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Oh Please Field Grey uniforms

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The pix look great but please can we have Field Grey uniforms for the Germans not the grey shown in the pix.

Field grey is in fact green and a bit greyish.

I saw in the archives of The Imperial War Museum London the complete (with accessories) uniform of an SS Rotenfuhrer (Das Reich-Der Fuhrer Regt) and it is green -with a tinge of grey.

At the moment they look like Airfix soldiers.

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What Dietrich said...

Anything with a texture (judging by what we have seen in CMSF and stuff done for CMX1 games) will surely be redone umpteen times by modders...from grass mods to vehicles to chicken wire on helmets...I can almost guarantee it.

And yes, what Normal Dude said...sometimes textures will be tweaked between screenies and the time the game comes out.

BTW my favorite German uni mod in CMBO was the greenish one.


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So you are saying the pictures posted are not actually a true reflection of the finshed product in the release?

The photos should come with the disclaimer "Final product will either look like this or look better." Whose to say on New Years eve that Charles won't send out a drunken email ordering all Normandy buildings to be repainted duck egg blue! You never know - it could happen! :)

About modders. It'll take Superman to create skins better than what the game's already got. But I wouldn't be surprised if plain vehicle skins eventually get posted to Repository with an invitation to try your luck at camou schemes.

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Nonetheless, tiger123 has a point and I'm baffled that testers are so keen to deflect what is a valid comment.

You're baffled because you are wrong that we disagree. :D As Steve and Mikey have said before, some of the graphics for this game are still in development. Don't take what you see in screenies to be necessarily what you are going to get in the finished product. This is the reason that there has been a dearth of screenshots for so long.

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You're baffled because you are wrong that we disagree. :D

I'm baffled because someone makes an observation and instead of acknowledging that, people line up to say screenies might not resemble the finished product, and modders will change it anyway. That is neither here nor there.

He's absolutely 100% correct that they should be more greenish then this very cartoonish grey uniform.

Also, I may have overused the world baffled. But my points stands. If someone makes a fair observation, why not acknowledge that instead of talking round the issue. Helps the debate along, I feel.

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I'm baffled because someone makes an observation and instead of acknowledging that, people line up to say screenies might not resemble the finished product, and modders will change it anyway. That is neither here nor there.

He's absolutely 100% correct that they should be more greenish then this very cartoonish grey uniform.

Also, I may have overused the world baffled. But my points stands. If someone makes a fair observation, why not acknowledge that instead of talking round the issue. Helps the debate along, I feel.

I'm sorry, I thought it was pretty obvious when I posted a quote from Steve that graphics are still in development, that it meant I thought they could use improvement as well. Otherwise I would have said that what was in the screenie was correct and why I thought so.

Edit: Re-reading that, it might have have come off as being snarky, although I didn't intend for that.

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BTW, one feature not yet mentioned anywhere (I think) is that there are actually variations in the uniforms in the game now; the same unit (soldier) type can have a slightly different uniform on the map. I know that at least for the US side you will see a whole number of uniform shades (reflecting the historical hodgepodge of uniforms assigned for D-Day), even within the same platoon or squad. Not sure about the German shades, but at least there are a number of different helmet styles that I know of (plain, netting, camo).

As for why there may be different textures... well, for example, some textures in the game are much older than others, early placeholders so to speak to make alpha testing a bit more pleasant. And we do in fact tweak things also based on beta tester feedback, and this includes potentially making different shades of stuff, such as e.g. camo schemes for vehicles.

I do know that there was a (very nerdy ;)) discussion on the beta board about uniform shades for the Germans. As you know, Steve is a uniform buff with a huge collection, so rest assured that any such concerns are close to his heart :)


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The Germans had more shades of Fieldgray than a male politicians have mistresses, male escorts, or both. Fernando (who you guys might remember as being one of CMBO's first and most prolific modders) chose a grayish blend, which was fairly typical for this period of time due to decreased uniform quality, but it seems people don't want to accept that. Just be glad we didn't put in the M44 style uniform since it often appeared BROWN in real life :D

BTW, unlike most of us Fernando has the real things hanging in is closet. So when I see people tell us, emphatically, that we have it wrong... my first reaction is to ask the person to blame Herr Speer instead of us. We're not responsible for Third Reich resource shortages or quality declines.

Back to what the testers said... we are in the process of going back over some of our original textures where we think improvements are necessary. It might be hard for some people to believe, but sometimes it takes more than one time to get the effect we want. Which is why the testers are correctly saying that what you see now might very well be improved before shipping time. Not made worse or removed, but improved.

Anybody here notice that the first screenshots out a week ago had no earphones and mics on the German tank crews? And did anybody see what they have on them now?

We've got this covered just fine. Plus, about 5 minutes after the game is released the first Mods will be uploaded :)


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Wow. Just think about this: you guys have created a game with such attention to detail, that we are periliously close to arguing over button styles on uniforms. That is a testament to BF.C. (Well, also a testament to the insane attention we focus on the game, but that's a different, and not altogether pretty, thing. :) )

Another observation: I just opened up the thumbnail jpg that Vein has, just upstream of this post. The MG34's tripod is casting a beautiful shadow on the gunner's thigh. Seriously. That is an example showing how much care and detail is going into this game.

Finally, Vein, those uniforms in your JPG look great.



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The photos should come with the disclaimer "Final product will either look like this or look better." Whose to say on New Years eve that Charles won't send out a drunken email ordering all Normandy buildings to be repainted duck egg blue! You never know - it could happen! :)

About modders. It'll take Superman to create skins better than what the game's already got. But I wouldn't be surprised if plain vehicle skins eventually get posted to Repository with an invitation to try your luck at camou schemes.

So Mike, do you have a half height horizon mod ready to go? :)

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One important point being overlooked in this discussion is that colors look different on different computers. A friend and I were playing a game on a lan, we were both in the same room, and a buddy walked in and didn't realize we were playing the same game because the colors looked so different on our machines. My wife is in the design business and has asked to look at some of her stuff on my machine occasionally for this reason.

So, the feldgrau you're objecting too might look spot-on on a lot of other people's machines... out of curiosity, the following link leads to a sample of field grey, will everyone or anyone agree that this is the right color?


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One important point being overlooked in this discussion is that colors look different on different computers. A friend and I were playing a game on a lan, we were both in the same room, and a buddy walked in and didn't realize we were playing the same game because the colors looked so different on our machines.

To my eye the current pixelgrenadiere unis look fairly bluish.

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