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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. I would not, for any money, be buried under a tombstone that read that. I would prefer to be buried under a tombstone that read: I Challenge You to Find Your Favourite Incidence of When I Was Tawdry and/or Vulgar! </font>
  2. Anyone looking for an opponent for this scenario still? I just finished a game as the Allies and fought Sir 37MM to a ceasefire offered by the Germans. I would be interested in playing as the Germans.
  3. ahhh, there is the MBT we all know and love, makes me all misty it does, oh never mind, that is because Nidan took off his shoes. On a side note, Stewardesses get mighty pissed when a plane full of GI's coming back from a desert environment all do that at once on the plane.
  4. Hiya Cavscoutt I was glad to hear you were home safe. Gratz on the promotion at work, did your Chief give you an answer on buying that rifle? Yes Oregon has a concealed carry permit but I haven't the need for one any longer, ( I am retired). Merry Christmas to you and your family, I am sure they are pleased to have you home for the Holidays! Oh and (obligatory comment) dang you! </font>
  5. Happy Holidays all. I have 3 days off (more or less), a big bottle of Jim Beam, and 6 bottles of White Winter Winery mead to drink up before the New Year. I am a happy happy man. Justicar, I will be calling with your Yuletides greetings on the morrow. Abbot, or is it Abbot, does Oregon have legal CCW? For some reason, I just can't imagine you dwelling in a state without it... Bugged, have you received anything resemebling an invitation from the great Lord Rune for this CMx2 preview? I think he may be delaying release to cover up the fact that he already drank our booze... Seanachai, you have no plans at all to continue our game do you? Mr. Peng, Do I owe you a turn? The last one I have that you should of gotten is Buffalo Stance. To all you denizens of the MBT, even the Ozzies, may your new years be better than the old.
  6. So, we just closed on our house, and work has been keeping me very busy, but I manage to stick my nose in here now and again, and I am glad to see that the mindless chatter is progressing apace, much as expected. sigh.... I have to make more of an effort to participate in the MBT... But I am contemplating converting my basement into a wargaming refuge, Advanced Squad Leader, Advanced Third Reich, The Third World War, mmmmm cardboard counter goodness.... Seanachai, Happy Yule you glorious little Gnome.
  7. So, we just closed on our house, and work has been keeping me very busy, but I manage to stick my nose in here now and again, and I am glad to see that the mindless chatter is progressing apace, much as expected. sigh.... I have to make more of an effort to participate in the MBT... But I am contemplating converting my basement into a wargaming refuge, Advanced Squad Leader, Advanced Third Reich, The Third World War, mmmmm cardboard counter goodness.... Seanachai, Happy Yule you glorious little Gnome.
  8. So, we just closed on our house, and work has been keeping me very busy, but I manage to stick my nose in here now and again, and I am glad to see that the mindless chatter is progressing apace, much as expected. sigh.... I have to make more of an effort to participate in the MBT... But I am contemplating converting my basement into a wargaming refuge, Advanced Squad Leader, Advanced Third Reich, The Third World War, mmmmm cardboard counter goodness.... Seanachai, Happy Yule you glorious little Gnome.
  9. I thought you were going to hand deliver it during the CMx2 preview? If not, then contact me off line, I can give you a mailing address, or if you are traveling north anytime soon, we can arrange a face to face handoff of the blessed liquid.
  10. I thought you were going to hand deliver it during the CMx2 preview? If not, then contact me off line, I can give you a mailing address, or if you are traveling north anytime soon, we can arrange a face to face handoff of the blessed liquid.
  11. I thought you were going to hand deliver it during the CMx2 preview? If not, then contact me off line, I can give you a mailing address, or if you are traveling north anytime soon, we can arrange a face to face handoff of the blessed liquid.
  12. You, new idiot, don't encourage him. It's only by dint of near constant doses of reality concerning his failures as a human being that his fecking ego hasn't eaten nearby communities. </font>
  13. You, new idiot, don't encourage him. It's only by dint of near constant doses of reality concerning his failures as a human being that his fecking ego hasn't eaten nearby communities. </font>
  14. You, new idiot, don't encourage him. It's only by dint of near constant doses of reality concerning his failures as a human being that his fecking ego hasn't eaten nearby communities. </font>
  15. AKD is right, allows for literal pinpoint accuracy using NVG's. I had one on mine for a while when we first got there, but removed it as it made it a pain in the Ass to get in and out of the HMMWV.
  16. I have about 3 years and about 1,500 boston creme filled donuts to go for full wiggum hood... Stuka, Covet is such a harsh word, how about "feel intense pity due to the lack of taste she has in men"?
  17. This is so cool. Does this mean that if I can get Peng and Berli lined up this Winter/Spring to visit Beloit, that you could actually taser and/or pepper spray both of them for me? Because if you can do that, then all my dreams have come true. </font>
  18. News follows. Things are finally getting to where they approach normal on the home front. We should be closing on the house by the end of the month. I got promoted to Police Sergeant at work. The baby is crawling all over the house like a spider monkey. And as hard as I try to stay away from this den of iniquity, something keeps pulling me back in, it is actually quite frightening.
  19. Happy Birthday Great High Muckety Muck Peng. This month won't work for the visit, we are in the process of buying a house, and I am in the process of getting promoted, and I want to wait till the neighbors go on vacation anyway....
  20. Dagnabit. Seanachai is back... I wanted an improvement, an elevation, a certain level of gentility in the MBT, not a slightly smelly red nosed gnome to come and start stumbling about, especially after Bugged has spent so much time straightening up the place. I blame the Justicar.
  21. You putrid bunch of eel infested hangers on. Have you all sunk so low in your fetid pools of de-evolutionary scum that you allow the great Peng Challenge Thread to degenerate to this, this, this.... almost Goodalean level of lameness? Seems that I can't even leave for 3 days of good Law Enforcement training {in how to fleece the Illannoyingians and Minnestroannies out of their hard earned shekels by baiting speed traps with non-beer soaked brats for the former, and dill flavored sour cream for the latter}, without the MBT coming to such a sorry state that Elvis's musings seem a ray of literary sunshine, that we must call on the final line of defense before the MBT is declared null and void, the Aussies... Hang your heads in shame, in shame,,,,
  22. yes I am, just very busy. I just got back from a 3 day shotgun instructor/armorer course. We fired over 400 rounds of 12 gauge shells in 2 days. Lots of fun, but I can hardly move my right shoulder now. Work and the family is taking up most of my time right now. I have to go back and see who I owe turns to. Also, with the sappy exchanges of body fluids going on between Sturmsebber and the future member of coventry, I haven't wanted to come in here without my rubbers on..... errrr, galoshes I guess [ September 30, 2006, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
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