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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. bah don't mouth your probability and statistics at me boy. There is a high probability that if your mother had never met your father, the great and might Peng Challenge Thread would be a happier place for it!
  2. Stoat, clear out your inbox so my turns don't come wisping back to me through the ether of the Internet like some flouncy goth wanna-be 16 year old spotty faced dweeb going to prom wearing a lavender smoking jacket with ruffles and lace coming out everywhere to compensate for the fact that he has no date...
  3. Winecape, after 5 attempts to get my latest turn to you, I am in despair. I am going to try one last thing, my alternate hotmail account, maybe that will do the trick. Rick
  4. elT, I sent back my setup, did you get it? John Kettler, sounds great. I look forward to it, do you want to send me a set up or vice versa?
  5. Nidan, here's hoping my route home is a bit simpler than yours was. I am going to have to shake your hand one day. Stoat, maybe you could return the fecking turn, then you might have something to say, unless of course, I owe you a turn, in which case what kind of rat bastage are you for not reminding me? Tell you what, I forgive you. There, see how nice I really am? Sir 37mm I am sure you smell something foul, smoky, and rat-like every day, you do, after all, live in Manchester... halfanerfballer, that won't do at all, come on now, show a bit of panache. Do old Florida proud now, the state has to have something besides man eating alligators to be proud of...
  6. I would be interested in a PBEM. Go ahead and send a setup to the email in my addy. QB or scenario, doesn't matter, they are all fun! Welcome to the forums, and to CM.
  7. Bein' as you ARE in the National Guard, ARE a scout we know you are dumb, however, don't ever confuse that horrid sport in the US of A with REAL football </font>
  8. My favorite AFL team (Geelong Cats) and Speedy's favorite AFL team (Essendon Bombers) are going at it hammer and tong. If Geelong wins, I'll be in Speedy's face. If the Bombers win I'll be in hiding (and down 1 in the footy tipping) Capiche? </font>
  9. LTC West, just for the record, I was in no way trying to question your soldierly virtue or professionalism. If I gave the impression that I grieve for Zarqawi, or that any one else should, that was a mistaken impression. Much rejoicing was heard throughout my camp, and I was far from the quietest one. I am filled with joy at his death, as I guess you, rightly, are also.
  10. I find myself agreeing with Peter Cairns. IMHO it all comes down to your side and your perception. To Coalition forces, and most westerners, he was evil incarnate, a merciless foe to be eliminated in whatever way was most expedient. To his fellow Al Quaeda members, and to the militant anti-western Islamists he was a hero, and is now a martyr enjoying his just reward in paradise. In much the same way that I doubt the 8th Air Force crews were regarded as heroes or brave warriors by the Germans whose towns they were destroying every day, but were regarded as gallant knights of the air by Allied citizens. I had an argument with my driver a few weeks ago. He stated that he considered the insurgents planting IED's to try and blow us up each night to be cowards. I tried to explain to him that they probably consider us (US troops operating on Iraqi roads) to be cowards because we hide behind our armored HMMWV's, Kevlar helmets, IBA's, M-1 tanks, and on call air support. I don't think he ever really got it when I tried to explain asymmetrical warfare to him. As a soldier fighting Zarqawi and his ilk, it is vitally important to keep things in perspective. Just because they use different tactics, or even commit what we consider horrible crimes doesn't make them cowards, or any less committed to their causes than we are to ours.
  11. Of courseJoe Shaw, I could always just jam the rat poison down your throat with a half track just when you think you are safe and can take it easy... right Mr. Peng? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Oh,and thank you Mr. Peng again for fixing my computer.. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha *laughing maniacly in case you couldn't tell*
  12. Not necessarily My Lady ... in the case of NG Cavscout it could that pesky short term memory problem ... or he could have been distracted by something shiny. Joe </font>
  13. Not necessarily My Lady ... in the case of NG Cavscout it could that pesky short term memory problem ... or he could have been distracted by something shiny. Joe </font>
  14. ooh, me too, I can let those slightly left of center, not to mention any names *cough* Seanachai *cough* take the poor oppressed Syrians and I will take the brutal capitalist running dog imperialist Americans. Then we can see the fighting fury of the men of color and the true wrath of the proletariat! If, of course, he can get out if his new Kayak long enough to RETURN A FECKING TURN YOU LITTLE TOADSTOOL!!!!!!!! That should be fun!!!!
  15. baaah, that is no story, here is a story. I once had to put down an angry, crippled raccoon that I hit with my squad car, it was in a residential area at about 3:30 AM on a tuesday morning. Rather than wake the soccer moms and generate alot of calls to dispatch for a gunshot, I utilized my night stick. Took forever to get the stains out.... then there was the 400 lb bull calf that had escaped and was running in and out of traffic on a major business highway. The owner couldn't corral it, and animal control wanted nothing to do with it, so rather than let a semi smash the animal, or a station wagon with a family of 4 in it, we got instructions to put it down. Bull calves are amazingly resilient. It took 3 12 gauge slugs, and several .40 cal rounds to the head to finish the poor beastie off. Of course, it could just be that I did a poor job of shot placement...
  16. Hey, I am pretty sure that is what your Soviet tankers were saying in that last game we played. I think a definite sign of the Apocalypso is the presence of yet another Swede on the PCT. I find your sudden reappearance suspicious. Can you account for your long, unremarked on, absence from the MBT? I say that Sir 37mm should investigate your reappearance, along with that of several long missing members as a part of his Opus Dei activities.
  17. You could name the kayak "Large Emma", unless there is already a large Emma, otherwise, how about "Emma's Hope"? Or, you could always call it "Toadstool". Can you send me the latest file for our game? Since you don't seem to respond to your emails that is. All three Olde Ones posting within a 24 hour period, that is... disconcerting.
  18. You know, Joe Shaw, if you were from anywhere but Utah, you might of thought to link from your Justicar for Life website to the Podcast website, and vice versa... Well, can't really expect much more from the Shavian House now can we? That is what comes of having less exacting standards for membership than the illustrious House Rune I guess...
  19. Has anyone else noticed just how incredibly Strange these Swedes are? Nonsensical phrasing, whining about "Gaminess" and Tigers, Bergman films. I mean really, and you guys complain about the Australians... Then again, what can you expect from a member of House Shaw? The illustrious Justicar apparently is too busy dispencing... umm, Justicariousness(?) to properly bring up his squires. Must be a Utah thing. [ June 03, 2006, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  20. OT here, but WineCape, have you gotten any of my emails? I got the turn you sent, played it, and returned it. I also tried to explain that my turn would be delayed due to RL concerns. I don't know what is wrong with my emails, you don't seem to be getting them. BTW, I haven't played in any tournaments, but I am a member in good standing of The Blitz, so put me on the list, at the bottom I am sure, for the tourney. Thanks for your support of CM and its community.
  21. Jeez, I step out for a week and look what happens, Swedes and Lawyers coming out of the woodwork. I think that we need to establish a commission to investigate the sudden influx of these ne'er do wells that I thought we were well rid of long ago. I mean really, jdmorse, SirReal, Croda? Doesn't having them all in here again violate a health code or something? Someone obviously needs to repair or replace the locks on the doors to the Cesspool. I mean really, Croda? Sounds like something you wipe off your shoe before coming in the house, "Oh crap, I stepped in a big pile of Croda, someone get the garden hose and a scrub brush" I blame Lars.
  22. Joe Shaw, I advise playing Sir Sir 37mm, I am in the endgame stages of two different games with him, both with him as the Germans vs my Soviet heroes of the Motherland. Lets just say that Sir Sir 37mm as a commander of German troops = alot of weeping German mothers... Nidan1 is gamey. Stoat is uppity, and unrespecting of his betters.. well, of his elders anyway... Seanachai is neglecting his duties, I desire a jolly sing-a-long and some updates from the frozen north. I demand an investigation into his dereliction of duty. I am leaving for another 5-9 day mission, turns will be delayed as I am leaving my laptop back at camp.
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