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Could this be the first pic of CMx2 WWII ? [Edit] Yes!

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I assume you've got top-secret super-fast NSA supercomputers to run the game on. We mere mortals have some trouble handling dense 3-D forests with our plain old PCs. Besides, anything above the height of someone standing on the top of his tank is gamey. Unless you're flying over the battlefield in a Piper Cub you shouldn't be seeing the battlefield from that view. ;)

You´re right of course and I was rather referring to my past modding experiences in CM1 and as part of the now inactive Panzer Elite Development Group. The mentioned solutions (high LOD on the edges of forests and low LOD in the interior, as well as cast shadows only were really needed & appropiately built ground textures with generic/fake shadows) work pretty well there. Other case is plain top map view and one can certainly agree that the billboard objects in CM1 are sufficient for anything than flight sims and even the praised Il2 Sturmovik 3D engine uses this method to portray convincing looking large forested areas (2-3 top view billboards layerd per tree, depending upon height/range to ground). But as said, a convincing grunt level view is what counts for the overall impression.:)

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Hmm, havent you spent a lot of time blowing your own trumpet by saying your company does not go with the flow? Your innovative, fantastic, get a million hits a day and have hundreds of thousands of customers.

And yet despite all of this, you will peddle the same old vision of Normandy that every other non innovative, non visionary company that cant make it as good as you do. Seems a tad contradictory to me.

I just find it strange that the first screenshot is of a Tiger, why not a Sherman???? After all, isnt the emphasis of CM-Normandy a US battlegroup fighting in Normandy against the evil Nazis?

But hey I guess it will be the Tigers that sell the game and not gameplay.

WTF?? A first screenshot and BFC are a sell-out? Tiger is a symbol of the whole WW2 era. And the screenshot is symbolic here. Why you people are sooo narrow minded sometimes. Unbelievable.

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Are you REALLY complaining about the subject matter of the first screenshot?

Go outside man.......

there is a whole world out there.....

Yes, because it sets the tone for the whole game. Graphics over substance all over again. That one screenie tells me all I need to know about the direction this will now take.

Its no big deal and I actually dont get as anal about it as some forumites here, in the end I couldnt really care what BFC bring out, if I like it I will buy it, simple as that. However, theres no point having a forum filled with Beta Testing yes men, if that were the case it could easily be locked to all but those.

Same as waxing on about 40 different French tanks, which have no chance of making it into the first Normandy game (or even the 2nd or 3rd). Rather than some sexy Tigers Id like to have some information on the suibstance of the game. So

1. Will there be infantry or armoured formations (I mean tactical unit ones here)?

2. Will Squads split into the historic teams for that nationality.

3. Will there be air support for the Alies and how will that be modelled as opposed to SF.

4. What US and German units are planned to play the game. What is the unit that the campaign will be built around?

5. What weapons will be in the game, Tigers obviously but will there be Panthers too? Stugs, PzIVs etc etc.

6. Will there be hand to hand fighting and an animation of a close assault on armour?

7. Will US tanks be able to ghost through hedges as in CMAK or will the Cullins gear be represented?

I could bore you all day with more questions I suppose.

The bottom line for me, and I suspect a lot of others is that without the substance a few graphics actually wont make the game better than CMAK. So whats the point of making a worse game than you did previously just so that it looks nicer, with 1-1 graphics but not true 1-1 representation or action spots?

So yes, as they say, a picture tells a thousand words.......

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Hmm, havent you spent a lot of time blowing your own trumpet by saying your company does not go with the flow? Your innovative, fantastic, get a million hits a day and have hundreds of thousands of customers.

And yet despite all of this, you will peddle the same old vision of Normandy that every other non innovative, non visionary company that cant make it as good as you do. Seems a tad contradictory to me.

I just find it strange that the first screenshot is of a Tiger, why not a Sherman???? After all, isnt the emphasis of CM-Normandy a US battlegroup fighting in Normandy against the evil Nazis?

But hey I guess it will be the Tigers that sell the game and not gameplay.

Jeezes man, you remind me of those music hipsters who only like bands when they are obscure and hate them the moment they get some success even though they still make the same music.

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WTF?? A first screenshot and BFC are a sell-out? Tiger is a symbol of the whole WW2 era. And the screenshot is symbolic here. Why you people are sooo narrow minded sometimes. Unbelievable.

Ah, then I could simply reply that your nothing but a fanboi, only interested in graphics etc etc.....

I dont consider BFC a sell out at all. I consider them a company that wants to put food on their families tables and thats the bottom line. They may hype themselves in any direction they want but its sales that matter in the end.

So they can put a King Tiger or a Maus on screenshot up there for all I care. However, I can comment cant I?

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The bottom line for me, and I suspect a lot of others is that without the substance a few graphics actually wont make the game better than CMAK. So whats the point of making a worse game than you did previously just so that it looks nicer, with 1-1 graphics but not true 1-1 representation or action spots?

Hey, perhaps we should delay this discussion for when we actually know what the game will look like??!

Until then, I suppose that CM:AK did not delete itself from your harddisk, so you should be perfectly happy, no?!

Best regards,


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Ah, then I could simply reply that your nothing but a fanboi, only interested in graphics etc etc.....

I dont consider BFC a sell out at all. I consider them a company that wants to put food on their families tables and thats the bottom line. They may hype themselves in any direction they want but its sales that matter in the end.

So they can put a King Tiger or a Maus on screenshot up there for all I care. However, I can comment cant I?

Yes, please continue to post your comments on CMX2 Normandy! If we have positive hype of an upcoming game then the game should also take an occasional jab from detractors!

nazi tiger image! what else would we expect for hype! ;)

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Yes, because it sets the tone for the whole game. Graphics over substance all over again. That one screenie tells me all I need to know about the direction this will now take.


The bottom line for me, and I suspect a lot of others is that without the substance a few graphics actually wont make the game better than CMAK. So whats the point of making a worse game than you did previously just so that it looks nicer, with 1-1 graphics but not true 1-1 representation or action spots?

Do you think it makes sense to publish a detailed feature list a long time before game release? Other companies are making WW2 games as well.

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I like the direction they are going in for this series, looks promising! I think the Tiger tank looks wonderful at this stage, great work there! So, to keep myself occupied until this sim is ready, think I'll get this Tiger and do some practicing, so I won't lose my touch until this sim comes out,lol


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Are you REALLY complaining about the subject matter of the first screenshot?

Go outside man.......

there is a whole world out there.....

My God! I just tried that!.... I love the grass mod....But the Bocage sucks! ....can't anybody get anything Right!? I guess I'll just wait for the Demo....yawnnnnnnn

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I assume you've got top-secret super-fast NSA supercomputers to run the game on. We mere mortals have some trouble handling dense 3-D forests with our plain old PCs. Besides, anything above the height of someone standing on the top of his tank is gamey. Unless you're flying over the battlefield in a Piper Cub you shouldn't be seeing the battlefield from that view. ;)

This is the kind of defensive post that I hope we see less of on the forum..A member takes the time to make a constructive criticism of an area that needs some improvement in the game- in a positive manner - and right away you have a beta member dismissing the post outright with pure spin.

Congrats to BFC on ten years. Looking forward to Normandy.

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While I don't draw the same conclusions from the screenshot that GSX has I am curious about the follow up questions GSX put forward. Any information concerning features and release time frame BFC might put out there would, I'm sure, be welcome by all.

While I'm no grog, CM of all stripes has brought me a lot of entertainment and enjoyment for the last 10 years. Thanks BFC for great ride.

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Ooh... questions! I will tackle them!

1. Will there be infantry or armoured formations (I mean tactical unit ones here)?

We will only be putting in infantry formations at this time.

2. Will Squads split into the historic teams for that nationality.

No. We have invented our own technique for how squads should split. It's the 4-3-3-6-7 rule. I don't have time to explain now but it's really cool.

3. Will there be air support for the Alies and how will that be modelled as opposed to SF.

There will be air support for the Allies and it will work this way: we're going to provide you a phone number to call while you're playing the game. It will be very realistic because sometimes someone will pick up, and sometimes not.

4. What US and German units are planned to play the game. What is the unit that the campaign will be built around?

We haven't fully decided that yet but it will probably be centered around a Rangers Battalion facing a group of fanatic SS Nazi swines.

5. What weapons will be in the game, Tigers obviously but will there be Panthers too? Stugs, PzIVs etc etc.

No, just Tigers. You will get to play with Tigers that have a star painted on them and others with a swastika.

6. Will there be hand to hand fighting and an animation of a close assault on armour?


7. Will US tanks be able to ghost through hedges as in CMAK or will the Cullins gear be represented?

US tanks will be able to ghost through gedges with the Cullins gear blinking red when you move your cursor over them.

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Christ almighty. It was only a simple mock up of a screen shot. Get a grip folks. Enjoy it for what it is and save the vitriol for when we get the 4-3-3-6-7 formation.

Not that I am against unexpected and violent outbursts per se but why are some members attacking that screenshot? It's a picture...of a tank...on a grassy knoll. It did not shoot JFK. It did not crash into the twin towers. It is not crewed by a bunch of gary glitter clones.

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Do I detect just a smidge of sarcasm? :-) It is interesting how one screenshot has led to a mountain of speculation already! From what I can tell from the speculators is that the game will be set in Normandy from June 6 to maybe end of August 1944, with only the Brits--or was that Amis?--vs Germans and nothing else in any time period or other combatants, and with very limited equipment, some of which was barely present even during that time period. Man, why oh why are you limiting the game so much! That sux! That won't sell. I'm outta here!

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I wouldn't count on CM: Normandy being released this year. I don't think they've finished anything yet :(. I think they just ported that picture from ToW. I love ToW, but I was looking forward to playing CM: Normandy. I guess I'll try to find a different game to play for a little while. I think ToW 2 is going to be released soon. I was going to buy a CM game first, but I don't like CM: Shock Force's setting and the CMx1 game's graphics.

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I wouldn't count on CM: Normandy being released this year. I don't think they've finished anything yet :(. I think they just ported that picture from ToW. I love ToW, but I was looking forward to playing CM: Normandy. I guess I'll try to find a different game to play for a little while. I think ToW 2 is going to be released soon. I was going to buy a CM game first, but I don't like CM: Shock Force's setting and the CMx1 game's graphics.

No they didnt port it. Its the first CM:Normandy screenie for real.

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I wouldn't count on CM: Normandy being released this year. I don't think they've finished anything yet :(. I think they just ported that picture from ToW. I love ToW, but I was looking forward to playing CM: Normandy. I guess I'll try to find a different game to play for a little while. I think ToW 2 is going to be released soon. I was going to buy a CM game first, but I don't like CM: Shock Force's setting and the CMx1 game's graphics.

..oh, at least that would give me more time to make myself more aquainted with the CMSF editors, before I can step into CM Normandy ones! :D Do not dismiss CMAK for the time being, there´s a whole lot of normandy stuff in there as well.:)

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Ooh... questions! I will tackle them!

1. Will there be infantry or armoured formations (I mean tactical unit ones here)?

We will only be putting in infantry formations at this time.

2. Will Squads split into the historic teams for that nationality.

No. We have invented our own technique for how squads should split. It's the 4-3-3-6-7 rule. I don't have time to explain now but it's really cool.

3. Will there be air support for the Alies and how will that be modelled as opposed to SF.

There will be air support for the Allies and it will work this way: we're going to provide you a phone number to call while you're playing the game. It will be very realistic because sometimes someone will pick up, and sometimes not.

4. What US and German units are planned to play the game. What is the unit that the campaign will be built around?

We haven't fully decided that yet but it will probably be centered around a Rangers Battalion facing a group of fanatic SS Nazi swines.

5. What weapons will be in the game, Tigers obviously but will there be Panthers too? Stugs, PzIVs etc etc.

No, just Tigers. You will get to play with Tigers that have a star painted on them and others with a swastika.

6. Will there be hand to hand fighting and an animation of a close assault on armour?


7. Will US tanks be able to ghost through hedges as in CMAK or will the Cullins gear be represented?

US tanks will be able to ghost through gedges with the Cullins gear blinking red when you move your cursor over them.

Kewl, I look forward to those excellent features in what can only be the best ww2 game-ulation that BF will ever bring out.

I shall await the demo with bated breath now, satisfied that you are the most fantastical gaming company that ever graced the planet. I forgot, your company isnt prone to making giant cock ups with its games......

Cheers BF and oh so sorry for doubting you.

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Thanks, GSX, for your kind words. I am happy that my replies to your questions have managed to win you over and remove any shade of doubt. NOW we're finally talking on the same level! If you like, throw me some questions about CMx3! That one will be even better!!! Fantastorgasmical in fact! We even plan to add non-Tigers to it. At least perhaps. If there will be time. We'll see.

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