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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Do they make mead? Rleete makes mead, he just doesn't send any out... Turn is on the way by the way.
  2. You sir can wait till Monday, I am leaving for another glorious weekend of National Guard duty. So, while I am out saving our nation from dirty bathroom floors and oil stains in the motor pool, you can lounge about chasing cheerleaders and embarrassing boomslinger or whatever his name is.
  3. I thought you would like me better as a parole officer than Lamar as a probe officer... I guess you have different priorities.
  4. Could the inaccuracy of the Syrian AK fire be a reflection of the real life Arab tendency to fire full auto in the general area and believe that Allah will guide their bullets if he wants them to hit? This is especially prevalent in less trained units, but even more highly trained Iraqi units have an occasional tendency to "spray and pray".
  5. Has anyone had this happen? It was in the demo. My BMP 1 fired it's 73mm gun. The ammo count before the shot was 3 AT4 15 HE 16 HEAT. After the shot it was 3 AT4 16 HE 15 HEAT I also had both my AT4 dismount teams with target arc orders, they weren't taking fire, and had no enemy spotted. Neither had movement orders. They both got up, one one turn, and the other the next turn, and ran off the high ground, out from behind their masking terrain, and into open ground, where they were promptly turned into hamburger by MG fire.
  6. I have also played the demo, and a few hours of the preview in Chicago. I disliked alot of the features at first, such as the new orders system, and I think it still needs refining, such as hot keys that do commands no matter what tab is selected. For example, "T" being target even if the movement tab is selected. I also am looking forward to the tool tips, and for my ATGM teams to stop running about when they do not have orders to do so. I also do not yet enjoy playing in real time, and have only done it once, but I missed too much of the action, and now I play the we-go version exclusively. I find that I am enjoying the game more the more I play it. I like the increased detail, and the smaller scale. I like the modern weapons, and the setting is not my first choice, but it is growing on me. But, as for the Syrians having no chance. I have won the demo scenario, smashing steel, twice as the Syrians, the last time without losing any tanks, just some BMPs. The Syrians are not doomed in every scenario. If you have the retail version, and still hate it, I would be willing to take it off your hands for $20.00. Otherwise, I will have to wait a few weeks to buy it myself.
  7. Well, since I was the one to point out that Stoat should be raised up from the slime of SSNedness to the compost level of whatever house Rleete is a member of, I feel kind of like a godfather or somefink similar. Considering the heredity of both aforementioned Kaniggets, maybe something more like a parole officer...
  8. I propose that stoat be promoted to Knight based on his postings in this Stoat's Glory I know he has a Liege somewhere, but that doesn't seem to be working very well, and I really don't see how the MBT can afford to ignore this brilliance.
  9. ... over having a sharp stick poke you in the eye. I know it's really too close to call, but I'm sure that with the help of an electron microscope, a cadre of M.I.T graduates, divine intervention, a sip from the Holy Grail and a shoe shine, you'll make me proud. And while you're at it, clean the doughnut shrapnel off my uniform. </font>
  10. jeez, Stoat, don't you have anything better to do than jump in and correct your betters? Well, since I owe you a turn, I guess not too much...
  11. There you go CupOHerpes, one PBEM RT setup in the post. (Hey you chose the sides, only fair) Hmmm maybe tcp/ip over Royal Mail wasn't such a good idea, will try carrier pidgeon next. </font>
  12. bum nipper has an assignment. He has been instructed to prepare a treatise on either the innate superiority of House Rune over that of house Morse, or on the differences between MBT members from the UK and those from Sweden (a trick question there, they are both members of Goober Nations, and therefore by definition equal...) He did ask me what the beginning of the MBT like, and the history of the various lineages. I think Seanachai would be a better choice to elaborate on those questions.
  13. Stuka, happy birthday you tosser. Poor you, stuck in Islamaland with your lovely lady. She of the great taste in food. Enjoy the sand and heat.
  14. Some people have way to much time on their hands. I am doing well Seanachai, how are you? You and Peng should come down for some more tex mex, or maybe breakfast at the local strip joint.... This month is shot, but August might work. I have Wednesdays and Thursdays off. Don't you owe me a turn or somefink? So far, Bunyip is relatively good at returning turns in a timely manner, but his repartee needs some work. The message included in his latest missive follows "Hmmm rain in africa, do they have daisies there?" wow, kind of takes your breath away doesn't it? He did defer to my great mastery of all things and begged me to choose the scenario, so, he is somewhat knowledgeable of his place at the bottom of the food chain.
  15. Nope, still here and unburned... Develop any webbing on your feet? Or do your curly toed red shoes protect you?
  16. We ended up with 4 guys in my platoon playing it when they weren't running convoy escorts form 8/05 - 8/06. But that was recreational, not official.
  17. So, there I am, trying to relax after a hard week of writing tickets and oppressing random minorities and out of the blue I get an Email from the UK... Oh boy I say, maybe this is an update from the Nigerian Prince that wants to give me 11.4 million dollars, but no, no rich African royalty, rather some SSN desiring a game. What I say to myself, what is this? Then I read further and I see that he mentions Rune, the great and powerful Rune, provider of excellent tuna dip and on demand coffee in a silver carafe. Apparently lord and master of my noble house has afflicted me with this, this, this ... brit... No sooner am I shed of 37mm (AKA 9mm), than another hanger on, post colonial delinquent, tea drinker is again knocking at my virtual door. What, oh what Lord of the great house of RUIN, have I done to deserve this?
  18. I think what doomed Kettler was where my immobilized Tigers got stuck. Two of them were on relatively high ground with dominant fields of fire, and all three of them got vehicle kills after being immobilized. Kettler was a steadfast opponent, and did a great job of grinding up my infantry. I had played this before as the British, but never as the Germans. Kettler and I are getting ready to play a similarly sized scenario in CMBB, Royal Opponent, hopefully he will keep you updated with his excellent dispatches from the front.
  19. Becket - For the QB, you selected force type, such as Armor, Republican Guards, or Heavy Infantry, map type, map size, and size of battle. Size of battle determines your force. I first selected a small battle, and heavy infantry, and I got a platoon of M1's. I restarted the game with medium size, and then I got a platoon of M1's and a platoon of Bradley infantry, with a HMMWV and some 81mm mortar support. The Syrians had a bunch of T62's and some BTR's as I recall. Salkin - I may change my mind when I have some more experience in the engine, and when they get some more games. I have literally hundreds of hours playing CM1, and about 4 playing CM2, so my comfort level isn't what it should be with the new engine. I am still hoping that with some additional supplements for the modern engine, that I will be able to simulate some mid 80's NATO vs WP goodness in Central Europe
  20. Ok, not including some features they are still working on. I first tried a QB with US vs Syrians. I chose a small mech infantry force vs mechanized RG syrians. You are assigned a force rather than buying by points. That was interesting. A little disappointing, but it does eliminate unrealistic cherry picking. My M1's, all that survived to get to the objective actually, were able to blow down the walls surrounding the factory complex I was to assault, unfortunately I had no infantry left to go through the holes. That was caused by a combination of an unmentionable and my own ineptitude. I then tried a blue vs blue qb. The FOW method is interesting in that you only see what the unit you have selected can see, including friendly units. M1's are just as deadly to other M1's as they are to T-62's, at least at close range. Bradleys seemed to be almost immune to 25mm API, and the graphics of the sparks coming off the armor as it is struck is impressive. Infantry given move quickly or fast tires more rapidly than in the CM1 games. Platoon leader units on level 4 roofs have impressive lines of sight. I didn't see any type of command delay, no matter how many orders I gave a unit, but this wasn't exhaustively tested. I then did a scenario as the Syrians trying to secure a village before a Stryker unit can occupy it. This was an excellent demonstration of just how deadly modern weapons are, as all Strykers and Syrian AFV's that started with a LOS to each other were dead within 2-3 turns. My final foray into the sands of Syria was an assault on a Syrian SF HQ in an airfield. By this time, I had somewhat taken in the lesson that you have to move more slowly and with proper overwatch compared to the CM1 games. This was a company level assault on an airfield and I had about 80 minutes for the battle. I learned that IED's are devasting, snipers can be deadly if you leave your support too far behind, and even a couple of guys in a mud hut with AK's are extremely dangerous to infantry in the open. Nothing I didn't know already, but it is neat to see it realistically reflected in a game. That is about it, as I said at the preview, it won't replace CM1 games for me, but I do plan on buying it if my computer will run it.
  21. Rune, you never did tell me what not to talk about, email me with any restrictions, and I will go into more depth here.
  22. So, after braving 2 hours of Illannoyan drivers (that made Iraqis look like conservative, by the book, safety conscious, rules of the road followers), I arrived at the manse of the great Lord Rune, for a preview of CMSF. The fact that I had 2 free bottles of booze coming had nothing to do with me actually stirring from my couch for the drive.... I decided that it was time I let my son see some of the seedier parts of the world, so I brought him with. He was very handy as we were leaving in assisting the Chicago P.D. chasing the gang banger through the neighbor hood by pointing out which way the "misguided youth" had fled. Rune was kind enough to let my son play his X-box for a few hours, and he fed the boy, which is no small thing when you are talking about a growing 12 year old. Rune and his wife provided food and drink, and since the Minnesoteannies had cancelled, I was actually able to elbow my way past Dan, another Illannoyan, to stuff my face with some free crackers, cheese dip, and "tuna ball". Well, the game was impressive. Though still obviously in the development stage, it was fun, and has made some great strides in several areas. Call for fire was one that I thought was a great improvement, watching 155 mm air bursts erupting over Syrian trenches was quite entertaining. The animations of crews bailing out of stricken vehicles was neat. It was also pretty cool to be able to tell your sniper team to occupy the 5th story of a large building, or even the roof if you so desired. I played 2 quick battles, one of which was blue on blue. 2 pre made scenarios also were tried out, and I can safely say there will be a great wailing and gnashing of the teeth after this one is out as players adjust to the slower pace needed to succeed. To those who claim the game will be a pro-US rout of the Syrians, apparently not, at least not if the aforementioned US troops are commanded by me... Rune's lovely wife was a gracious host and she made a mean tuna dip. All in all, it was a great time, and I will be buying CMSF if my computer can run it when it comes out.
  23. I am still planning on coming with my step son
  24. Abbott are you treading on the toes of others again? You are such the social butterly you know. Lady Bugged, I have contacted Rune and the date for the preview is set. Are you coming? We are supposed to get our bottles of sunshine if you recall. Where is Stoat? I need to exchange turns with a FIB, I feel the need to get some blood under my fingernails. As I said in another thread, Pshaw I missed you so little, just a half an inch and I would of hit you. Damn Utah winds...
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