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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Contact me by email, and I can send you a bunch of them I have collected. Email is in the profile.
  2. Boo Radley, it is actually more pear shaped. Notice the lovely contours of the perfectly formed skull. Stikkypixie, lucky girl isn't she? If only more kids had father figures like me, the world would be a better place, might be a few less Michael Emrys's around! Thanks Elvis Abbott I was planning on going to my father -in - law's land up by Spooner, WI. He hunts from a stand. Around my area, Beloit, in southern WI, you can stand hunt, or walk the woods and fields, from what I understand. I have actually only been deer hunting once, and I went with my mom a long time ago. We walked around a bit, hunkered down on a hill, and called it a day, never seeing a deer, only to almost hit one in the car on the way home. My wife used to go deer hunting, so I am hoping she will show me the ropes. Reading this, it sounds a bit strange, but there you have it. I think I will go with the M-14, if I can get the Chief to sell it cheap. I think I can probably get it for $200-300, I saw the receipt, the PD bought it for like $125 back in the 80's.
  3. you all may mock, but you are looking at the next evolutionary step in mankinds development, nay, not mankinds, but "Mankinds". Thanks Abbott. Hey, you are a hunter, I have a question for you, I am thinking of getting into deer hunting when I get back, and my PD has an old M-14 that we don't use for anything. I was thinking of asking the Chief if I could buy it, but is it a good Deer rifle? It is the 7.62 version like that used in Full Metal Jacket.
  4. Ah, the Minnesota crowd pipes up. Don't you have a hole to cut in some ice, or some Hmong to oppress or something?
  5. Large square head? Large square head? I will show you a large square head!!! This is me with my newest daughter at the airport just before I came back to this hellhole of a sandbox. And I refuse to resize the picture, you must all endure my huge cranium in all of its natural majesty! See if zoloft can cleanse that image from your low neuron count brain Boo Radley [ April 12, 2006, 07:19 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  6. Make your Antipodian selves useful, and fill the bugger up again. </font>
  7. Stoat, has anyone officially taken you to Squire yet? Or are Rleete and Seanachai still hurling their drool buckets at each other trying to sort it out? I must say, the MBT sure has gone downhill since the glory days of MY Squirehood.. I pity you Stoat, I really do, too bad you couldn't have someone of some quality take you to Squire. Rleete, are you and Seanachai even playing the Blood Hamster match? How did that fabled Ginger Mead of about 3 years ago turn out? What kind do you have in the vat now? You irk me Rleete, mainly because you are in the States, and I am stuck here, away from booze. It makes me sad. I just say that because when I think of you, I think of alcohol. I think I am about done with this stream of consciousness bit, getting old it is. Nidan, you old tosser. I was going to join the Marines, but then I passed the ASVAB.... I was going to join the Marines, but I failed the physical, couldn't get my head in the jar.... I do believe that you owe me a rematch after that last scenario, you should send me a setup. To all you Aussies out there, remember, if I run out of Tim Tams, the terrorists win.....
  8. And there is reason enough in and of itself to condemn him to the 429th level of the Abyss for all eternity plus 3 days.
  9. Why is it that you travel so much? Are you not permitted to conduct business in your own state? </font>
  10. little children always make you feel better. Anna, my two year old future Lady of the Pool, has a love of "scawy" movies. All through my leave I was either watching "Dora The Explorer" or "Dawn of The Dead 2004". Anna loves "'ombies". It was always "shhhh daeeey, 'ombies" and we would be quiet for a few seconds till the 'ombies left, then we could dance again, which consisted of the classic rock music station playing while Anna held my hand and ran around in circles till I got dizzy and fell down. Katie/Hope mainly likes sleeping and eating. Just like Dad, brings a tear to my eye.
  11. I am not at all happy. I am back in the Middle East and have about 4 months before I am done with this deployment. Joe Shaw I blame you, how could you let this happen? Rune I apologize for not getting back to you, time just flew away, I still have that scarf for your wife, and I will be looking for a flag for yourself. We will get together in September, when I am settled back in, and have lunch and plot the take over of the PCT for the House of Rune. To those awaiting turns from me, I am beginning to get them out now. Did I mention that I hate the mideast?
  12. I didn't know they had debate classes in clown college. </font>
  13. Well, I fly back to the Middle East Sunday, so I should be sending out turns and reading this mess again next week. Justicar I was thoroughly disturbed by your call. It was like talking to that pimple scarred fellow in the dark raincoat that hung out behind the jungle gym, always whispering to the young boys, until the parents threw rocks at him and he fled...
  14. I didn't know they had debate classes in clown college. </font>
  15. Really Justicar Joe, what more could you expect from an henchman of The Gnome? ] by the way, since I am home on leave and can partake of intoxicating spirits again, I feel compelled to make the following observations. Coca Cola is much better with Jim Beam American women kick ass that is about it. I have been drinking. I like drinking, especially that level you get to where you can't type very well, but still can hold your kids and tell them you love them without slurring the words. [ March 26, 2006, 05:50 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  16. Shush... I'm trying to do my taxes here. Hey, is donating lumber and nails to the Minneapolis PD a charitable donation, do ya think? </font>
  17. Emrys while you are at it, talk to rune about the title of the thread, it is embarras... embarassi... humiliating! Especially when my 8 year old can spell better than the man that took me to squire.... Sigh, what is the Cesspool coming to? [ March 24, 2006, 05:35 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  18. Hello again all, and thank you all for the well wishes. Here is a picture of the latest member of the NG Cavscout family. On the way back to the hospital now (it was a C-section), no time for more info, I will post later.
  19. I am back in the Homeland. It is freaking wonderful. My daughter is talking now, and she ran up to me in the airport saying "Hi Daddy!" so that was great. Civilian food is sooooo good. I went to that place I took the Gnome to when he visited me and got a 14 oz T-bone and eggs for breakfast, I could hardly move. Rune I will be sending you an email, hope you have that bottle of booze handy! Alright, I need to go and revel in the family life. The new baby is due on the 20th, so I will be sure to post a picture for you lot.
  20. I won't be able to get an Iraqi flag until I am back from leave, and I go on a northern mission. I will get you one though, and I can get nice Kashmiri scarves and shawls for the women folk. I will go shopping for you when I get back.
  21. I think pretty much all the talking that can be done about CMC and CMSF has been done till some more info or screen shots are released.
  22. Enjoy the fresh 20"-30" of snow. And more coming tonight! Bwahahahaha!!!! </font>
  23. If the crew survives and is evacuated, does it make it more likely, in an operation, that the abandoned vehicle will return to duty for the next battle? More likely than if the crew is killed or captured I mean.
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