebber's Gala Drag Show and Barbra Streisand Impersonator Revue just kick them out of the audience?
  20. I did find it, didn't even have to forge anything. And Sir Sir 37mm did neglect to mention that I have offered to give him intel on my incoming reinforcements to make things fair. Here is the text of my email dated June 7th How about Tiger Valley? If you would like, we can play another QB with you attacking and me defending, whichever sides you want, how about 1250 or 1500 points? We can run both or just one, up to you. Tiger Valley is a fun scenario though. I have played it once as defender. It turned out to be a draw.
  21. It was once Sir Sir 37mm, ONCE! And despite your claims to the contrary, I am pretty sure I mentioned that fact to you. Just let me forge.. I mean find the email I sent you and we can clear this all up.
  22. I thought you would prefer your men out of uniform? Anyway, I hear that Boo Radley has a mailmans uniform, you two can play post office or somefink.
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