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Everything posted by saunders1953

  1. +1 It certainly would be nice to just be able to click and drag them in 3D.
  2. This bugs the sh*t out of me too, 7th. Trying to get a defensive Marine infantry force is basically impossible. I've given up trying.
  3. I love all the suggestions, but how about at the least, some very basic--and essential for WWII--details: sandbagged dugouts/firing positions and wire. Just various sand bag formations (straight and semi-circular sections and straight lengths of "regular" barbwire and concertina wire).
  4. What, nobody's tried it yet? , I say, hats off to Seabee for a great upgrade on a great mod utility!
  5. Ali-Baba, what's that last picture from. COD? Brothers in Arms? ??
  6. Steve, the Eastern Front follow Normandy, right? Pretty please! @silverstars: Good one!
  7. What, no one interested in a Russian red module? I'd love that...Chechnya, Georgia, and many other what ifs would do my heart good.
  8. afreu, ...and a VERY good scenairio it is, too!
  9. Seabee, I missed your request, or I would have volunteered yesterday. I have 1.11 and could look at it tonight as well.
  10. Ooops, sorry, disregard that. I found it at the bottom of the page where the new listings are. I hope to try it today. Mark
  11. Hi snake eye, It's not there. I checked both the Base Game and Marines, in the scenario sections. Nada. Looking forward to trying it out. Mark
  12. Hey Battlefront/Steve/Moon/Whoever....that's what I like about you guys, you're always willing to look at a solutions to a problem.
  13. "Also it looks quite big. Sometimes too big for the head of the soldier.' That is a good point, WW, they sometimes do. But I still like that look. Maybe it's the angle of the screenshots, but the helmets look like they don't come done far enough, especially in the back. I think what is distorting things somewhat is the brown camo spot along the left side/back of the helmet, which sort of blends into the terrain, making it look shorter. Anyway, glad the Mk6a is being modeled.
  14. "I think now is the time to put together the install package for 1.2!" Cool, Seabee!
  15. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought the helmets looked wierd at the back, but I didn't want to complain because everything else looks great. But I have to admit, besides red or green berets, which I assume won't be in the game, it is the Brits' rounded pot that makes them so distinctive to my old eyes. I hope BF will reconsider.
  16. It would be nice if they could at least make a crashed helicopter for a Flavor obect.
  17. Seabee, sorry to hear about the GF. Same thing happens here when one of us gets a bug. Thanks for the information. P.S. I'm XP. :-)
  18. Hey SeaBee, just to be clear, version 1.2 hasn't been released yet, correct? (Hope you're feeling better.)
  19. Sergei, I'm going to try different scenarios tonight. Like I say, I was surprised it wasn't working for the US Army. I can't say with certainty that I have never been able to get them to Blast without a Face Command, it's just that I usually play Marines and I'd never had the problem before, and it occured with the Army. Oh well, we'll see what happens tonight with different set ups.
  20. Hi Rekka, Yes, sorry about sort of hijacking the thread...I was just flummoxed by not being able to use the blast function at all with US Army troops, which I had just encountered for the first time Monday night, so your discussion was timely. I simply set up a blast command on the other side of the wall, and the US Army would DO NOTHING, forever and ever, unless I first gave them a Face Command. Then they would blast and then go on to the other side of the wall through the breach. The US Marines did not require any Face Command at all. Just point and click aqnd they would blast through whatever was in the way. I assume this was changed for the Marines in the Marine Module and not made retroactive? (I never played an earlier version than 1.11) I didn't try Blasting and staying on the same side of the wall. I will be trying that tonight.
  21. But this one would be my bottomline wish, Other Means: "I want Borris and Tommy and Joe and Fritz." Oh, and Tojo. Maybe it will be in separate Eastern Front/ETO/PTO/MTO/CBI modules, but I do hope over time that all main theaters will be covered. (Actually, it would seem that an Ost Front/ETO/PTO would cover the waterfront. As someone else has pointed out, with a decent scenario editing program, the CBI and MTO could be simulated easy enough.)
  22. I just checked an Army and a Marine scenario. Both were engineer units The Marines didnot require a Face Command. Just choose Blast and choose your waypoint spot...BOOM!...and they are through the wall. The Army Engineers required a Face Command. Did I miss that in the Manual?
  23. Meach, there was a PaK 40 involved in the attack on Downing street from the IRA but really it was the Crown Prosecution Service. No lie.
  24. Meach, There was some speculation that it was at least a Panther on the Grassy Knoll, but the CIA killed all the witnesses.
  25. Moon, Do I detect just a smidge of sarcasm? :-) It is interesting how one screenshot has led to a mountain of speculation already! From what I can tell from the speculators is that the game will be set in Normandy from June 6 to maybe end of August 1944, with only the Brits--or was that Amis?--vs Germans and nothing else in any time period or other combatants, and with very limited equipment, some of which was barely present even during that time period. Man, why oh why are you limiting the game so much! That sux! That won't sell. I'm outta here!
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