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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Mace, so, is Foster's really Australian for beer? Well you lot, things couldn't get much better, I am sitting at an undisclosed location in the vicinity of that garden spot Baghdad, my laptop is bleating at me about missing or corrupted Windows files so I can't play CM, my wife is depressed, my kids miss me, and Boo Radley is, well, Boo Radley, and I can't even demand he sends me a set up so I can soundly trounce him for being Boo Radley!!!. Or I could, and then make him wait till August when I get access to a working computer for my return file. Then when he complains, I can berate him for being unpatriotic and not supporting his troops. Either way, I still blame him for all my woes this week. I am sure his broad shoulders and sloping forehead can bear the burden of being my scapegoat.
  2. Stoat, your mailbox is full, and my turn bounced. I am very disappointed in you. I will have to talk to your Liege, if we ever actually find out whom that might be.... As for the rest of you, I curse you, with all your mouthwatering delicacies, I curse you from the very pits of hell. Rune is apparently too busy with CMSF to answer his emails. That is unseemly... Boo Radley, I blame you.
  3. Stoat, your mailbox is full, and my turn bounced. I am very disappointed in you. I will have to talk to your Liege, if we ever actually find out whom that might be.... As for the rest of you, I curse you, with all your mouthwatering delicacies, I curse you from the very pits of hell. Rune is apparently too busy with CMSF to answer his emails. That is unseemly... Boo Radley, I blame you.
  4. Stoat, your mailbox is full, and my turn bounced. I am very disappointed in you. I will have to talk to your Liege, if we ever actually find out whom that might be.... As for the rest of you, I curse you, with all your mouthwatering delicacies, I curse you from the very pits of hell. Rune is apparently too busy with CMSF to answer his emails. That is unseemly... Boo Radley, I blame you.
  5. I know. Just thinking about it gets me all tingly inside. </font>
  6. I know. Just thinking about it gets me all tingly inside. </font>
  7. I know. Just thinking about it gets me all tingly inside. </font>
  8. Now that is a hell of a quote, and from a Cold War classic no less. Nidan1, I would bow to you, if I didn't think you would take advantage of me in such a vulnerable position. I have heard how you Marines roll....
  9. Now that is a hell of a quote, and from a Cold War classic no less. Nidan1, I would bow to you, if I didn't think you would take advantage of me in such a vulnerable position. I have heard how you Marines roll....
  10. Now that is a hell of a quote, and from a Cold War classic no less. Nidan1, I would bow to you, if I didn't think you would take advantage of me in such a vulnerable position. I have heard how you Marines roll....
  11. Don't worry, stoat. Taxes are still a breeze for a few years yet. I, for example, paid $14.35 in taxes this year. </font>
  12. Don't worry, stoat. Taxes are still a breeze for a few years yet. I, for example, paid $14.35 in taxes this year. </font>
  13. Don't worry, stoat. Taxes are still a breeze for a few years yet. I, for example, paid $14.35 in taxes this year. </font>
  14. For those folks tempted to trust Nidan1's word (and more fool you) check out the above documentary evidence... all of those pictures show his Tigers getting smashed in the jaw Admittedly, seeing as it was a battle between you & I, rather little </font>
  15. For those folks tempted to trust Nidan1's word (and more fool you) check out the above documentary evidence... all of those pictures show his Tigers getting smashed in the jaw Admittedly, seeing as it was a battle between you & I, rather little </font>
  16. For those folks tempted to trust Nidan1's word (and more fool you) check out the above documentary evidence... all of those pictures show his Tigers getting smashed in the jaw Admittedly, seeing as it was a battle between you & I, rather little </font>
  17. I am very sorry for your loss. I know just how hard it is to lose a loved one. If there is anything I can do to help you, feel free to ask.
  18. I am very sorry for your loss. I know just how hard it is to lose a loved one. If there is anything I can do to help you, feel free to ask.
  19. I am very sorry for your loss. I know just how hard it is to lose a loved one. If there is anything I can do to help you, feel free to ask.
  20. There are no black and white answers. Where the tactics used by European colonizers brutal? Yes. Where tactics used by the Natives in North and South America brutal, both before and after the arrival of Europeans, against Europeans and other Natives? Yes. Could the Europeans of achieved their objectives in a more humane way? Definitely. Is it reasonable or realistic to expect that the Europeans, finding less advanced, at least in technology and warfighting ability, groups of Natives, already weakened by diseases sweeping through their populations, to not attempt to settle lands they saw under utilized by what appeared to be "Savages"? I don't think so. I fully acknowledge that there are points in the European takeover of North and South America that are shameful. But Humans are Humans, and I don't think any other indigenous group, outnumbered, outtechnologized, outimmunized, has ever been treated any better. Yes, there were many Europeans/Americans that hated the Native Americans and wanted them exterminated, but there were also Europeans/Americans that wanted to help them. Before anyone accuses me of Racism, I am part Native American myself. I honor and treasure my Blackfoot heritage. But I also have ancestors that were German, French, and Welsh. I acknowledge both the heights and the depths to which my peoples have risen and sunk. Someone mentioned slavery, and made some comment, I believe, about just how evil Europeans and Americans were for having it exist. If you will recall, Europeans and Americans were the first to outlaw the practice. Slavery still is extant in some areas of Africa and the Middle East. My final point regarding slavery is that the majority of African slaves brought to the U.S. were captured and sold to Whites by other Africans. I recall reading that some African chieftans would go to war specifically to gain prisoners to sell as slaves. Slavery wasn't invented by Europeans, but it was ended by them. Just my humble 2 cents. Sorry for the run on sentences, I need some sleep.
  21. Alright Stoat, hop to it then boyo. I was under the weather, off my game, cutting you some slack in that one, at least that is my excuse for getting slapped around like a ho trying to hold out a $5 bill from her pimp when he is fiending for some crack. Send something a little less restricted though. I didn't think much of that scenario. [ April 15, 2006, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  22. Alright Stoat, hop to it then boyo. I was under the weather, off my game, cutting you some slack in that one, at least that is my excuse for getting slapped around like a ho trying to hold out a $5 bill from her pimp when he is fiending for some crack. Send something a little less restricted though. I didn't think much of that scenario. [ April 15, 2006, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  23. Alright Stoat, hop to it then boyo. I was under the weather, off my game, cutting you some slack in that one, at least that is my excuse for getting slapped around like a ho trying to hold out a $5 bill from her pimp when he is fiending for some crack. Send something a little less restricted though. I didn't think much of that scenario. [ April 15, 2006, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
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