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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. You sir are a wanker. Luckily, you live in the flatlands, so all of our run off is making its way to drip onto your sloping forehead. Little bit disgusting in a homoerotic kind of way.
  2. How about the visual flavor of dead animals in the road? Nothing like your driver hitting a dog that has been dead for 4 days in 130 degree heat and having its juices splatter the underside of your truck right at the start of an 8 hour mission. And, Bradley Dick, how can you get tired of "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhuuuuu akbar" repeated at maximum volume on the mosque PA at 0345?
  3. Hey, whatever excuse you need to let you sleep at night, I guess I will gracefully accept your withdrawal.
  4. Stoat is on his way to steamrolling me in this operation we are playing. He is one of the best I have played, most impressive considering his relative youth. John, you are a worthy opponent, and I look forward to our next outing, what say you pick the next one?
  5. Set up is on the way, along with pictures of the two youngest, which you don't deserve you little mushroom. And not even the good kind of mushroom like Morell's, you are the nasty little white mushroom, the kind that destroy your internal organs and lead to an agonizing death if you are unlucky or stupid enough to ingest one.
  6. You mean the game I asked you to send me your next turn for like 35 times? That one? Ok, we can start a new one, I think you had somehow managed to eek out an edge in that one anyway.
  7. Who else has had their Chief of Police refer to them as "the miracle man"? Besides Mr. Peng for giving them a reason for keeping the drunk tank active that is. Must of been in his Budweiser years. There was a Czech citizen from the town of Budweis, and he said that when he tasted American Budweiser "There is something missing, oh yes, it is the beer taste".
  8. wow, I was 24 days old when you were considering re enlisting, and now I am almost done with my 20 and can retire...
  9. My impression was that the Soviet threat was slightly overstated in order to ensure nice juicy defense budgets. I am currently playing a game of the old GDW offering, Third World War as the Warsaw Pact, and it is sure fun to see the 3rd Shock Army and the 2nd Guards Army encircling Hamburg. I still think this would be a good choice for a game. Maybe if there is enough equipment covered in follow on modules, it could be a mod at least?
  10. We went to the new Atlanta Bread Company restaurant in town for breakfast a couple of weeks ago. They keep cups half filled with coffee beans on the counter to hold pens. Anna, my three year old who is hyper to begin with, decided to sneak a handful and chew them up before we noticed.... 2 hours later we had to pry her off the ceiling where she was yodeling and trying to eat raw meat...
  11. good point Gunz, I agree and will stop contributing to the unpleasantness. edited to remove caustic comment
  12. Didn't start this thread for you. If you don't like it don't post. There is absolutely no need to be an ass when no one is pissing in your gravy. I do not believe that there is a single indication that this thread is supposed to somehow add something to the game or the forum. If you want to post something asking how many people have worked in fast food then by all means do so. As it stands I asked a question, people answered. </font>
  13. I can't believe that guy had nothing better to do than wait 2 years to throw out yet another sour grapes comment. Come on dude, don't you think BFC knows about the issues they have with the game? They are working on fixing them as we speak. Hasn't the leadership of BFC made clear that design decisions have been made and they are sticking to them? If you have something constructive to contribute, go ahead, if you want to play CMx1, then go ahead, I still am. If CMx2 isn't your cup of tea, then don't buy it. *cough* Nato V Warsaw Pact *cough*
  14. You are telling me!!! Try have it happen in real life...
  15. Will the Demo update have any more missions included? I am forced to deal with just the demo for a couple of weeks till I can buy the retail version.
  16. Sorry if there is already a thread for this. I see that BFC is going to put out a BRZ tool that allows mods. What are the modders planning on working on first? Any favorite vehicles or units? I don't have the full game yet, are there any objects that are in dire need of modding? I might actually try my hand on modding so I can make my HMMWV from Iraq.
  17. Who were you with in 199th? I was in B Co 2/1 INF. Mar 91 to Sep 92. </font>
  18. USAR 88-90 4/9 Cav Active Army 90-92 Ft. Lewis 9th ID(1/9 Cav on HMMWV's), 199th Motorized Infantry Regiment Active Army 92-94 Ft. Carson 4th ID (2/7 and 1/10 Cav on Bradleys) National Guard 94-present Texas in 49th Armor, Wisconsin in 32nd Infantry Brigade, (E Trp 105th Cav then scout platoon of 1/128 Infantry, back to E Trp, then attached to 2/127 Infantry for OIF 05-06) My unit just went through a transformation, so I am forced to take an Interrogator slot in an MI unit in Madison, just marking time till... Retire in May 08
  19. I was in 9th ID from 90 till it became the 199th in 91, finally left Lewis in 92 for Ft. Carson. Was in 1/9 Cav, on a 50 cal HMMWV.
  20. It was firing at an M1, so I am assuming it was HEAT
  21. 3rd Shock Army circa 1984? 11th ACR as well? I know, I know, no WP vs NATO, but a guy can dream can't he?
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