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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. So what are you complaining about now, huh? Didn't you just get back from a looong paid vacation in a sunny clime, where you ate steak and crab legs all the time, and went out hunting with your buddies as often as you wanted? Huh? Huh? And aren't you enjoying yet another paid vacation at home, where you get to drink beer and watch Major League baseball all day long? Some people sure have it easy... Michael </font>
  2. Can you even own guns in Australia? I am kind of impressed that you even know what a 1911 is.
  3. So, make sure you give me a call when you are ready to get rid of that 1911 Abbott
  4. I'm still waiting for you to send a turn to me, you girly-girl sport officiator-type person. </font>
  5. So, whoever that SSN was that I was somehow detailed to take under my wing has finally reappeared. He just nonchalantly drops a turn into my inbox with an offhand comment about "being on holiday in Italy". Holiday in Italy. I can just picture him with his little Oliver Twist voice. "I was on 'oliday in Italy Guvnor.." Damn SSN
  6. Sure makes things easier on the Krauts. It was nice just shoot up Ivan from the march. I especially like the broken squad that tried to sprint across the road and got eliminated just as a half track ran past their spot, looked like they got ran over, brilliant.
  7. Any idea how much that costs? I only paid about $80.00 for the whole rifle, don't want to drop more into it than it would cost to get another.
  8. I think the stuff I was shooting is Milsurp Hungarian yellow tip. The ammo is very cheap, and the gun shoots like a dream, besides that mule kick, but I need to find a way to stop the corrosion/rust in the chamber and barrel. Some websites have advised cleaning the bore and barrel with windex or an ammonia/water mix. After last shot it, I cleaned it like normal, left a nice coat of oil and put it away. Pulled it out 2 weeks later, and you couldn't see the rifling for all the rust. Cleaned it for about 2 hours and patches were still coming out black and rusty, then in despair, I plugged the barrel and filled it with vinegar, and let it soak over night. Cleaned it again the next day, and after about 15 minutes, the bore and barrel were nice, bright, and shiny. Left a thick coat of oil in the barrel, and that seems to of taken care of it. Michael - The waitresses hand our free donuts and coffee to us without being asked. Just like the strippers know to give us our freebies as soon as we pull them over....
  9. what are you on about Abbott? Before you go, I have a question for you. I have a 1943 Moisin Nagant 91/30. I can't get the inside of the barrel to stop rusting. I have put a thick coat of oil inside, and it still forms rust. What do you recommend?
  10. Some of us work during the day. You know what work is don't you? For you it's tasering innocent people and vacuuming powdered doughnut shrapnel off your shirt. You'll get a set up later this evening, Sirrah Perhaps I'll give you a Rune-ish scenario. How do you feel about attacking over desert, using assault boats? </font>
  11. One thing I know I would recognize is a setup in my in box, wait, let me check.... Nope, still empty, like your cranium.
  12. "feh"... see, I knew you could muster a masterful retort, full of vim and vigor, showing a true command of the Queens English.
  13. Don't you have your Centrum Silver to go take or somefink?
  14. now I have to go off in a corner and cry a little bit. Boor adley, get up off your food stained couch, tuck that gut back into your torn wifebeater and shoo the cockroaches away from your "computer desk", made up of stolen plastic milk crates and settle down into your lawn chair to send me a freaking setup you missing link. Seanachia pet isn't around to make sure you use words of more than one syllable in your response, so don't strain your 3 functioning synapses trying to be all literary and coherent, just click whichever keys appeal to you at the moment and we will try to decipher what simplistic logic symbols you are trying to convey.
  15. Boo, you forgot me, you always forget me. Even though we aren't playing a game, you still forget me. You never have a kind word or a soft touch (not counting your soft head) for a fellow member of the MBT, and you are always mean and hateful. Send me a setup. AK, BB, BO, or SF, your choice.
  16. Damn it Seanachai, how dare you have a good excuse for not sending that file?
  17. I am sorry for your loss. I lost my father in 1997. Glad you are doing alright.
  18. Once upon a time, there was a little gnome named Seanachai. Seanachai liked kayaking, and he liked coffee. Seanachai liked donuts and cheese puffs also. What Seanachai didn't like however, was sending turns. Seanachai would wait and wait and wait before sending turns. Sometimes Seanachai would just let whole games fade into memory by not sending turns. This made Wisconsin girls angry, and they wouldn't drink beer with him. The moral of this story, is don't pin your hopes on playing a game with Seanachai, just drink beer with pretty girls. [ September 01, 2007, 07:46 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  19. I am John's opponent in this one, and it is a swirling, chaotic and far from quiet battle. I am thrusting hither and yon with platoon size elements of Soviet armor, trying to envelop and flank his spearheads. The Soviet tanks are definitely not lying in wait.
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