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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

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It's funny how someone can start a thread saying they don't like the game and it gets 1000 responses. Someone else says its the greatest invention since beer and nobody notices.

I like the game too, warts and all :D

I agree, but be honest, it's way more fun to complain when you're on the internet. :D

And speaking of complaining, When's that patch coming out, Steve!!!???:P

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Agreed, a superb piece of work by the Battlefront team (including the Beta people). I can only hope they don't burn themselves out dealing with the flow of complaint and requests for tweaks - I want to be able to give them my money for a while yet (looking forward to the Eastern Front). Take it easy for a bit guys, don't forget to smell the roses.

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Not to poo-poo the party, but I really thought CM:BN would be more fleshed out with newer engine features (vs CMSF) and with a greater variety of units than it currently has. I think that is the result of having a small staff indie developer and a 3D 1:1 environment though. Things take a lot more time and work than with 2D sprites. I was hoping so much that we could detail-tweak ammo/weapon loadouts for units in the scenario designer kind of like CMx1. I got so much enjoyment out of this in the CMx1 series. I really appreciate and enjoy what we got though. I've played it atleast a little bit almost every day since I bought it and haven't started to get bored or turned off by anything yet. It's definitely the best WWII era (realistic/non-realistic) game in any genre I've played in years since the CMx1 series.

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It's funny how someone can start a thread saying they don't like the game and it gets 1000 responses. Someone else says its the greatest invention since beer and nobody notices.

I like the game too, warts and all :D

I think it is the computer vocabulary of the 2000s that is the problem. So I must say the game is cool, bitch n, bad, awesome, out of sight, groovy, and many more positive expletives I cannot remember. ;)

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Co signed. I do love this game, been playing it every day since release. It's actually saved me a lot of money too because I haven't been buying any other games. Perfectly content to just play cmbn all the time now and with all the scenarios and modules coming in the future that will probably continue for a long time :D

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Thanks! Well, we personally think that 99% of the people posting to this Forum like CM:BN quite a bit. Even the ones bitching and complaining on a regular basis. It means they are playing. Therefore, in a way, we all take for granted that the game is at least pretty good and that our continued efforts are not for nothing.

As for people that go out of their way to complain, well... that's just some people's personalities. It doesn't necessarily mean they actually feel/believe what they write. We've always joked, within the games industry (i.e. not just wargamers), about this type of complainer:

"Your game sux. It's totally broken and I can't believe anybody can enjoy it. And I should know, because I've played for 1000 hours already and still can't find anything good to say about it".

These types really make us smile :D The others, who blast a bit and then leave, are probably people the game wasn't designed to please. We don't mind them, though we wished they had played the Demo before buying. It's why we make Demos even though fewer and fewer companies are bothering with them.

As for "limited" breadth of units, it's a matter of not giving away work for free. Units and TO&E takes an enormous effort to create. That means enormous costs. Since we cater to a niche market that means we have to balance what we put in with what we can sell. Putting another million Dollars into CM:BN would make it a "better" game, for sure, but we would then have a million less to put into future CM games because I doubt we could sell any more CM:BNs than we are selling now. We would rather not have to think of the business side of things when we make creative decisions, but not doing that means Battlefront going out of business. Which isn't in anybody's interests.

Battlefront's goal is to be sustainably, and reasonably, profitable. We've done that quite well over the past 12 years and increased our staff over time. Slow and steady growth is the only way to ensure we don't go extinct like so many other game developers have.


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Just joined the forum to say that I also enjoy the game immensely (my first CM game). To all these people who think that the game is unplayable because of some minor bugs or strange occurrences in the game:

1. Get a life. It's just a game. What do you expect for 55$, software approved by the DoD?

2. Some strange or unexpected behaviour in the game is nothing compared to the chaos and friction encountered on a real battlefield. Obvious bugs will be fixed and if you do not like unjust, unexpected or silly things to happen you should not bother to play a wargame. Play chess instead.

3. Start your own company and write your 100% bugfree and 100% realistic tactical simulation (and sell it for 55$ with making a profit). Good luck.


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Steve's Post said it all.

I am glad with how they approach the job, I think it is smart in how they have managed the company and cannot complain with how they beleive they need to design and break out the games to make money.

The games are great, and no they will never get them to a point that people will not have issues with how they work. but they continue on the path to try and fix and give us something closer to the real thing than anyone else has done, and those few other similar games out there are not pushing to new levels like what is being done here.

My addiction is complete, this is where my passion of the hobby stays, I will continue to buy and play these games until I find something better. It appears I will be here for a long time or until I go blind or lose my mind, hard to say which might happen first.

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Well, I have been wargaming since 1975, from sandtables and paper mache terrain with 1/72 models, 1/300 models, Panzer Blitz, Panzer Leader, SL, ASL, Apple 2, Amiga, CMBO/BB/AK...

CMBN is the best WW2 tactical sim/game experience there is or has been.

What Lee said...is almost exactly my experience, except I can add S&T's (or was it SPI's?) Blitzkrieg from 1972, and it is the best WW2 sim/game experience for my money.

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Strategy and Tactics, SPI! Old School :)

Yeah, I can't believe I've waited for 40 years for this product. Well, 35 anyway...ever since I first heard about computer chess, I kept waitnig for some one to put out this type of game. CMx1 didn't do it for me because of the graphics and the 3-man squad. I never got past the Demo. I jumped on CMSF though, and waited patiently CMBN. It was worth it.

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I've been waiting years for Battlefront to produce an OSX version of a game, and had almost given up. On a whim I checked the site recently and discovered a demo for CM:BN and was immediately hooked - as in start playing after dinner then realize it is after midnight and I have to get up in four hours time...

It was worth the wait for an OSX version. The demo alone was awesome, but my main reason for paying for the full version is to reward the developers for what would appear to be instantly the best wargame for OSX ever.

Thank you for making the game dual platform!

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