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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. there is Tacops. It isn't quite the same though, not even close actually. I like Tacops, don't get me wrong, but I like CM better. Of course, that may have something to do with the fact that my guys die alot more in Tacops than they do in CM. Too bad they can't take the research already done in Tacops and put it in a CM engine..... And I agree with you GSX, I would love to see an assault by the Third Shock Army driving towards Hannover. Heck, how about elements of a Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment slamming into a troop of 11th ACR? Soviet and Belgian infantry fighting it out over the approaches to a bridge over the Weser? Polish Marines VS Danish Territorials in the suburbs of Copenhagen? I know it has been brought up before, but maybe if we keep talking about it they will put it back on the development possibility table?
  2. As soon as my computer arrives (checking watch), I will reinstall CMBB and you can send me a setup, gamey as you want. Hopefully you can avoid using any more big words like Apropos, they give me a headache. Or maybe that is just the normal effect you have on people.... [ May 22, 2006, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  3. Yes, just contact Sturmsebber, I am sure he will be interested in any openings to be filled.....
  4. But worms don't build sexy tanks like the Tiger or sexy planes like the Me-262. Worms don't wear keen black uniforms with silver piping, nor do they have large breasted blonde women in Octoberfest waitress outfits, otherwise, they would be loved just like the Nazi's are.
  5. How much would you pay for a Nato VS Warsaw Pact in the 1980's module/expansion? I would do $50.00... For a patch that take CMBB up to the level of CMAK, I would do 15-20 easy.
  6. I never thought I would say this, but I am inclined to agree with Sir Sir 37mm... That makes me sad way down deep inside. The boy may not be able to defend against my Heroes of the Motherland very well, if at all, but he has a point here, and not the one on top of his lopsided head. Poor Stoat is drifting, with no guidance, no firm hand directing his growth. (Down Sturmsebber, Down). If both Rleete and Seanachai continue to neglect their duties, I see no choice but to cast about for a suitable replacement. I also, sigh, agree that Mace would be a likely choice. After watching "Wolf Creek", and considering how Stoat treated me during our last completed PBEM, I can think of nothing he deserves more than the close, personal, loving attention of someone from Down Under. Sorry I haven't posted in so long. Missions had been coming fairly regularly, and now I am waiting for my laptop to return from being repaired by Mr. Peng. Some good news though, less than 3 months to go in this garden spot. We should really send Lars here. He would fit right in with the lizards and biting flies.
  7. Yes, by all means, hose it. Thanks to everyone for the birthday greetings. It does suck being over here, away from the family. But, I have less than 100 days before we are scheduled to return stateside, so it will end soon. Could be worse, I could be Boo Radley...
  8. That is great news, thanks. And as for the slide show, well, yeah, ummm, ok. lol, well, it can get boring over here, and there aren't alot of women to look at, so.... well, there you go, and if you notice there are other pictures in there also. I am pretty sure the Brits are carrying L85's, I would have to see which picture you are talking about to be sure. If I had known someone was going to be looking at my slideshow, I would of taken the "Hot Girls" folder out. Do you have any idea what went wrong? Was it a virus? Is it a hardware problem? The environment over here can be hard on electronics.
  9. Well, I guess I could look for a scarf for you as well..... By the way, Happy Birthday to me. I turn 35 today. [ May 05, 2006, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  10. HOLD THE PHONE!!!! Podcast 2...is chivalry dead? Seems to me Lady Bugged identified that Crocodile, and NG Cavscout is.... I'm just too verklempt to continue this...:sobs: </font>
  11. Steve, MadMatt, and the Others probably just want an excuse to go and ogle the E3 "booth babes".... True Crime girls Namco girls Conquer girls
  12. John Kettler, I agree, when using small forces, and when the human is attacking, the AI does a pretty good job of it, I have been beaten while on the offense by the AI in the past. I have also noticed, as you stated, that AI use of artillery, unless given visible targets during the first turn, where it can assign pre-plotted barrages, tends to be, suboptimal (to be kind). Slysniper, Maybe I just haven't played the AI enough, or given it the correct situations in order to see it shift forces and attempt to outflank me. Thanks for the responses guys.
  13. The CM series of games, to me, are the best engine available for simulating WW2 tactical engagements. The WEGO system really does an excellent job of eliminating alot of the "Gaminess" inherent in a turn based game. The 3-D visuals make grasping the tactical picture much easier than top down games such as Steel Panthers.
  14. I guess this is what comes from trolling through the archives. I was checking some of the threads from 1999. I know, I know, talk about desperate for new CM posts!!! Anyway, two snippets really grabbed my attention, but I am sure there are more. These are items that make me curious as to what happened. Were they just hype? Or did something change, pre-release, and if so, why? First, there was a description of how good the AI was, how it could detect a strong defense, and withdraw its units from one axis of attack, and manuever them to another, outflanking the human player. AI Story Now, as we all know, the AI is legendary for its incompetence in the attack. I haven't played on the defense against the AI in a long time, but I can't ever remember it shifting its axis of attack. While not worse than most other AI opponents, the CM AI still leaves alot to be desired. Am I being too hard on the CM AI? Were its capabilities overstated during beta testing? Did the AI get worse prior to release? Second is a statement that re-crewing of abandoned vehicles would be in the release version, and in the same thread, some beta tester stated that he had vehicles re-crew while playing the game. re crewing statement When and why was this removed? Now, this is probably old news, but with nothing new in the CMSF forum, I thought I would stir up some old mud. Try to get an interesting conversation not needing tinfoil hats going. If anyone else wants to throw anything into the mix, go ahead. If this post is just old hat and doesn't interest anyone, just let it languish, and it will soon fade into obscurity.
  15. I am currently playing TacOpsCav, but it is difficult to find opponents for pbem, so I am considering puchasing TacOps version 4 for that purpose. Are there currently, or planned for an upgrade, uparmored M-1114's and/or XM-1117's in the game? I am deployed to Iraq right now with the Wisconsin National Guard, and we use M-1114's for our convoy escort missions, but I haven't been able to find them in the game.
  16. My wife and I already use your unholy name to threaten them, much as parents of old used the threat of the Huns or the Mongols to frighten their progeny into obedience. You work noticeably better as a threat than the Boogeyman, or even Hillary Clinton.
  17. How were you left speechless Seanachai? I gotta hear this one, it is like claiming you saw Rush Limbaugh turn down a free Vicodin, or that MTV actually played a Rock and Roll video. Stoat, do you have a Liege yet? Jeez, if someone doesn't claim you soon... well, I am sure not adopting you! You use tricksy, gamey tactics like taking advantage of my tactical incompetence to beat me like a hippy at a gun show. Well, Uncle Sam decided to give me a day off, and of course, my computer is wending its way through the US postal system, so I can't do turns, but I will catch up with them as soon as it is fixed and returned, by the way, regarding the repair of my computer, I just have to say, Mr Peng, you are a hell of a guy.
  18. JasonC, I sent you an email with some feedback on Uranus and on the Carentan See Saw a couple of weeks ago. My computer is currently on its way to get repaired, but I plan on finishing the scenarios and getting you more feedback when it is up and working again.
  19. Well, I guess having my computer en route to a very generous soul to have it fixed has an upside. I got to miss that whole thing with spittle. I say Coventry is too good for him, but it shall have to do. Dalem, that was..... odd, please never do that again.
  20. Well, I guess having my computer en route to a very generous soul to have it fixed has an upside. I got to miss that whole thing with spittle. I say Coventry is too good for him, but it shall have to do. Dalem, that was..... odd, please never do that again.
  21. Well, I guess having my computer en route to a very generous soul to have it fixed has an upside. I got to miss that whole thing with spittle. I say Coventry is too good for him, but it shall have to do. Dalem, that was..... odd, please never do that again.
  22. Mace, so, is Foster's really Australian for beer? Well you lot, things couldn't get much better, I am sitting at an undisclosed location in the vicinity of that garden spot Baghdad, my laptop is bleating at me about missing or corrupted Windows files so I can't play CM, my wife is depressed, my kids miss me, and Boo Radley is, well, Boo Radley, and I can't even demand he sends me a set up so I can soundly trounce him for being Boo Radley!!!. Or I could, and then make him wait till August when I get access to a working computer for my return file. Then when he complains, I can berate him for being unpatriotic and not supporting his troops. Either way, I still blame him for all my woes this week. I am sure his broad shoulders and sloping forehead can bear the burden of being my scapegoat.
  23. Mace, so, is Foster's really Australian for beer? Well you lot, things couldn't get much better, I am sitting at an undisclosed location in the vicinity of that garden spot Baghdad, my laptop is bleating at me about missing or corrupted Windows files so I can't play CM, my wife is depressed, my kids miss me, and Boo Radley is, well, Boo Radley, and I can't even demand he sends me a set up so I can soundly trounce him for being Boo Radley!!!. Or I could, and then make him wait till August when I get access to a working computer for my return file. Then when he complains, I can berate him for being unpatriotic and not supporting his troops. Either way, I still blame him for all my woes this week. I am sure his broad shoulders and sloping forehead can bear the burden of being my scapegoat.
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