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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Well, ok then, but you will have to deal with my traumatization when the spanking you give me, (calm down Sturmy, not that kind of spanking!), is posted for all the world to see and I break down in tears. That is a nice hook I did isn't it? Cav doctrine, fix and flank...
  2. Thanks Sturmy, I think so too. I bet you are. I should introduce you to my sister, at least I wouldn't have to worry about, well, you know, stuff big brothers and dads worry about. Now my brother, you don't get to meet him!
  3. Tell you what Sturmy, you take your pretty boys, I will take my girls, and we can all live happily ever after. For the record. Seanachai is currently using his Panthers and Tigers in a very gamey fashion to abuse my peace loving Wolverines and Churchills in Operation Goodwood. (Down Sturmy, not that kind of Goodwood). In a QB Mr. Peng is skulking around in bushes and trees trying to avoid the long range fire of my heroic MG crews, recruited from the finest examples of Workers and Peasants. He is also trying to gamily bring in his big cats. What is it about Olde Ones and Uber tanks? Sir Sir 37mm has so far managed to take out some Grants, but has also lost several halftracks and a scout car in Tiger Valley. My 40mm Bofors AA gun also managed to immobilize one of his Tigers, but I am thinking that crew may soon regret it. Anyway, my brave Brits are holding so far, stiff upper lip and all that old boy, what? Grog Dorosh and I are having a great time playing Abbot's Master Goodale scenario. At least I am, as I have wiped out his armor, except for one T-28 or some such tin can. Oh and GCoyote is currently waxing the floor with me in Tacops. and best news of all, I am one day closer to going home and drinking Rune's booze and meeting Bugged at the CMSF preview. Woo Hoo Here is the latest picture of my new daughter, born when I was home on leave. As you can see, she has, so far, survived the trauma of realizing that was her father's face hovering above her crib, not a minor planetoid. [ June 28, 2006, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  4. Yeah, now you send it back for me to watch, then I give my orders and send you that file, you give your orders and your computer calculates the turn, but you don't get to see the movie, you send it to me, then I see it, and send it back to you without giving my orders yet. They do PBEM like that. Unless I am misunderstanding what you are saying. Also, I think we should communicate by email regarding the game rather than on the forum.
  5. Bourbon to drink.... sigh.... Tell me, do you drink your Bourbon with a mixer? Or just on the rocks or whatever? If with a mixer, what do you mix it with. What brands are popular in the UK? Have I mentioned lately that I hate being in the Middle East? I mean really, if I couldn't have a drink, look at a beautiful woman, or not sweat for more than a year, I might be setting bombs off as well. For the record before the PC police jump all over me, I am not saying that Arab women are ugly. They just keep the pretty ones locked up and draped head to toe in black cloth so you can't tell.
  6. ummmm Sir Sir 37mm, if you want to give Sturmsebber your carrot, please have the decency to conduct your affairs of the heart behind closed doors......
  7. That is a seriously disturbing image there Boo Radley. I think Seanachai is practicing so he can take his kayak and paddle to New York where he can get a one bedroom apartment for only $3,500.00 a month, but hey, at least the Italian food isn't catsup over macaroni, right?
  8. I am glad you gave CM a chance. I have been playing the various iterations since 2003, and I wonder why I even buy other WW2 wargames any more. These games are deep, and addictive. You might see about getting a more experienced player to play against you PBEM and give you tips and advice as the game goes on. There is no comparison between playing the AI and playing a human opponent. Oh, and welcome to the community, you won't find a better, more supportive crew on the net. Of course, we have our freaks and geeks, but they make things more interesting.
  9. no, no, no silly little Pommie, when I get back to my REAL work, my REAL life, not this... interlude. In case you didn't know, I am really a cop back in Wisconsin. I did my bit in the Active Army way back when in the early 90's, and I found out it wasn't for me, this mobilization just confirms that. As for the US Army needing whores, we are not authorized to patronize prostitutes, even where it is legal. Luckily, we tend to be fairly popular with the womenfolk in most western nations we spend time in. I seem to recall that there was no lack of lovin' received when we were stationed in the UK prepping for D-Day, what, with all the Brit "men" off playing in the desert, or in German POW pens, guess the ladies needed some colonial socializing.
  10. naw, thanks though, I am saving up for when I get back to work, there is a promotion opportunity coming up soon!!
  11. good golly Sir Sir 37mm, do your lips ever get stuck in that pursed position?
  12. So, I realized that in ignoring soccer, I was denying myself a sport that has the rest of the world in it's thrall, which incites its fans to the heights of passion, and which is the most popular sport everywhere outside of the US as I understand. Bearing this in mind, and with a high level of anticipation and excitement, I sat down to watch the Sweden vs Germany match.... Best nap I ever had. Also, for the record, the Middle East really sucks. Ramadi smells like a vast uncleaned litter box. The roads are a potholed nightmare. The women are too heavily clothed to tell whether they are worth leering at or not. It reminds me of Minnesota.
  13. I sent it three times, you still haven't gotten it?
  14. John, I sent an email with the file yesterday. I will try again if you didn't get it.
  15. 35. Damn, where did the time go? Good game selection, excellent actually. Love OFP. When I am back in the states, I live in southern Wisconsin, about 1-2 hours from the Chicago area. We have a group that plays some of the old board games, Advanced Squad Leader, Advanced Third Reich, The Third World War, etc. Maybe you could drop me a line and when we start gaming again, you might be able to drop by and see if you want to get into a game or two. Won't be till the fall though, I am in Iraq/Kuwait till August.
  16. JK, Glad things are getting better, you just seem to have very bad karma when it comes to computers. When I get a PBEM file, I just save it as a notepad file, and then when I start a multiplayer game, I just open the file from where ever. It should already be in notepad format, unless I zipped it. Just download it to where ever, and open it from inside CM. If I did zip it, then you will have to unzip it. If you don't have a zip tool, do a search for winrar or winzip. I use winrar, but also lets me put files in zip format. If you are unable to unzip files, you will have to wait till I get back to my tent in Kuwait where I have my computer. I am currently at an undisclosed location in Iraq escorting a convoy. Should be back in around a week or so. When I get back, I can then send you the uncompressed file if it is needed. As for your OS questions, I have no idea, I haven't touched an Apple since 7th grade, back in about 85 or 86.
  17. ummm, ok. Do you need me to resend the setup?
  18. Mikey D's mods are a great choice, and I highly recommend Captain Wacky's gridded terrain. I have some of Gautrek's mods also. Welcome to the game. Playing against the AI is alright, but it really comes into it's own against a human opponent.
  19. it isn't a virus, for some reason, Stoat's cut rate email account mangles the files I send him. As far as I know, I have sent out no viruses. The anti-virus program has gotten updates automatically several times since I got the computer back. Yahoo also scans all outgoing attachments with Norton, so they are double checked. I think Stoat is just a whinger.
  20. alright, let me try again, maybe if you would get a working email account, we wouldn't have these situations now would we?
  21. Well, you did a bit better with these rockets, I think you inflicted at least 7 casualties, good job there Napoleon. You did neglect to mention how you were saved from what had the potential to be a nasty little flanking manuever that was going to cost you at least one flag by the game ending prematurely, then again, you probably consider premature endings as a normal event.... bah, stupid half tracks.
  22. I would be up for a game if you are looking for an opponent. I don't like losing any more than the next guy, but I don't get all pissy either, I recognize that you learn more when you lose.
  23. well, I guess I shouldn't expect you to know how to unzip anything but your own pants, so, let me send it uncompressed.
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